366 Repositories
Android energy-australia-mobile-test Libraries
Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sending commands to the mobile by Wear OS.
OpWear-Cam Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sendi
A Spotify Clone that plays music and has similar UI to actual Spotify Mobile App. Made with Exoplayer and love ❤️
Spotify Clone A Spotify Clone App that can play music, and has a good looking UI that is very similar to actual Spotify Mobile App on Play Store I use
Tarihte Bugün Mobile App
Tarihte Bugün Tarihte Bugün Mobile App Jetpack Compose ve Kotlin ile geliştirdiğim Tarihte Bugün uygulaması Kendisi küçük olmasına rağmen içerisinde k
Demo for Jetbrains webinar on "How to share data layer in KMM"
RealmDemo Demo application demostrating how to share data layer in an KMM project using Realm Kotlin SDK and Atlas App Service. Webinar Link : https:/
This repo contains sample mobile apps that implement contributor design pattern
This repo contains sample mobile apps that implement contributor design pattern. This design pattern was evolved to establish clean contracts for the developers and partners in Teams Mobile code base
Medich is an application that raises the problem of satisfaction related to BPJS, especially in the lower classes, with Medich being able to solve all these problems
Medich is an application that raises the problem of satisfaction related to BPJS, especially in the lower classes, with Medich being able to solve all these problems. Medich has a Donation feature that will be very useful for the Community
A simple android application for IQ tests, contains 40 questions and issues.
IQ-Android A simple android application for IQ tests, contains 40 questions and issues. Compatible with API Level 14 and higher Support only arabic la
Jetpack Compose & Clean Architecture app with Huawei Mobile Services.
Big Market From traditional asset classes (e.g. stocks and ETFs) to economic metrics, exchange rates to cryptocurrencies, fundamentals to technical in
Integration-test library for Kotlin and Java
Maya Maya (/ˈmɑːjə/, माया), literally "illusion" or "magic". In Vedic texts it connotes a "magic show, an illusion where things appear to be present,
Snapshot/Screenshot test example project
Snapshot Snapshot/Screenshot test example code using Showkase (https://github.com/airbnb/Showkase) Paparazzi (https://github.com/cashapp/paparazzi) Te
Checks for app updates and automatically updates the current app if the new one in local storage have a different version
Silent Android App Update Sample This sample shows how to update Android app silently without user confirmation with a device owner app. It works on A
🍭 GithubSearchKMM - Github Repos Search - Android - iOS - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Dependency Injection, shared KMP ViewModel, Clean Architecture
GithubSearchKMM Github Repos Search - Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile using Jetpack Compose, SwiftUI, FlowRedux, Coroutines Flow, Dagger Hilt, Koin Depend
Android sample app for mobile-sdk integration
Dyte Android Sample App An example app in kotlin using the Dyte Mobile Core SDK Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature Table of C
A movie and TV Show streaming mobile app built with Jetpack Compose.
PhotoPlay A movie and TV Show streaming mobile app in Android built using Jetpack compose. This project is developed by Javokhir Savriev for more proj
(another?) UNOFFICIAL Steam mobile client project
Jetisteam an unofficial Steam client for Android While being based on the protobuf-based WebUI-oriented RPC/API, this app will miss a lot of features
An Android base project building on MVVM Architecture Pattern. This can help you build new apps faster
MVVM Explanation If you can't imagine what is MVVM, please read my medium article here first. It can fully explain the revolution of Software architec
CRUD Note taking app built for Android with Kotlin and XML.
Android Note Keeping App An offline android app that can be used to write notes on the fly to be retrieved later. Libraries Room Database. Lifecycle C
An Android UI clone of ABA Mobile app for education purpose only.
ABAUIClone An Android UI clone of ABA Mobile app for education purpose only. Project Specs Language: Kotlin UI Design system: XML-based Design pattern
An app that allows you to search for Github profiles of users and their repositories [d.light Android Engineer Test], for the Android Engineer Role
An app that allows you to search for Github profiles of users and their repositories [d.light Android Engineer Test], for the Android Engineer Role
Proxidize Android - Create 5G/4G Mobile Proxies on Android Phones
Proxidize Android is an Android application that allows anyone to create a 5G or 4G mobile proxy using their phone. Learn more about Proxidize on https://proxidize.com/
Architecture With MVI using Kotlin, Coroutines, Retrofit and Unit test
Architecture With MVI using Kotlin, Coroutines, Retrofit and Unit test MVI (Model-View-Intent) streamlines the process of creating and developing appl
An Android mobile app for viewing device screen in your web browser
Screen Stream over HTTP An Android mobile app for viewing device screen in your web browser. Developed by Dmitriy Krivoruchko · If there are any issue
A convenient BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator that is compatible with Android devices.
