499 Repositories
Android material-animations Libraries
A simple library for creating animated warnings/dialogs/alerts for Android.
Noty A simple library for creating animated warnings/notifications for Android. Examples Show me code Show me code Show me code Show me code Show me c
Material (Gregorian - Hijri) Date & Time Picker
Hijri Date Picker (UmAlQuraCalendar) This library offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pi
This is a Material Design loading button
This is a library project with a custom view that implements concept of Send Comment (https://dribbble.com/shots/1986254-Send-Comment-Shoppr) made by
Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK).
HoldingButton Button which is visible while user holds it. Main use case is controlling audio recording state (like in Telegram, Viber, VK). Getting s
⭐️ beautiful switch widget with sticky animation ⭐️
StickySwitch StickySwitch library for android this library is beautiful switch widget with sticky animation Requirements Android SDK 15+ Usage Add it
Material progress circle around any FloatingActionButton. 100% Guidelines.
FABProgressCircle Android library to provide a material progress circle around your FloatingActionButton. This component is compatible with any existe
Animated Loader or Animated Progress Dialog android code.
AnimatedLoadingIndicator LoadingIndicator This is a simple but effective animated Loading Indicator which can easily ready to use integrated few lines
User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors
SlidingTutorial Cleveroad introduces Sliding Tutorial Library for Flutter Hey guys, hope you haven’t started developing a tutorial for your Flutter ap
Customizable bounce animation for any view like in Clash Royale app
Bounceview-Android Customizable bounce animation for any view updation Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies { implementation 'hari.bo
Lightweight Android library for cool activity transition animations
Bungee min SDK 16 (Android Jellybean 4.1) written in Java A lightweight, easy-to-use Android library that provides awesome activity transition animati
How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app
Applying meaningful motion on Android How to apply meaningful and delightful motion in a sample Android app Read the complete post at https://medium.c
Circle based animations for Android (min. API 11)
CircularTools Circle based animations for Android (min. API 11) Currently implemented: Circular reveal Circular transform Radial reaction Reveal:YouTu
WindView is an Android Library to show Weather's Wind & pressure Status
WindView WindView is an Android Library to show Weather's Wind & pressure Status Screenshot Demo demo.apk Setup Step 1: Add it as a Dependency in Your
Wrapper of the ObjectAnimator that can be used similarly to ViewPropertyAnimator
ViewPropertyObjectAnimator Wrapper of the ObjectAnimator that can be used similarly to ViewPropertyAnimator. ViewPropertyObjectAnimator is as easy to
Animations driven by finger movement
OffsetAnimator OffsetAnimator lets animate objects basing on touchevents, so users can be engaged in an animation process. Usage Add the library to yo
Automatically manipulates the duration of animations dependent on view count. Quicksand .. the more you struggle.
QuickSand When showing a really enchanting explanatory animation to your users, but you know that after a while it'll get tedious and would stop users
Android library to create complex multi-state animations.
MultiStateAnimation Android library to create complex multi-state animations. Overview A class that allows for complex multi-state animations using An
Android library for material scrolling techniques.
material-scrolling Android library for material scrolling techniques. Features Easily implement material scrolling techniques with RecyclerView. Custo
The lib can make the ActivityOptions animations use in Android api3.1+
ActivityOptionsICS 本项目停止维护 =========== f you are thinking on customizing the animation of Activity transition then probably you would look for Activit
Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on (OLD) Google Material Design guidelines.
TextFieldBoxes A new Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on Google Material Design guidelines. 🇨🇳 中文看这里 UPDATE NOTICE 1.4.5 Releas
Extended Android Tab Layout with animated indicators that have continuous feedback.
Dachshund Tab Layout Introduction Boosted Android Tab Layout with custom animated indicators including "Dachshund" animation inspired by this. Sample
Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
ViewPagerTransforms Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling on Android v13+. This library is a rewrite of the
An Android library which provides simple Item animations to RecyclerView items
RecyclerViewItemAnimators Library Travis master: This repo provides: Appearance animations Simple animators for the item views Quick start You can now
Android Transition animations explanation with examples.
