346 Repositories
Android use-case Libraries
Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app.
Dynamic Color ImageVector Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app. How to use 1. Create a xml image vector The content o
RxBle: Use Android Bluetooth API in Rx way
RxBle: Use Android Bluetooth API in Rx way A lightweight encapsulation of Android Bluetooth API. Use Android Bluetooth API in Rx way. Support multiple
Plugin for Minecraft Dev projects that allows use BON2 as analog of fg.reobf from ForgeGradle
Bon2Gradle Plugin for Minecraft Dev projects that allows use BON2 as analog of fg.reobf from ForgeGradle. Usage Dependencies Gradle 6.8+ (Provider as
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.
A News Application Shows Breaking News of the Country with a feature to save News for future Use.You can search news on any topic.Used all latest stuffs in android like Navigation Component, MVVM Architecture, Retrofit, Room DataBase, Kotlin Corutines etc
This Project for how to use MVVM , state flow, Retrofit, dagger hit, coroutine , use cases with Clean architecture.
Clean-architecture This Project for how to use MVVM , state flow, Retrofit, dagger hit, coroutine , use cases with Clean architecture. Why i should us
🚀 Sample Android HB Case
HB Case Android and Compose Version Android Clean Architecture in HB Case Sample is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android applica
Just another one easy-to-use adapter for RecyclerView :rocket:
Elementary RecyclerView Adapter Another one easy-to-use adapter for RecyclerView 🚀 Features: DSL-like methods for building adapters similar to Jetpac
This is a sample app to use [Molecule library] and solve some scoping problems in Android development.
Android sample app Problem It's started when P.Y. in Twitter shared this tweet and his post, which is a correct complain about introducing a new set o
🃏 Multimodular Android MVVM Template I use whenever I start a new Android Project.
Android architecture starter template This template is compatible with the latest stable version of Android Studio. Features Room Database Hilt ViewMo
Android Navigation Fragment Share Element Example: Use Share Element Transition with recyclerView Item and ViewPager2 Item.
Android-Navigation-Fragment-Share-Element-Example 说明 Android 使用Navigation导航切换Fragment中使用共享元素过渡动画的例子:将在listFragment的RecyclerView的Item共享元素过渡到pagerFragme
A repository that contains various examples of how to use the telegram-bot library.
Telegram-bot templates This repository contains simple different examples of how to use the telegram-bot library. How to use All the examples are conv
A sample to demonstrate how to use Compose with Ktor Websockets
This is a sample to demonstrate how to use Compose with Ktor Websockets
Dev Experience is a set of projects to make life easier for developers, in order to import, configure and use.
Dev Experience The experience that all developer need Dev Experience is a set of projects to make life easier for developers, in order to import, conf
Flexible switch is a responsive switch with some nice features which developers can use for making awesome switches on android platform.
flexible-switch It is a responsive switch in android, it can resize itself according to its size. It's recommended to use it with ConstraintLayout to
A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Architecture, Coroutines, Retrofit2, Pagination, Live Data, Data Binding, Hilt , SOLID Principles , Navigation Component , RoomDb.
E-CommerceApp A Clean Architecture App that uses clean Architecture (app, presentation, domain, data) packages to use coffee items API using MVVM Arch
An android app written in Kotlin Programming language which a user can use to store his/her monthly expenditure.
#Expenditure-Tracker An android app that allows the user to input , edit , view his/her expenditures for each month. Languages Used - Kotlin UI develo
AdpPad is a GUI application to use adb. adb is a command line tool to control android device.
AdbPad AdpPad is a GUI application to use adb. adb is a command line tool to control android device. Demo.mp4 ✨ Feature Observe a connected android de
Use Android Jetpack libraries, Android Architecture Components, ViewModel and LiveData to build this app.
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
Is a new version of code for my (Social media app) with Clean Architecture
Is a new version of code for my Social media app with Clean Architecture. I used most of Clean code tips with android, SOLID principles and design-patterns..
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way
Shot is an Android project you can use to write screenshot for your apps in a simple and friendly way. What is this? Shot is a Gradle plugin and
A complete Kotlin application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation using multi-module architecture developed using SOLID principles
This repository serves as template and demo for building android applications for scale. It is suited for large teams where individuals can work independently on feature wise and layer wise reducing the dependency on each other.
A simple and easy to use stopwatch and timer library for android
TimeIt Now with Timer support! A simple and easy to use stopwatch and timer library for android Introduction A stopwatch can be a very important widge
Samples demonstrating the features and use of Koala Plot, a Compose Multiplatform based charting and plotting library written in Kotlin.