🔖 BMI Calculator A convenient BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator that is compatible with Android devices. 🖥 Please feel free to compute your BMI using
Aplicação Mobile desenvolvida em Android utilizando Jetpack Compose
DevHub - Compose 📱 Aplicação Mobile desenvolvida em Android utilizando Jetpack Compose Sobre o projeto 💡 Esse projeto foi desenvolvido durante o eve
Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets.
APKLeaks Scanning APK file for URIs, endpoints & secrets. Installation from Pypi from Source from Docker Usage Options Output Pattern Pattern Argument
StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers performing static code analysis on mobile applications.
StaCoAn Not maintained anymore! Will be archived soon. StaCoAn is a crossplatform tool which aids developers, bugbounty hunters and ethical hackers pe
Django application that performs SAST and Malware Analysis for Android APKs
Mobile Audit MobileAudit - SAST and Malware Analysis for Android Mobile APKs Components Docker Base images Main features Patterns Integrations Install
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)
Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) is an automated, all-in-one mobile application (Android/iOS/Windows) pen-testing, malware analysis and security assessment framework capable of performing static and dynamic analysis.
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱🔥 - is a powerful web interface that helps you to manipulate Android and iOS Apps at Runtime
Runtime Mobile Security (RMS) 📱 🔥 by @mobilesecurity_ Runtime Mobile Security (RMS), powered by FRIDA, is a powerful web interface that helps you to
A runtime mobile application analysis toolkit with a Web GUI, powered by Frida, written in Python.
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📱 objection - runtime mobile exploration
objection is a runtime mobile exploration toolkit, powered by Frida, built to help you assess the security posture of your mobile applications, without needing a jailbreak.
The Leading Security Assessment Framework for Android.
drozer ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE We would like to formally announce that F-Secure has stopped further deve
Forensic Analysis for Mobile Apps (FAMA) -- module for the Autopsy Forensic Browser
LabCIF - Forensic Analysis for Mobile Apps Getting Started Android extraction and analysis framework with an integrated Autopsy Module. Dump easily us
Bandicoot an open-source python toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata
bandicoot is Python toolbox to analyze mobile phone metadata. It provides a complete, easy-to-use environment for data-scientist to analyze mobile phone metadata. With only a few lines of code, load your datasets, visualize the data, perform analyses, and export the results.
michat - The Kotlin Android application using Google Firebase
michat The Kotlin Android application using Google Firebase View here. Contents General Info Technologies Used Project Status Room for Improvemen
Nova Wallet Android - Next get mobile app for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem
Nova Wallet Android is a next gen application for Polkadot & Kusama ecosystem, transparent & community-oriented, focused on convenient UX/UI, fast performance & security.
Open Super dApp - Your gateway to the new digital commons. Integrated mobile messenger, Ethereum wallet, and Web 3.0 browser built on open, decentralized, and encrypted protocols.
A fully open source, open standard, decentralized "super app" including a secure, encrypted Matrix compatible messenger based off of the Element Messenger, and an Ethereum crypto wallet and web3 browser based off of Alpha Wallet.
"Herbapedia" is a mobile application based on Android that is used as a means of educating the public about herbal plants
"Herbapedia" is a mobile application based on Android that is used as a means of educating the public about herbal plants. This application allows users to be able to view information about herbal plants, identify nearby plants and mark the location of herbal plants so that they can help others.
React Native Stone SDK Implementation (Support for both Mobile and POS versions)
react-native-stone-pos Stone Android POS Native Module Installation Stone has a private packageCloud repository, so we need to have your token before
Mirko asked me to produce a demo with mobile dots.
Alchemist Primer This is a template project to spawn projects using the Alchemist Simulator. It provides a pre-configured gradle build. This project i
A collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android
Readme This repo is a collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android. Note that they don't aim to provide a full cov
Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains
Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications. If you lose your phone several mechanisms exist to allow you to recover your account without trusting anyone with custody of your private keys.
Shared ViewModel in Kotlin Multiplatform
multiplatform-viewmodel 🗳 Create shared ViewModel's for shared business logic using our ViewModel base class. Features Uses Jetpack ViewModel on Andr
🚀 React Native Segmented Control, Pure Javascript for iOS and Android
Installation Add the dependency: npm i react-native-segmented-control-2 Peer Dependencies Zero Dependency 🥳 Usage Import import SegmentedControl from
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list
Taskify is a mobile application used to create and schedule tasks in your TODO list. It is built upon the new Maaterial 3 UI components with the MVVM pattern and the latest Jetpack components.
Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cached data by Room
Mobile Banking Android App made by Jetpack Compose Components with Kotlin, MVVM Pattern, Multi Module, Navigation, Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit and cach
Real life Kotlin Multiplatform project with an iOS application developed in Swift with SwiftUI, an Android application developed in Kotlin with Jetpack Compose and a backed in Kotlin hosted on AppEngine.