UNMAINTAINED No maintainance is intended. The content is still valid as a reference but it won't contain the latest new stuff Android Transition Frame
Episodie is a TV show time tracker app with unusual design written in kotlin and clean architecture approach. Get to know how much time you spent watching tv shows.
Episodie Episodie is a TV show time tracker app with unusual design. Get to know how much time you spent watching tv shows. Track easily overall progr
📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful, Stylish 😍 Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design Guidelines. Easy to use.
Material NavigationView for Android 📱 📱 Android Library to implement Rich, Beautiful Material Navigation View for your project with Material Design
:movie_camera: Movie discovery app showcasing Android best practices with Google's recommended architecture: MVVM + Repository + Offline support + Android Architecture Components + Paging library & Retrofit2.
Popular Movies Stage 1 + Stage 2 Discover the most popular and top rated movies playing. Movies data fetched using themoviedb.org API. ✨ Screenshots M
MaterialDesignColorPalette 4.2 0.0 L3 Java This is a dev tool to visualize the colours of Material design defined on
MaterialDesignColorPalette This is a dev tool to visualize the colours of Material design defined on http://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.htm
An android client application for the awesome kanji learning website wanikani.com
End of Life This project has reached EOL status. It will no longer be updated, patched, or supported. If you are interested in continuing the work, fe
Android open source calendar
Etar Calendar Etar (from Arabic: إِيتَار) is an open source material designed calendar made for everyone! Why? Well, I wanted a simple, material desig
Minimalistic audiobook player
Voice This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI /
Material design file manager for Android
Amaze File Manager Overview Open Source, light and smooth Based on Material Design guidelines Basic features like cut, copy, delete, compress, extract
A simple material design app intro with cool animations and a fluent API.
material-intro A simple material design app intro with cool animations and a fluent API. Very inspired by Google's app intros. Demo: A demo app is ava
Material Design Calendar
Etar Calendar Etar (from Arabic: إِيتَار) is an open source material designed calendar made for everyone! Why? Well, I wanted a simple, material desig
Material design file manager for Android
Amaze File Manager Overview Open Source, light and smooth Based on Material Design guidelines Basic features like cut, copy, delete, compress, extract
Implementation of Instagram with Material Design (originally based on Emmanuel Pacamalan's concept)
InstaMaterial Updated Current source code contains UI elements from Design Support Library. If you still want to see how custom implementations of e.g
OpenLibra client on Material Design
OpenLibra-Material This repositores aims to show examples about material design in a real app, the application is a client of the webpage OpenLibra a
Twidere-Android Twidere is a powerful twitter client for Android 1.6+ 1 , which gives you a full Holo experience and nearly full Twitter's feature.
Twidere for Android Material Design ready and feature rich Twitter/Mastodon/Fanfou app for Android 4.1+. Enjoy Fediverse now! Twidere-Android is maint
Minimalistic audiobook player
Voice This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI /
Library containing over 2000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable or as a standalone View.
Material Icon Library A library containing over 2000 material vector icons that can be easily used as Drawable, a standalone View or inside menu resou
Material Design icons by Google
Material design icons Material design icons is the official icon set from Google. The icons are designed under the material design guidelines. 4.0.0 U
A library to bring fully animated Material Design components to pre-Lolipop Android.
Material MaterialLibrary is an Open Source Android library that back-port Material Design components to pre-Lolipop Android. MaterialLibrary's origina
Material Shadows for android : A library for supporting convex material shadows
MaterialShadows A library for seamlessly integrating Material shadows. The library takes existing material shadows to next level by adding the followi
This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2
Material Design Android Library How to use Components Buttons Flat Button Rectangle Button Float Button Float small button Switches CheckBox Switch Pr
:balloon: A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with an arrow and animations.
Balloon 🎈 A lightweight popup like tooltips, fully customizable with arrow and animations. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your r
A skeleton of google's appcompat android navigation drawer with material design.
Lollipop AppCompat Skeleton A skeleton of google's appcompat android navigation drawer with material design. Compatible to work on 4.0+ Based on Googl
Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.