Koala Plot Samples This repository houses samples demonstrating the use and features of Koala Plot libraries. How to run Build koalaplot-core with the
Animated Tab Bar is an awesome navigation extension that you can use to add cool, animated and fully customizable tab navigation in your apps
Animated Tab Bar is an awesome navigation extension that you can use to add cool, animated and fully customizable tab navigation in your apps. The extension provides handy methods and properties to change the behaviour as well as the appearance of the navigation bar.
An application with the use of Kotlin can change the color of the text, and the background with the press of a button and switch.
An application with the use of Kotlin can change the color of the text, and the background with the press of a button and switch.
An android application that displays public apis' for developers to use
An android application that displays public apis' for developers to use. This application implements adaptive layout by use of a sliding pane layout
A sample application that build with combine use Clean Architecture framework and Github API
The Github Example Introduction This is a sample application that build with combine use Clean Architecture framework and Github API (https://develope
Introduction your app to the user , Easy to use and set Items as you want
Introduction App This lib helps to introduce the App-by view page based on Kotlin. Features Easy Set up Items: Title, Describe, Background, Buttons Ap
Kotlin compiler plugin generates support synthetic methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables.
SavedState Compiler Plugin Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables. Example If
Mole Analysis Use Case for HMS ML Kit Custom Model
Mole Analysis Mole Analysis Use Case for HMS ML Kit Custom Model Introduction What is Melanoma? Melanoma is the most serious among skin cancers becaus
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor and so much more...
An easy-to-use wrapper for Lunar Client's game api.
An easy-to-use wrapper for Lunar Client's game api.
This app works as a simple replacement for SpongeAuth for those who want to use Discourse as the main SSO auth provider.
PowerNukkit Ore to Discourse Auth Gateway This app works as a simple replacement for SpongeAuth for those who want to use Discourse as the main SSO au
A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture.
Kotlin-MVVM-Hilt A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture. Im
simple-flank is a Gradle plugin to use Flank in Android projects with no configuration needed
simple-flank simple-flank is a new gradle plugin with a clear focus: make the setup as simple as possible. Applied to any application or library modul
The KPy gradle plugin allows you to write Kotlin/Native code and use it from python.
The KPy gradle plugin allows you to write Kotlin/Native code and use it from python.
An open source library used to draw charts in Android with Jetpack Compose with a simple and easy to use
android-compose-charts This is an open source library used to draw charts in Android with Jetpack Compose with a simple and easy to use. Just couples
A sample Android app that demonstrates how to use Firebase Authentication, Crashlytics, Cloud Firestore and Hilt with Jetpack Compose UI
showcase.mp4 Make it So This is a sample Android app that demonstrates how to use Firebase Authentication, Crashlytics, Cloud Firestore and Hilt with
A password list optimized for use on Android devices.
AndroidPWList A small (1GB) password list optimized for use against Android device passwords. I do not condone, encourage, or support those who would
MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application.
MiStoryView MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application. Preview Key feature
A Kotlin library providing a simple, high-performance way to use off-heap native memory in JVM applications.
native_memory_allocator A library which uses sun.misc.Unsafe to allocate off-heap native memory. Motivation The goal of this project is to provide a s
An easy to use translation / localization api written in Kotlin that can be used with Java and Kotlin
KTranslate KTranslate is an easy to use TranslationAPI written in Kotlin, with currently 26 supported languages. It is very easy to use in Kotlin and
A plugin for Termux to use native Android GUI components from CLI applications.
Termux:GUI This is a plugin for Termux that enables command line programs to use the native android GUI. In the examples directory you can find demo v
A library that you can use in 4 different types(Success, Error, Warning, Info) written with Jetpack Compose.
Composable Sweet Toast A library that you can use in 4 different types(Success, Error, Warning, Info) written with Jetpack Compose. You can use this t
An android app that use food API to display different categories of food
TheMealApp An android app that use food API to display different categories of food The food api is https://www.themealdb.com/api.php. What I used in
A beautiful app showing the use of a single recyclerview to display multiple views with motion layout and clean architecture
This app shows how to use a single recyclerview to build a beautiful multiple view layout (See image below) using clean architectural pattern
ArchGuard Scanner for scan Git change history, scan source code by Chapi for Java, TypeScript, Kotlin, Go..、Java bytecode use for JVM languages, scan Jacoco test coverage.
