1091 Repositories
Android jetpack-navigation-component Libraries
Asteroid radar app -Second Project from Udacity Advanced Android Development Kotlin Nanodegree
Asteroid radar app Using open-source Nasa Api Asteroid Radar is an app to view the asteroids detected by NASA that pass near Earth, you can view all t
An efficient TabLayout implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀
MagicTabLayout An efficient TabLayout library implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀 Anatomy MagicTabLayout tabIndicatorColor (Optional, default value: blu
Navigation in Android: Activity, Fragment, Intents, Navigation Component.
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introduction Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navi
Stock Ticker / Watchlist App being used as an excuse to learn Compose and other Jetpack libs.
StockTicker App Simple app that displays a few FAANG stock tickers and allows the user to search for and add different tickers to a watchlist. API Key
A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Architecture, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Pagination, Live Data, Data Binding, Hilt , SOLID Principles , Navigation Component , RoomDb.
E-CommerceApp A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Arch
AdpPad is a GUI application to use adb. adb is a command line tool to control android device.
AdbPad AdpPad is a GUI application to use adb. adb is a command line tool to control android device. Demo.mp4 ✨ Feature Observe a connected android de
An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration.
Overview An e-commercial application built as a technological demonstration. The purpose of this app is to get an experience from creatinig architectu
Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast Receiver.
Worker Notification Demo app demonstrating how to create and manage notifications locally using a combination of Jetpacks Worker Manager and Broadcast
Android Jetpack Compose implementation of SpinKit with additionals
ComposeLoading Android Jetpack Compose implementation of SpinKit with additionals. How it looks Preview Setup Open the file settings.gradle (it looks
Use Android Jetpack libraries, Android Architecture Components, ViewModel and LiveData to build this app.
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
A ksp library to automatically generate navigation functions for jetpack compose.
Compose/Navigation/Generator ⚠️ This library is still under development and not considered stable! Content Introduction Usage Example: Single destinat
Add Bubble Navigation Bar in Android Jetpack Compose.
BubbleNavigationBarCompose How it looks Setup Open the file settings.gradle (it looks like that) dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
MVVM ,Hilt DI ,LiveData ,Flow ,Room ,Retrofit ,Coroutine , Navigation Component ,DataStore ,DataBinding , ViewBinding, Coil
Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
An e-commerce dummy project built with compose
An e-commerce dummy project built with compose. Consuming a fake store API to show different functionalities of such a platform
A cryptocurrency application with clean architecture (MVVM, Jetpack Compose, Flow, Dagger Hilt)
Amirypto A cryptocurrency application built with Clean architecture and Jetpack component (MVVM, Jetpack Compose, Flow, Hilt, Retrofit). It was made t
A simple NewsApp built using Jetpack Compose, MVVM Architecture, Dagger Hilt and Kotlin Flow
NewsApp is simple App which uses NewsAPI to get top headlines for country you live in or you can search for a specific news. Focus of this app is to d
JetMovies - built this project with Jetpack Compose and TheMovieDb API
JetMovies I built this project with Jetpack Compose and TheMovieDb API. Used: Jetpack Compose Coroutines, Flow, State Flow ViewModel Constraint Layout
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details.
Astronomy Picture of the Day Nasa(APOD) media listing and show picture details. Built to learn and use of Latest Android development libs using Coroutines, Flow, Dagger-Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Material Guideline)
🚀📒📍 Indicators for Horizontal or Vertical Pager with different orientation, color, size options and optional touch feature.
Compose Pager Indicator Indicators for Horizontal or Vertical pager with different orientation, color, size options and optional touch feature. indica
Page Curl library for Jetpack Compose
Page Curl Page Curl library for Jetpack Compose. Motivation This library allows to create an effect of turning pages, which can be used in book reader
Android & iPhone payments apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose
Android & iPhone payments apps built w/ SwiftUI & Jetpack Compose, the apps persist data locally w/ SQLDelight and Remote w/ Firebase., Payments w/ Stripe and are architected to emphasize code sharing
Nepali Date Picker library in Jetpack compose for android with Date conversion from BS to AD and vice-versa
Nepali Date picker Converter - Re in Compose This is a re-work of Nepali Date Picker Converter in jetpack compose and kotlin. English Locale Nepali Lo
MVVM Movie App with Jetpack Compose (MovplayV2)
Movplay V2 This is the version 2 of An Android app built with Jetpack Compose consuming TMDB API to help users to have current information of the tren
Aplicação Mobile desenvolvida em Android utilizando Jetpack Compose
DevHub - Compose 📱 Aplicação Mobile desenvolvida em Android utilizando Jetpack Compose Sobre o projeto 💡 Esse projeto foi desenvolvido durante o eve
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way. What is this? Shot is a Gradle plugin and
🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition.
🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition.