Carbon Material Design implementation for Android 4.0 and newer. This is not the exact copy of the Lollipop's API and features. It's a custom implemen
Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system 🎊
Konfetti 🎊 🥳 Celebrate more with this lightweight confetti particle system. Create realistic confetti by implementing this easy to use library. Demo
Provides 9-patch based drop shadow for view elements. Works on API level 9 or later.
Material Shadow 9-Patch This library provides 9-patch based drop shadow for view elements. Works on API level 14 or later. Target platforms API level
A Material design Android pincode library. Supports Fingerprint.
LolliPin A Lollipop material design styled android pincode library (API 14+) To include in your project, add this to your build.gradle file: //Loll
🌠 Transform into a different view or activity using morphing animations.
TransformationLayout 🌠 Transform into a different view or activity using morphing animations. Using Transformation motions of new material version. D
Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
RippleEffect ExpandableLayout provides an easy way to create a view called header with an expandable view. Both view are external layout to allow a ma
Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views
Material Ripple Layout Ripple effect wrapper for Android Views Including in your project compile 'com.balysv:material-ripple:1.0.2' Check for latest v
Render After Effects animations natively on Android and iOS, Web, and React Native
Lottie for Android, iOS, React Native, Web, and Windows Lottie is a mobile library for Android and iOS that parses Adobe After Effects animations expo
Combine ViewPager and Animations to provide a simple way to create applications' guide pages.
WoWoViewPager WoWoViewPager combines ViewPager and Animations to provide a simple way to create applications' guide pages. When users are dragging WoW
FragmentTransactionExtended is a library which provide us a set of custom animations between fragments.
FragmentTransactionExtended FragmentTransactionExtended is a library which provide us a set of custom animations between fragments. FragmentTransactio
[] An Android library which allows developers to easily add animations to ListView items
DEPRECATED ListViewAnimations is deprecated in favor of new RecyclerView solutions. No new development will be taking place, but the existing versions
A Material design back port of Android's CalendarView
Material Calendar View A Material design back port of Android's CalendarView. The goal is to have a Material look and feel, rather than 100% parity wi
Pick a date or time on Android in style
Material DateTime Picker - Select a time/date in style Material DateTime Picker tries to offer you the date and time pickers as shown in the Material
A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
SublimePicker A customizable view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface. You can also view 'Su
[Deprecated] This project can make it easy to theme and custom Android's dialog. Also provides Holo and Material themes for old devices.
Deprecated Please use android.support.v7.app.AlertDialog of support-v7. AlertDialogPro Why AlertDialogPro? Theming Android's AlertDialog is not an eas
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
Material Dialogs View Releases and Changelogs Modules The core module is the fundamental module that you need in order to use this library. The others
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
AnimatedBottomBar A customizable and easy to use bottom bar view with sleek animations. Examples Playground app Download the playground app from Googl
:fire: The powerful and easiest way to implement modern material popup menu.
PowerMenu 🔥 The powerful and easiest way to implement modern material popup menu. PowerMenu can be fully customized and used for popup dialogs. Downl
Android library that provides the floating action button to sheet transition from Google's Material Design.
MaterialSheetFab Library that implements the floating action button to sheet transition from Google's Material Design documentation. It can be used wi
Animations for Android L drawer, back, dismiss and check icons
Material Menu Morphing Android menu, back, dismiss and check buttons Have full control of the animation: Including in your project compile 'com.balysv
imitate Tumblr's menu, dragging animations look like a snake
android-snake-menu imitate Tumblr's menu, dragging animations look like a snake unexpected episode I found another repository some time ago which impl
A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3
 Material-ish Progress A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3 Tr
An Android library providing to realize wave loading effect.
WaveLoadingView WaveLoadingView - An Android library that provides a realistic wave-loading effect. Sample Usage For a working implementation of this
Material progress circle around any FloatingActionButton. 100% Guidelines.
FABProgressCircle Android library to provide a material progress circle around your FloatingActionButton. This component is compatible with any existe
Android library to display progress like google does in some of his services.