Arch Scanner Requirements: JDK 12 Scanner: scan_git - Git commit history scan scan_jacoco - Jacoco scan scan_bytecode - for JVM languages known issues
Kotlin CLI utilities, mostly intended for use with Clikt
Kotlin CLI Utils A repo containing basic CLI utilities for Kotlin. Installation dependencies { implementation("com.slack.cli:kotlin-cli-util:versio
Abysl Asset Manager is an easy to use library management tool to index and search game assets
Abysl Asset Manager is an easy to use library management tool to index and search game assets. Features Itch.IO Library Import Hum
A more lightweight and simpler to use MVVM architecture for Android.
A more lightweight and simpler to use MVVM architecture for Android, Data and views are two-way bound.
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
An Android App meant to use NFC technology to communicate with and emulate RFID tags
An Android App meant to use NFC technology to communicate with and emulate RFID tags. Built by Niklaas Cotta & Jordan Whiteley, for CIS 433 WI22.
NavigationAndFragments - A use case for fragments and navigation
NavigationAndFragments A use case for fragments and navigation. To implement this use case, follow these steps : Create a new fragment navigation xml
An Android app for Dokuz Eylul University students can make use of multiple school websites in this one app
An Android app for Dokuz Eylul University students can make use of multiple school websites in this one app
Allows you to use AWS KMS asymmetric keys as PGP/GPG keys.
KMS for PGP/GPG This tool allows you to use AWS KMS asymmetric keys as if they were PGP/GPG keys. (Only for signatures for now.) This can be useful if
glide's ksp compiler ,use kotlin symbol processor
glide-ksp glide's ksp compiler ,use kotlin symbol processor requirements library version kotlin = 1.6.10 ksp 1.6.10-1.0.2 usage add jitpack repositor
An beautiful and easy to use dialog library for Android
An beautiful and easy to use dialog library for Android
A Clean Architecture Cryptocurrency App (MVVM, Use Cases, Compose)
A Clean Architecture Cryptocurrency App (MVVM, Use Cases, Compose)
A library with many useful and easy-to-use features
This library was made as a replacement for qLib and in the future cubed. These 2 plugins are hard to get you hands on and one of them has many outdated methods so this is a more modern version of those things
Examples of the use of animations in jetpack compose and view, as well as measurements of perfomance
AndroidAnimationWorld Примеры использования анимаций в jetpack compose и view, а также замеры perfomance для
Katoot - An easy-to-use (blocking) Kotlin wrapper for Kahoot's REST api
katoot An easy-to-use (blocking) Kotlin wrapper for Kahoot's REST api. Usage Qui
Social share - Social Sharing Plugin For Private Use only (Code without error checking)
Flutter Social Share plugin for sharing file to media with multiple (More option
MyAlarmManager - Learn to use alarm manager
MyAlarmManager belajar menggunakan alarm manager One time alarm Repeating alarm
kinstall is an easy way to install gradle-based command-line kotlin projects that use the application plugin.
kinstall kinstall is an easy way to install gradle-based command-line kotlin projects that use the application plugin. use First, install kinstall its
An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android.
CSML Android SDK An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android. Overview CSML (Conversational Standard Meta Language) is an Open-Source, Domain-Specific
Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK for cross-platform mobile development, which enables teams to use the same business logic in both Android and iOS client applications.
Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK for cross-platform mobile development, which enables teams to use the same business logic in both Android and iOS client applications.
PackageReferenceComparison - Do app/module dependencies that share a dependency use the same Singleton ref?
PackageReferenceComparison Do app/module dependencies that share a dependency us
MeuRastreio - Tracking app for studies and personal use
Meu Rastreio APP para rastreio de encomendas rastreáveis pelos correios. Criado
FPS Display Mod for Minecraft with an easy-to-use ingame configuration: /fps
FPS-Display The FPS Display Mod is made to be used with the Minecraft Forge Load
AppD-Task1 - A simple basic app with use of card view and toast
AppD-Task1 Made a simple basic app with use of card view and toast. Screenshots
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes.