Conferences4Hall Real life Kotlin Multiplatform project with an iOS application developed in Swift with SwiftUI, an Android application developed in K
Android App to test API requests against the GitHub API.
Reproducing an issue with GitHub's IP allowlist feature GitHub provides a feature for Enterprise orgs to define an IP allowlist. Requests to the GitHu
UTBotJava generates test cases by code, trying to cover maximum statements and execution paths.
UTBotJava generates test cases by code, trying to cover maximum statements and execution paths. We treat source code as source of truth assuming that behavior is correct and corresponds to initial user demand. Generated tests are placed in so-called regression suite
A project that helps us generate the test project to test the Gradle plugin.
Ktlint Gradle Provides the function to generate a Gradle project for us to test your Gradle plugin Latest plugin version: [1.0.0] Table of content How
PassCode is the Android app made by using Jetpack Compose. Created for the test task submission.
PassCode PassCode is the Android app made by using the Jetpack Compose. Created for the test task submission. Showcase Dark Theme Light Theme ACs The
Kotlin library for creating long running connections using MQTT protocol
About Courier Courier is a kotlin library for creating long running connections using MQTT protocol. Long running connection is a persistent connectio
Pling is a mobile project management application
Pling is a mobile project management application. This application was developed as part of the “Embedded Interface Programming” course. Pling should include all the necessary and minimal features for planning a project, such as creating a project, adding tasks and monitoring progress.
Mobile Course Assignment 5
Assignment5 Mobile Course Assignment 5 Widgets that I Use TextView Button Circular Image View Libraries that I use Jetpack Navigation Circular ImageVi
This is a final project for Mobile Computing
Football_IQ This is a final project for Mobile Computing The Problem: Football deals with being the best athlete and understanding the sport and schem
Jmp's test plugin for paperweight-userdev development
paperweight-test-plugin jmp's test plugin for paperweight-userdev development (also serves as an example until more thorough documentation is created)
Kotlin Multiplatform Coffee Machine
Expressus KMM sample project acting as a playground to illustrate what's discussed in these articles: Details Shared Model-View-Intent architecture Fi
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
Clickstream - A Modern, Fast, and Lightweight Android Library Ingestion Platform.
Clickstream is an event agnostic, real-time data ingestion platform. Clickstream allows apps to maintain a long-running connection to send data in real-time.
ArchGuard Scanner for scan Git change history, scan source code by Chapi for Java, TypeScript, Kotlin, Go..、Java bytecode use for JVM languages, scan Jacoco test coverage.
Arch Scanner Requirements: JDK 12 Scanner: scan_git - Git commit history scan scan_jacoco - Jacoco scan scan_bytecode - for JVM languages known issues
Go Outside is an augmented reality app designed for our team's Software Engineering UI/UX class
Go Outside Go Outside is an augmented reality app designed for our team's Software Engineering UI/UX class. This app serves as a PROTOTYPE to demonstr
Write Tests as Examples on the Method-under-test
Write Tests as Examples on the Method-under-test
A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about earthquakes, and Turkey's earthquake map.
Recent-Earthquakes A mobile application that contains up-to-date information about the latest earthquakes in Turkey, scientific explanations about ear
A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application.
Knowledge Repository A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application. Google Play Store : Screensh
This project consists in the approach of a bakery business, in which the user can book one or more products (cakes), in addition to having the method of payment in cash (post-shipment) or the method of payment via mobile
This project consists in the approach of a bakery business, in which the user can book one or more products (cakes), in addition to having the method of payment in cash (post-shipment) or the method of payment via mobile
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application built using that consumes WakaTime API
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile application built using that consumes WakaTime API ⏱️ to display user's coding stats such as day's or day's of weeks coding time, coding time for various programming languages or worked on projects etc. on various platforms.
A mobile application where pet owners meet with pet sitters
Watch-My-Pet It is a mobile application where pet owners meet with pet sitters. Watch my pet is an application that allows you to list the sitters ava
Aplikasi Android untuk perhitungan Energi Potensial (Gravitasi)
Aplikasi Kalkulator Fisika untuk menghitung berapa Energi Potensial (Gravitasi) yang bernama Hitung Energi Potensial. Satuan hasil perhitungan Ep menggunakan satuan Joule . Perhitungan Ep dihitung menggunakan rumus Massa Benda (kg) × Percepatan Gravitasi (m/s²) × Tinggi benda (meter). Bilangan yang dapat diinputkan positif Int dan positif Dec.
A simple and minimal app to track how long you've been sober from anything you want.
