3138 Repositories
Android Fundamentos-da-Programacao-Kotlin-para-Leigos-IntelliJ Libraries
Activities, Intents, Fragments e o componente de navegação - Kotlin - Android Studio
Words App This folder contains the source code for the Words app codelab. Introduction Words app allows you to select a letter and use Intents to navi
Kotlin validation with a focus on readability
kommodus Kotlin validation with a focus on readability import com.github.kommodus.constraints.* import com.github.kommodus.Validation data class Test
A playground to development intellij plugin
pluginExporlor Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the plu
A basic, incomplete, buggy, far from efficient UI toolkit for Kotlin/Android. An experiment for fun and to learn.
Apex Apex is just a simple proof of concept to demonstrate how easily you can build your own UI Toolkit from scratch. This code base is most likely fu
intera.kt is a Kotlin library for interacting with the Discord Interactions API through a gateway service or a REST API.
🗿 Overview ⚠️ WARNING: intera.kt is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for use. You may encounter bugs and other issues, but please report if yo
sql-delight example, a plugin by Square which is pure kotlin and it is useful in kmm
Sql-Delight-Example01 Developed by Mahdi Razzaghi Ghaleh first example of sql-delight What is SqlDelight? Kotlin Multiplatform is one of the most inte
My solutions for Advent of Code 2021 puzzles, mainly using Kotlin.
Advent of Code 2021 Featuring Kotlin What's that ? https://adventofcode.com/2021/about Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzl
Hacker News Android App - Made with Kotlin
HackerNewsApp Hacker News Android App - Made with Kotlin Simple app that request, the latests HackerNews posts and allows to delete items from the cli
For Kotlin with SpringBoot project that have multi-module-structure template
Goals kotlin + spring-boot + gradle + multi-module building Module-Structure ---root |--- src.main.kotlin.KotlinSpringbootMultiModuleTemplateAppl
Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab(Lesson 2: Layouts(Constraints Layout))
ColorsMyView Finished code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals codelab(Lesson 2: Layouts(Constraints Layout)) Introduction The ColorMyViews app is inspire
Movie Android App written in Kotlin, MVVM, RxJava, Coroutine (Upcoming), Android Architecture Components and Jetpack Compose (Upcoming).
MovieHunt MovieHunt is a sample Android project using The Movie DB API based on MVVM architecture. It showcases the latest Android tech stacks with we
Contrast Scan GitHub action
Use Contrast Scan to analyze your code This github action will enable you to use Contrast Scan to detect vulnerabilities in your code. This action can
Skeleton project for show the architecture of Android project using MVVM, Clean Architecture and Kotlin coroutine Flow
ClearScoreDemo Skeleton project for showing the architecture of Android project using MVVM, Clean architecture and Kotlin coroutine Flow App Architect
Foodies App Built With Kotlin
Foodies-App WhatsApp.Video.2021-11-26.at.2.17.56.AM.mp4 Foodies is an app for people who are binge eaters who can't control their hunger, but who are
intera.kt is a Kotlin library for interacting with the Discord Interactions API through a gateway service or a REST API.
🗿 Overview ⚠️ WARNING: intera.kt is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for use. You may encounter bugs and other issues, but please report if yo
A basic, incomplete, buggy, far from efficient UI toolkit for Kotlin/Android. An experiment for fun and to learn.
Apex Apex is just a simple proof of concept to demonstrate how easily you can build your own UI Toolkit from scratch. This code base is most likely fu
Small lib for recovering stack trace in exceptions thrown in Kotlin coroutines
Stacktrace-decoroutinator Library for recovering stack trace in exceptions thrown in Kotlin coroutines. Supports JVM(not Android) versions 1.8 or high
A JavaFX app to visualize RNA alignments from Rfam database.
Kaknas Kaknas is a JavaFX graphical tool to visualize and manipulate RNA alignments from the Rfam database. It is powered with RNArtistCore. For a giv
Kompose wrappers for material-components-web
Kompose Material Design Components (KMDC) A set of kotlin wrappers over material-components-web@13.0.0 library providing Jetbrains Compose DSL for bui
It is a NBAApp developed by Kotlin. It uses MVVM design pattern, Coroutines, Retrofit and JetPack libraries like Room, Lifecycle, ViewBinding, DataBinding, Hilt and Navigation.