Espresso - Use Espresso to write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests
Espresso Use Espresso to write concise, beautiful, and reliable Android UI tests
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
About This Project (release-and-work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Test Case Implementation Dari Nutrition Framework Version Release This Is Latest Rel
Backend-aio - A ktor based ready to use backend
BackendAIO A ktor based ready to use backend BackendAIO is a project made to hel
Xposed OneLineClock - Always use one line clock on Android 12 lock screen
Xposed OneLineClock - Always use one line clock on Android 12 lock screen
📝 A demo todo/notes app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines
📝 MyNotes A demo notes/todo app which demonstrates the use of MVVM architecture, Navigation Component Library, Room Database, LiveData, Coroutines et
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
ToDo-Task-App - An Android App built to demonstrate the use of Jetpack Compose, Material You, Room Database, and MVVM
ToDo Task App ToDo Task App is a sample Android app built with Jetpack Compose.
An Android Studio plugin to help remove use of ButterKnife
RemoveButterKnife What's the plugin An Android Studio plugin to help remove use of ButterKnife Why i do this ButterKnife is a wellknow open source too
Simple use of Micronaut + Kotlin, implementation of UserContext
Micronaut 3.1.4 Documentation User Guide API Reference Configuration Reference Micronaut Guides Feature jdbc-hikari documentation Micronaut Hikari JDB
Use of AlarmManager to trigger Notifications
EggTimer - Final Code Solution code for Advanced Android with Kotlin Codelab Introduction EggTimer is a timer app for cooking eggs. You can start and
Notification - Notifications provide short, timely information about events in your app while it's not in use
Notification ⭐ Notifications provide short, timely information about events in y
MiHawk 🦅👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack DataStore Preferences 💽 to store data.
MiHawk MiHawk 🦅 👁️ is simple and secure 🔒 Android Library to store and retrieve pair of key-value data with encryption , internally it use jetpack
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
About This Project (work-in-progress 👷 🔧️ 👷♀️ ⛏ ) Test Case Implementation Dari Nutrition Framework Version Release This Is Latest Release ~ Beta
Test Case Implementation From Nutrition-Framework
Android Architecture Blueprints v2 Android Architecture Blueprints is a project to showcase different architectural approaches to developing Android a
KotlinRoom - What is Android Room? (Use in Kotlin) is a sample project I created for my article
KotlinRoom Android Room Nedir? (Kotlin'de kullanımı) adlı yazım için oluşturduğu
🎲 A powerful and simple-to-use guilded wrapper made in Kotlin.
🎲 deck [WIP] Deck is a powerful yet simple-to-use guilded wrapper made entirely in Kotlin with support to multiplatform. Implementating In case you'r
Easy-to-use animated clock icon for Android
Timecon Easy-to-use animated clock icon written in Kotlin Including in your project Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
An easy to use and customisable wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities.
An easy to use wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities. It provides different themes to start with, and
⏰ A powerful and simple-to-use guilded wrapper made in Kotlin.
⏰ guilded-kt [WIP] A powerful yet simple-to-use guilded wrapper made entirely in Kotlin with supporting multiplatform. Take a look at an example of th
Tiny library to ease the use of environment variables with support for .env files
asimov/environment Tiny library to ease the use of environment variables with support for .env files. Installation Gradle (Kotlin) repositories {
Flutter NFC Project - A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to use internal hardware inside iOS or Android devices for reading and writing NFC tags
Flutter NFC Reader & Writer A new flutter plugin to help developers looking to u
Developing easy to use any animation set for splash screen or any other views in your Android application
AnimateViewLibrary Developing easy to use any animation set for splash screen or any other views in your Android application. Easy to use, so you can
BasicAdapter to use instead of separate java files for Android RecyclerView Adapters
Android-BasicAdapter BasicAdapter to use instead of separate java files for Android RecyclerView Adapters, with a more comprehensible adapter structur
Udacity-shoestore - A template provided for use when building your README file for students
README Template Below is a template provided for use when building your README f
Translate (i18n) Module in Kotlin to use in Android
Translate (i18n) Module in Kotlin to use in Android Library create by Anartz Mugika (mugan86@gmail.com) Instructions to download library from Maven In
W3w-android-components - An Android library to use what3words autosuggest
w3w-android-components An Android library to use the what3words v3 API autosuggest. To obtain an API key, please visit https://what3words.com/select-p
ExoPlayerComposeSample - Example for how we can use the ExoPlayer with Jetpack Compose
ExoPlayer Example with Jetpack Compose This repository demonstrates how we can u
Torch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light.
Torch Torch is a simple-use library for Android hepls you to have an access on the flash light. Gradle Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your root
CameraX- - CameraXbasic aims to demonstrate how to use CameraX APIs written in Kotlin
CameraXbasic CameraXbasic aims to demonstrate how to use CameraX APIs written in