GoogleProgressBar This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library to display different kind of google rel
A material Date Range Picker based on wdullaers MaterialDateTimePicker
Material Date and Time Picker with Range Selection Credits to the original amazing material date picker library by wdullaer - https://github.com/wdull
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from https://github.com/edmodo/range-bar that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
A simple material-based support library to bring consistent SeekBars on Android 14 and above
SeekBarCompat A support library for the material design SeekBar in Android for API 14 and above. Screenshot On APIs 14 and above - Seekbars would look
A different beautiful Floating Edit Text
MaterialTextField A different beautiful Floating Edit Text Usage Surround your EditText by a MaterialTextField com.github.florent37.materialtextfield
EditText in Material Design
MaterialEditText NOTE: 2.0 is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE! See more on wiki or 中文看这里 AppCompat v21 makes it easy to use Material Design EditText in our a
An AutoCompleteTextView with builtin Adapter with the emails in the device.
EmailAutoCompleteTextView An AutoCompleteTextView with builtin Adapter with the emails in the device. The library automatically adds GET_ACCOUNTS perm
A material style input for codes
Material Code input A material style input for put codes Based on Code input field concept by SAMUEL KANTALA How to use Minimal SDK Version 11 Usage w
Custom Tabs with Material Design effects
MaterialTabs Custom Tabs with Material Design animations for pre-Lollipop devices Download example apk It requires 14+ API and android support v
A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
MaterialViewPager Material Design ViewPager easy to use library Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link Download In your modul
Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
ViewPagerTransforms Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling on Android v13+. This library is a rewrite of the
Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
Android-ObservableScrollView Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views. It's easy to interact with the Toolbar introduced in Androi
Floating Action Button for Android based on Material Design specification
FloatingActionButton Yet another library for drawing Material Design promoted actions. Features Support for normal 56dp and mini 40dp buttons. Customi
Button for android with animations for transition and error states.
Transition Button Android Preview Expand animation: Shake animation: Installation Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.royrodriguez:transitionbu
Material Design tap target for Android. https://sjwall.github.io/MaterialTapTargetPrompt/
Material Tap Target Prompt A Tap Target implementation in Android based on Material Design Onboarding guidelines. For more information on tap targets
An implementation of tap targets from the Material Design guidelines for feature discovery.
TapTargetView An implementation of tap targets from Google's Material Design guidelines on feature discovery. Min SDK: 14 JavaDoc Installation TapTar
Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar.
AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar -- PROJECT IS NOT SUPPORTED Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar. Project use Appcompat library for ma
Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods
MaterialNavigationDrawer Navigation Drawer Activity with material design style and simplified methods It requires 10+ API and android support v7
Android drawer icon with material design animation
LDrawer Android drawer icon with material design animation Note Basically same as appcompat_v7 version 21, you can use appcompat_v7 compile 'com.andro
A layout to transition between two views using a Floating Action Button as shown in many Material Design concepts
⚠ This library is no longer maintained ⚠️ FABRevealLayout A layout to transition between two views using a Floating Action Button as shown in many Mat
A simple library for creating animated warnings/dialogs/alerts for Android.
Noty A simple library for creating animated warnings/notifications for Android. Examples Show me code Show me code Show me code Show me code Show me c
Material (Gregorian - Hijri) Date & Time Picker
Hijri Date Picker (UmAlQuraCalendar) This library offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pi
Three material Dots Indicators for view pagers in Android !
Material View Pager Dots Indicator This library makes it possible to represent View Pager Dots Indicator with 3 different awesome styles ! It supports
Material Design Search Bar for Android
Material SearchBar Android Material Design Search Bar for Android This beautiful and easy to use library will help to add Lollipop Material Design Sea
EditText in Material Design
MaterialEditText NOTE: 2.0 is NOT BACKWARDS COMPATIBLE! See more on wiki or 中文看这里 AppCompat v21 makes it easy to use Material Design EditText in our a
Actions for android animations. Inspired by libgdx scene2d actions.
Android Animations Actions Actions for android animations. Inspired by libgdx scene2d actions. The main goal of this project is making creating of com
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
⚡ A powerful & easy to use chart library for Android ⚡ Charts is the iOS version of this library Table of Contents Quick Start Gradle Maven Documentat
Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations
HelloCharts for Android Charting library for Android compatible with API 8+(Android 2.2). Works best when hardware acceleration is available, so API 1