NbaApp It is a NBAApp developed by Kotlin. It uses MVVM design pattern, Coroutines, Retrofit and JetPack libraries like Room, Lifecycle, ViewBinding,
Kotlin dropwizard app running on Java 11. With Guice injection loaded.
hello world How to start the hello world application Run mvn clean install to build your application Start application with java -jar target/dropwizar
🔨 Template for easy hosting of your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub
🔨 kotlin-jvm-library-template Another template for easy hosting your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub. Features boilerplate for Kotlin/Java projects w
🗂 Yet Another One Way to Handle Your Dockerfiles with Kotlin
🐳 Dokker The Kotlin DSL to generate your project Dockerfiles with Kotlin. Example The library is created with one purpose: allow easy generation of m
Habit Tracker With Kotlin
Habit Tracker Built with Kotlin Android Get Started To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps. git clone URL in your terminal In
Scan and view your e-receipts
ReceptsKeeper Scan and view your e-receipts Main features: Display list of receipts sorted by date Adding receipts by scanning Entering a captcha, if
EYLock App Built With Kotlin
EYLock Video Link : https://youtu.be/JfsFKS6zRmo Installation After clone the repo to your local or download it as a zip, you can open the project by
JeTaxi is built on Clean Architecture-MVVM with Kotlin and follows modern android development trends.
JeTaxi is built on Clean Architecture-MVVM with Kotlin and follows modern android development trends. Also, It uses some of Jetpack and popular libraries. These are Kotlin Coroutine-Flow, kotlinx.serialization, Hilt, Compose, Accompanist, Retrofit2, OkHttp3, Chucker, MockWebServer, Truth.
A springboot secure web app with jsp support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-jsp-register-rsa-encrypt-argon2-encoded Description A springboot secure web app with jsp support. Three roles are defined; USE
Kotlin Coroutine için örnek proje
Kotlin Coroutines Kotlin Coroutines: Senkron kod yazarak asenkron uygulamalar geliştirmeye yarayan bir eklentidir. Network istekleri cevap gelene kada
Example of a multimodule project following SOLID principles and MVVM, Hilt, Room, coroutines and testing.
MarvelCharacters David Ferrándiz Features Retrieve Marvel’s characters and show them in a grid. See more information about the character in a new scre
Flexible Step Range Slider With Kotlin
What is FlexibleStepRangeSlider We use RangeSlider in Material Components for range filter as below But it has fixed step size so we have to render ev
Mocking for Kotlin/Native and Kotlin Multiplatform using the Kotlin Symbol Processing API (KSP)
Mockative Mocking for Kotlin/Native and Kotlin Multiplatform using the Kotlin Symbol Processing API (KSP). Installation Mockative uses KSP to generate
My Advent of Code solutions written in Kotlin
AOC21 My Advent of Code solutions written in Kotlin Why Kotlin? I think Kotlin is a really suitable language for Advent of Code, because it handles li
A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-thyme-challenge-question-aes-encoded-scrypt-encode Description A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support. Three roles
ViewModel e LiveData - Android Studio - Kotlin
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
A CLI client for Up Bank, written in Kotlin.
upperkt pronounced /ˈʌpəkʌt/ Uppercut your Up balance today! (It's a CLI client for Up - an Australian neobank, written in Kotlin) Installing Right no
Biblioteca Kotlin com objetivo de facilitar a criação de aplicações de Chat e Chatbots voltadas a Twitch.
Twitch4K O Twitch4K é uma biblioteca Kotlin que tem como objetivo principal facilitar a criação de aplicações de Chat e Chatbots voltadas para a plata
GitHub IntelliJ IDEs theme pack
GitHub-theme-pack Template ToDo list Create a new IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project. Get familiar with the template documentation. Verify the
App de cartão de visitas desenvolvido em kotlin
BusinessCard App de cartão de visitas desenvolvido em kotlin O objetivo desse projeto foi aprofundar os conhecimentos em: Ecossistema Android Orientaç
Repositori untuk belajar pemrograman Kotlin dalam bahasa Indonesia
Kotlin Repositori ini berisi kumpulan dari berbagai macam contoh struktur data, algoritma dan komputasi matematika yang diimplementasikan dengan mengg
Yet Another Native Loader for the JVM.
yanl - yet another native loader Yet another Native library extractor/loader for the JVM, written in Kotlin. why other libraries simply don't fit my n
Advent of Code template project for Kotlin
Advent of Code Kotlin Template Advent of Code – an annual event in December since 2015. Every year since then, with the first day of December, a progr
Assignment Trending With Kotlin
Trending Repositories For Clone https://github.com/Himanshu-18/Assignment_Trending.git API Since there is no official API for Trending Repositories (i
RecyclerView : SleepQualityTracker with RecyclerView app
RecyclerView - SleepQualityTracker with RecyclerView app SleepQualityTracker with RecyclerView This app builds on the SleepQualityTracker developed pr
A Jetpack Compose-based app to exhibit all the beautiful GLSL Fragment shaders I have ever written, where you can set them as Live Wallpaper.