An Elementary Chart library for Jetpack Compose
Charty : Elementary Chart library for Compose Chart Library built using Jetpack Compose and is highly customizable. Updates coming soon! Made with ❤️
Clean Android multi-module offline-first scalable app in 2022. Including Jetpack Compose, MVI, Kotlin coroutines/Flow, Kotlin serialization, Hilt and Room.
Android Kotlin starter project - 2022 edition Android starter project, described precisely in this article. Purpose To show good practices using Kotli
📱 WhatsApp clone project demonstrates modern Android development built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat SDK for Compose.
This is a WhatsApp clone app built with Jetpack Compose and Stream Chat SDK for Compose. The purpose of this repository is to demonstrate below: Imple
Tools & tips to learn about recomposition in Jetpack Compose
⚡ Recomposition in Jetpack Compose List of practical tips and code snippets to avoid unnecessary recomposition in Jetpack Compose. This is an active r
Jetpack Compose component box.
Jetpack Compose Component Box About The Project ℹ️ This project is a project where you can find and use custom components in Jetpack Compose. Our goal
Crypto currency tracker with jetpack compose & clean architecture
Dash Coin DashCoin is a crypto currency tracker with jetpack compose and clean architecture This project is developed by MathRoda for more projects Gi
Glance Experimental Tools aims to supplement Jetpack Glance with features that are commonly required by developers but not yet available.
Glance Experimental Tools 🚧 Work in-progress: artifacts not available yet This project aims to supplement Jetpack Glance with features that are commo
Trying to play with Jetpack compose low level animations APIs, which are animate*AsState APIs.
ComposeSimpleAnimation Trying to play with Jetpack compose low level animations APIs, which are animate*AsState APIs that I needed in another project.
Educational App made with Retrofit, Coroutines, Navigation Component, Room, Dagger Hilt, Flow & Material Motion Animations.
TechHub TechHub is a sample educational app that provides courses for people who want to learn new skills in mostly tech-related areas. The goal of th
Facebook clone built using Jetpack Compose, Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore.
facebook-compose Facebook clone built using Jetpack Compose, Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore. Setup Create a Firebase project and add t
A food recipes App Built with Jetpack Compose
A food recipes App Built with Jetpack Compose . The app uses room for local caching to facilitate offline support and follows the MVVM Clean Architectural pattern
A complete Kotlin application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation using multi-module architecture developed using SOLID principles
This repository serves as template and demo for building android applications for scale. It is suited for large teams where individuals can work independently on feature wise and layer wise reducing the dependency on each other.
Model-driven navigation for Jetpack Compose
Model-driven navigation for Jetpack Compose
🚀🏞💪 Collection of Images, Modifiers, utility functions for Jetpack Compose to expand and enrich displaying, manipulating, scaling, resizing, zooming, and getting cropped ImageBitmap based on selection area
Collection of Images, Modifiers, utility functions for Jetpack Compose to expand and enrich displaying, manipulating, scaling, resizing, zooming, and getting cropped ImageBitmap based on selection area, before/after image to with handle to show partial of both images and more is cooking up
Jetpack Compose Animations
Jetpack Compose Animations Animations Duolingo Owl - Anmol Verma Screen.
An Android application for browsing video games and checking the latest gaming news from around the world.
Gamedge An Android application for browsing video games and checking the latest gaming news from around the world. Built entirely using the Jetpack Co
PokeCard Compose is a demo app 100% write in Compose, Flow and Koin based on MVI Clean Architecture 🐱⚡️
A Pokemon Card demo app using Jetpack Compose and Koin based on MVI architecture. Fetching data from the network with Ktor and integrating persisted data in Room database with usecase/repository pattern.
An application that i developed with a aim of learning Jetpack compose and many other jetpack libraries
An application that i developed with a aim of learning Jetpack compose and many other jetpack libraries, The application make use of jikan Api which displays a list of animations,there more details and even trailers of the animations.
A Jetpack compose library that auto-syncs a TabRow with a LazyColumn.
SmartTabs A simple library that helps us to sync a TabRow with a LazyColumn. The motives behind creating it can be found in this post. Installation In
Data2Viz port/wrapper for data visualization with Jetpack Compose
Collage Data2Viz port/wrapper for Jetpack Compose. It is a visualization library, same as Data2Viz and d3. This is obviously not an official Data2Viz
CryptoMovies is a small app that show modern Android developement: with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack and Material Design 3
CryptoMovies is a small app that show modern Android developement: with Hilt, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack and Material Design 3.
RoomJetpackCompose is an app written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Kotlin Flow in clean architecture.
RoomJetpackCompose is an app written in Kotlin and shows a simple solution to perform CRUD operations in the Room database using Kotlin Flow in clean architecture.