Sobriety A simple and minimal app to track how long you've been sober from anything you want. I mostly designed this out of spite for "I Am Sober", wh
nestegg - Very simple Kotlin caching library
nestegg - Very simple Kotlin caching library
Mobile App that that enables users to manager product listing IProcure Ltd Senior Android Engineer Role interview solution
Mobile App that that enables users to manager product listing (in and e-commerce environment) IProcure Ltd Senior Android Engineer Role interview solution
FileLogger - a library for saving logs on Files with custom-formatter on background I/O threads, mobile-ready, android compatible,
The FileLogger is a library for saving logs on Files with custom-formatter on background I/O threads, mobile-ready, android compatible, powered by Java Time library for Android.
A simple app to test your device input sample rate.
Android touch sample rate test tool This tool can help you check the touch sample rate of the Android device. Supported input method: Touch Mouse Styl
KKM (Katalog Kos Moklet) mobile app to see any available kos (boarding house) at moklet
KKM (Katalog Kos Moklet) mobile app to see any available "kos" (boarding house) at moklet
Mobile Application Development
Mobile Application Development Exercise 4 Create a List of 20 User objects in the ListActivity. Randomize the name, descriptions and value of Followed
Developers memes "TikTok"
Тестовое задание в Тинькофф Финтех Скриншоты Latest category Top category Приложение для просмотра gif Скролл между мемами как в тик токе Три категори
iOS(iPhone & iPad) and Android Radio/Podcast Streaming Apps built in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) with SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
iOS(iPhone & iPad) and Android Radio/Podcast Streaming Apps built in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (KMM) with SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
A Test App Featuring MVVM,Hilt,Navigation Component,Retrofit
CodingTest A Test App Featuring MVVM,Hilt,Navigation Component,Retrofit #Project Summary This application loads the last 10 commits from the github's
Relax app - Lab3 BSUIR mobile development
Lab3 BSUIR mobile development • Koin • OkHttp • Compose • Coroutines • MVI + MVV
NSErrorKt - A Kotlin Multiplatform Library to improve NSError interop
NSErrorKt A Kotlin Multiplatform Library to improve NSError interop. WARNING: Th
Lbc-test-app - Test Android Senior Leboncoin
Test Android Senior Leboncoin 🤖 Mathieu EDET Overview Min API version : 24 This
Test-compose-for-desktop - Hello World in Compose for Desktop
Testing Run from command line: ./gradlew run Regular build: ./gradlew packageUb
Test Automation of Energy Australia - Web application
Test Automation of Energy Australia - Web application Technology used - Kotlin, Java, Espresso, Android Run the test on local environment git clone ht
Framework for Mobile test automation (Native app and Browser) on Android and IOS devices
Appium Mobile Automation Framework Framework for Mobile test automation (Native app and Browser) on Android and IOS devices 📱 🚀 Quick Start - Appium
WeatherAndroidApplication - An Android Application, it will check the weather in the USA using Zip Code
WeatherAndroidApplication This is an Android Application, It will check the weat
Nech9ev - Tinkoff Fintech test app
Тестовое задание в Тинькофф Финтех Скриншоты Latest category Top category Прилож
Test android startup time fluctsdk
Test android startup time fluctsdk
Briar-desktop - A desktop program for Briar, bringing secure messaging to your desktop and mobile devices
Briar Desktop A desktop program for Briar, bringing secure messaging to your des
KDoctor - A command-line tool that helps to set up the environment for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile app development
KDoctor is a command-line tool that helps to set up the environment for Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile app development.
Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK for cross-platform mobile development, which enables teams to use the same business logic in both Android and iOS client applications.
Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK for cross-platform mobile development, which enables teams to use the same business logic in both Android and iOS client applications.
HelloKMM - Hello World in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (new empty project)
Hello KMM! Hello World in Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (new empty project) Gettin
Protostream Evaluation - Technical Test for Protostream
Technical Test for Protostream This is a primitive app that displays a list of i
Espresso - Use Espresso to write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests
Espresso Use Espresso to write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
About This Project (release-and-work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Test Case Implementation Dari Nutrition Framework Version Release This Is Latest Rel
Rick-and-morty-app - Android mobile application development with clean architecture
Android - Rick And Morty App MVVM architecture Dependency Injection (Dagger) Ret
BabyBook - Android Mobile application about keeping a baby book
BabyBook Android Mobile application about keeping a baby book Used Tech Language
Cryptac is a mobile application that allows you to track the main important information about your favorite cryptos
Cryptac is a mobile application that allows you to track the main important information about your favorite cryptos.
Unit Test Architect Gradle plugin
UnitTestArchitect This is a gradle plugin that helps you to generate boilerplate code for writing jUnit + Mockito Test Cases. To us this plugin, add i
Esp touch flutter plugin - Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for ESP-Touch protocol
esp_touch_flutter_plugin Client-side (mobile) Android Flutter implementation for