🎨 Shader Showcase Shader Showcase is a minimal Android app made with Jetpack Compose, to showcase all the beautiful OpenGL* based Fragment shaders I
An IDE plug-in for quick access to Jetpack Compose controls
An IDE plug-in for quick access to Jetpack Compose controls
CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture.
CoinList is a simple app based on Jetpack Compose, modern tech-stack and Clean Architecture. The project is quite simple which shows the list of crypto currencies and their general info details gets from API.
Weather application built with kotlin
Weather App - Android Technical Task 👉 Video Demo for this task on youtube 👈 Weather application Created android screen that has search bar on top.
grpc stream fullstack example(spring+kotlin / next.js + typescript)
grpc-stream-fullstack chat application build with grpc named qhat Prerequisites server sync .proto files on src/main/proto/grpc/qhat/ $ ./gradlew sync
Kotlin Tutorials for new learners.
Kotlin Programming Tutorial for Beginners Learn Kotlin Programming, its basics and Fundamentals from scratch. Topics to be covered Overview Course int
Detekt rule no string parameter with kotlin
Detekt custom rule template This repository is a template. You can use it to generate your own repository to write and share your custom rules. How to
Firebase Authentication plugin for Ktor framework.
Firebase Authentication is a Ktor plugin which verifies requests authorized by a Firebase Auth Id Token.
Third-party native Jellyfin Android app
Findroid Findroid is third-party Android application for Jellyfin that provides a native user interface to browse and play movies and series. I am dev
Android weather app using Hilt, Coroutines, Retrofit, Jetpack (Compose, Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture
Atmostate A weather app written with Jetpack Compose using OpenWeatherMap Get the APK Features offline caching fetching data for current user location
Endless full-screen card ViewPager inspired by apple iBook for Android
FullScreenCardViewPager for Android Endless full-screen card ViewPager inspired by apple iBook for Android. ✅ We are open to any new feature request,
A Collection of major Jetpack compose UI components which are commonly used.🎉🔝👌
SSComposeCookBook A Collection of major Jetpack compose UI components which are commonly used. Introduction Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for bu
A modern framework for full stack web apps in Kotlin
Kobweb is an opinionated Kotlin framework for creating websites and web apps, built on top of Web Compose and inspired by Next.js and Chakra UI.
Bottom Sheet fragment with a sticky header and a content recycler view
Sticky Header Bottom Sheet A simple library to create a Bottom Sheet with a sticky header and a content recycler view. The bottom sheet expands on scr
An android app built using Kotlin following Multi-Module Clean Architecture MVVM
RickyandMorty An android app built using Kotlin that consumes RickyadMorty API to display characters.It has been built following Clean Architecture Pr
A Kotlin Mobile Application to help solo Travellers on the same route during the trip
TravelMate 🧳 🗺️ 📱 A Kotlin Mobile Application to help solo Travellers on the same route during the trip. Like what you see ? Give the repo a ⭐ Trav
🔥Application created with MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines, SWAPI and shimmer effect.
🔥 Application created with MVVM, Retrofit, Coroutines, SWAPI and shimmer effect. gif.mp4 📚 knowledges and technologies ViewBinding Retrofit Coroutin
The app helps add , update, delete task
Task-Keeper The app helps add , update, delete task laguage used Kotlin The next Update jetpack-compose to showcase the use of all this features for n
Tork is a quiz Application done in android
Tork(Quiz game app) A simple mini quiz game app about programming languages. About The app is a sample quiz with integration of Firebase. The categori
Block unknown callers with this call screening service.
Silence Block unknown callers with this call screening service. By default numbers not in your contact list are blocked. Optionally allow: Numbers you
Android injection using the Anvil compiler plugin
Tangle creates Dagger bindings for Android classes using the Anvil Kotlin compiler plugin. This is meant to be an alternative to Hilt, for those who'd prefer to enjoy the faster compilation and better flexibility of Anvil.
BLESSED Coroutines, a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for Android using Kotlin Coroutines
BLESSED for Android with Coroutines - BLE made easy BLESSED is a very compact Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for Android 8 and higher, that makes
A project for the implementation of the car animation feature in most ride-sharing/ food delivery apps
CarAnimation This is a test project to practice the implementation of the car animation feature in most ride-sharing/ food delivery apps. Slowly build
A beautiful android Quotes App where you can read and save quotes.