This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course.
fullAndroidCourseClassC This project is for training purposes in Android with Kotlin Course. `//Dependencies dependencies { //Kotlin implementation "o
An amazing expense tracker app, with great features and beautiful UI. Check it out!
My Expense Tracker Expense tracker app to keep your finances in order. Built entirely in Kotlin using modern architecture components. Build 🏗️ My Exp
Examples of ParallaxView and ParallaxScrollEfect are in the repo. You can find the necessary titles and outputs in the continuation of the Readme file. 🪞
Parallax Examples : Examples of ParallaxView and ParallaxScrollEfect are in the repo. You can find the necessary titles and outputs in the continuatio
🛒 Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Jetpack Compose based on MVVM architecture.
Meli Clone 🛒 Mercado Libre App Clone using modern Android development with Hilt, Coroutines, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel), and Jetpack Compose based on
ToDo App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do
ToDo App is a kind of app that generally used to maintain our day-to-day tasks or list everything that we have to do, with the most important tasks at the top of the list, and the least important tasks at the bottom. It is helpful in planning our daily schedules.
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM, LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component, Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
UpSchool Capstone Project - Course selling application with MVVM (Model, View, ViewModel), LiveData, DataBinding, Retrofit, Room Database, Navigation Component(NavGraph, BottomNav), Adapter, Firebase Auth, Picasso, Lottie
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
Ecormmerce app built using Android latest UI framework - Compose UI and data coming from Fake Store API
BuyCart 🛒 Android shopping app built with Jetpack Compose consuming FAKE STORE API I am trying to learn and follow some standard Android architecture
Task Manager feat. real-time competitive system and user engagement
Dira Что из себя представляет Dira? Android-приложение Directa (сокр. Dira) - это планер, который способен улучшить жизнь пользователей. Он позволяет
Animated Tab Bar is an awesome navigation extension that you can use to add cool, animated and fully customizable tab navigation in your apps
Animated Tab Bar is an awesome navigation extension that you can use to add cool, animated and fully customizable tab navigation in your apps. The extension provides handy methods and properties to change the behaviour as well as the appearance of the navigation bar.
Snappy - an android camerax library for taking snapshot fast & simple
Snappy is an android camerax library for taking snapshot fast & simple. Easy to integrate, 100% Kotlin & jetpack compose driven.
An Android Image compress library, reduce's the size of the image by 90% without losing any of its pixels.
Image Compressor An Android image compress library, image compressor, is small and effective. With very little or no image quality degradation, a comp
🍿 A TV Showcase App using Jetpack libs and MVVM arch. Data provided by TV Maze API
TV Showcase A TV Showcase 🍿 Android App using Jetpack libraries and MVVM architecture. Data provided by TVMaze API. Release 🚀 Download here See how
A simple library for automatically animating between Compose states.
compose-autotransition Status: Experimental A simple library for automatically animating between Compose states. var scale by remember { mutableStateO
Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design.
Quiz Zone Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design. You can Install and test Quiz Zone
Gmail clone project, that uses Jetpack Compose to draw UI content for gmail home screen
Gmail clone project, that uses Jetpack Compose to draw UI content for gmail home screen following Udemy course: Android 12 Jetpack Compose Developer Course - From 0 To Hero
Simple parallax effect for your image. Only usable with Jetpack Compose.
Parallax Effect in Compose Image Example usage // In an activity or fragment... private lateinit var gravitySensorDefaulted: GravitySensorDefaulted o
Parking Robot based on 3D LiDAR. Keywords: Automatic Parking, SLAM, 3D Navigation, Remote Control, ROS, RRT
ELEC3875-Final-Project My undergraduate final project: Parking Robot based on 3D LiDAR. ELEC3875 / XJEL3875 Keywords: Automatic Parking, SLAM, 3D Navi
A personal project made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM architecture and other jetpack libraries
A basic CRUD for recording your personal credit and debit transactions. Made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM and other Jetpack libraries, incorporated with Unit Tests.
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component 💡 What is Clean Architecture? Clean architecture is a category of software design patter
Modal Sheet library for Jetpack Compose
Modal Sheet Modal Sheet library for Jetpack Compose. Motivation Sometimes we want bottom sheets to behave as real modals, thus overlaying all content
Dose a Android app that reminds you medications exactly when your body needs them, building entirely using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + Clean Architecture
💊⏰ Dose is a work-in-progress Android app that reminds you medications exactly when your body needs them, building entirely using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + Clean Architecture
Android application for department navigation
DepNav – Department Navigator DepNav is an Android application for viewing indoor maps of departments and searching for specific rooms on them. The fo
Ejemplo de uso de JetPack en Android con Kotlin
Kotlin Jetpack Android Ejemplo de implementar poco a poco Jetpack Android en Kotlin Kotlin Jetpack Android Acerca de Android Jetpack View Binding View
Todo application made with Jetpack Compose
Todo application made with Jetpack Compose. The project allows you to add and manage tasks. Additional functionalities are a 25-minute timer and a view of the statistics of completed tasks.
Jetpack compose theming following a google codelab
Jetpack Compose Codelabs This repository contains a set of Android Studio projects to help you learn about Compose in Android. Each sample contains th
An android app consuming movies api build with Jetpack Compose
Movies App An Android app consuming MovieDb API to display list of movies, built with Compose, MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components. Min Ap
A Secure Password Generator designed with security precautions for the user's data
GenPass GenPass is a secure password generating application designed with a high level of security. It uses Java Security library to generate strong p
LazyGrid library for Jetpack Compose
LazyGrid LazyGrid library for Jetpack Compose. About LazyGrid is a grid view implementation for Android's new and modern UI toolkit Compose. This libr
Product Hunt Android app using Jetpack Compose
Product Hunt Product Hunt Android app using Jetpack Compose. The app supports both day mode and night mode. 👉 Check the article on my blog https://sa
🚆 Retrofit adapters for modeling network responses with Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either.
Retrofit Adapters 🚆 Retrofit adapters for modeling network responses with Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either. Sandwich If you're intere
Material motion for jetpack compose
Material Motion system animations for Jetpack Compose(early stage) Who's using Compose Metaphor? 👉 Check out who's using Compose Metaphor Include in
Show cryptocurrency list by android architecture component
Cryptocurrency List Description In this project, we will receive a list of cryptocurrencies. Getting Started Resources @Cryptocurrency API https://api
A setting library for Jetpack Compose with Material You design
ComposeSetting This is a basic Compose setting library that provides a basic Material3 setting components It also provides a persistent state system b
E- commerce app👕 built with Jetpack Compose and Compose Destinations. The design was inspired by Sajjad Mohammadi Nia
E-Commerce Clothing App 👕 This a Jetpack Compose app that replicates of an E-commerce app design I was inspired by on Dribble. It's an E-Commerce app
Clone of a onboarding screen📱animation originally created by @cuberto.
BubblePager Here I tried to clone an onboarding screen animation using Jetpack Compose. Download the apk file from the release page and try it yoursel
A clone of Zomato, A Online Food Ordering App using Jetpack Compose
Zomato-Clone A clone of Zomato, A Online Food Ordering App using Jetpack Compose Below are a few Screenshots of the app till now - Screens Demo Login
FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
This repository contains a FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
The app is composed of 2 screens, first is the profile screen, it has the user_name and address pinned at the top and then it lists all of this user’s albums.
The app is composed of 2 screens, first is the profile screen, it has the user_name and address pinned at the top and then it lists all of this user’s albums. When you press on any album it navigates to the second screen which is an album details screen that contains list of the images in an recyclerview grid. Also you have search bar that you can filter within the photos album by the image title.
Simple Trading / Stock market app
Trading App Uses the Investors Exchange api to get a list of stock data in CSV to json format. The list of stocks is displyed in the first screen. Cli
LinkU-Android - Jetpack Compose example.
LinkU-Android - Jetpack Compose example.
A Android app Permissions with Kotlin Flow APIs
Know about real-time state of a Android app Permissions with Kotlin Flow APIs. Made with ❤️ for Android Developers.
🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition.
Orbitary 🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition. Download Gradle Add the depen
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture ( Retrofit + Okhttp + Moshi + Coil + Room + Navigation Component + Coroutines + Flow + DataStore + ViewModel + Hilt + Compose )
A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose
Authentication A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose Scree
Sample of usage VisualFSM for Android application - Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose
Sample of usage VisualFSM for Android application - Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose ENG | RUS VisualFSM is a Kotlin library that implements an MVI
A hobby project of mine needed Jetpack Compose Cards stacked on top of another.
A hobby project of mine needed Jetpack Compose Cards stacked on top of another. As I finished up the code, I decided to polish and release it as a library so here it is.
Navigation for compose multiplatform
Navigation for compose multiplatform
An Android platform component management tool chain, based on Kotlin language.
Rubik Rubik是一套解决Android平台组件化的综合方案,提供gradle project之间的路由通讯能力,以及对gradle project的组件定义、版本控制、maven发布、aar/jar与源码之间的切换以及组件的自由组合等能力。 Rubik由两部分组成: Rubik Router
A sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Room, Coil, Retrofit, Moshi, Leak Canary and Repository pattern
Jetpack-Compose-Boilerplate This repository contains a sample project in Kotlin to demonstrate Jetpack Compose, MVVM, Coroutines, Hilt, Room, Coil, Re
With this simple app, you can keep track of your favourite cryptocurrency on your wrist.
Capstone project crypto Tracker 🏁 Final Product (05-06) V1.1 "somebody toucha my spaghet" feature set State Note Track the current price of a crypto