QuotesApp A beautiful Quotes App where you can read and save quotes. This repository contains source code of a Quotes app, which helps you stay motiva
A library that enables Safe Navigation for you Composable destinations when using Jetpack Compose Navigation
A library that enables Safe Navigation for you Composable destinations when using Jetpack Compose Navigation
MangaKu App Powered by Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, Jetpack Compose, and SwiftUI
MangaKu 🤖 Introduction MangaKu App Powered by Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, Jetpack Compose, and SwiftUI Module core: data and domain layer iosApp: io
Implementing multiple list animations in a walk-through series of articles.
List Animations In Compose This repository is the resource of a series of articles. Each branch represents the final version of a use case that was bu
A weather app demo made to play around with Kotlin Multiplatform.
A weather app demo made to play around with Kotlin Multiplatform. Running on Desktop, Ios and Android with all of the business logic being shared across all three platforms!
A Kotlin Android app to manage medications
Did I Take My Meds? About Did I Take My Meds? helps keep track of when to take medications. It is designed to help prevent a user from skipping doses
LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your app with no ads!
LinkHub LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your own links with no ads! Download Screensh
Kotlin multi-platform logging library with structured logging and coroutines support
Klogging Klogging is a pure-Kotlin logging library that aims to be flexible and easy to use. It uses Kotlin idioms for creating loggers and sending lo
Group Messaging Chat (Discord Clone :eyes:) App Using Firebase Cloud-Firestore following MVVM Architecture
Nit Talk Nit Talk is a Group Chat Messaging (Discord Clone) App based on Modern Android Application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Techs Used 💻 K
This project is to create a system that uses DeFi technology to enforce contracts.
This project is to create a system that uses DeFi technology to enforce contracts. Users will be able to set up contracts between each other, this includes an escrow service for payments. If users disagree over whether a contract was fulfilled, a jury appointed by the system will make the final decision.
Android application in Kotlin to know the Chinese horoscope according to the date of birth
ZodiacoChino Aplicación Android en lenguaje Kotlin para saber el horóscopo chino según la fecha de nacimiento Esta aplicación solicita el nombre, fech
API Rest With Kotlin And Spring Boot
##API REST WITH KOTLIN AND SPRING BOOT GET Url: http://localhost:8080/customers Response (Status Code: 200 Ok) { "_embedded": { "customer
Food Lovers App With Kotlin
Projeto: Site de Filmes Status: Em andamento Segundo projeto em andamento em Android com Kotlin! dessa vez estou desenvolvendo um aplicativo para aman
This is a open source library on kotlin for Solana protocol.
Solana + RxSolana This is a open source library on kotlin for Solana protocol. The objective is to create a cross platform, fully functional, highly t
Learn to work with databases on Android using the Room persistence library.
Bus Scheduler App This folder contains the source code for the Bus Scheduler app codelab. Introduction The Bus Scheduler app displays a list of bus st
Official Appwrite Kotlin SDK 💙🧡
Appwrite Kotlin SDK This SDK is compatible with Appwrite server version 0.11.x. For older versions, please check previous releases. This is the Kotlin
Native android application that scans for text in images. Uses ML kit under the hood.
Scannerate - Ad free Text Recognition Android application built using Kotlin to extract text from images. Uses Google's ML kit library under the hood.
Upsert DSL extension for Exposed, Kotlin SQL framework
Exposed Upsert Upsert DSL extension for Exposed, Kotlin SQL framework. Project bases on various solutions provided by community in the official "Expos
Jetpack Compose based project, used to stress-testing compose features / integrations and explore non-trivial functionality
Project containing Jetpack Compose samples For pagination & network images it uses CATAAS. Known issues Navigation-Compose Issue with fast tapping on
A Simple movies app using Kotllin, MVVM, and with an offline caching capability.
IMDB-CLONE A simple imdb clone using KOTLIN,MVVM with searching and bookmarking ability with offline caching ability Libraries used:- Kotlin Coroutine
Android app that uses TMDB API to show info about movies.
Movies App: Projeto Integrador - Vitória Code 2021 🎬 Sobre o projeto Esse é um aplicativo Android feito em Kotlin que oferece aos usuários uma listag
MQTT android client
killerbee MQTT android client For comparison with Paho Client check the blog on Killer Bee vs Paho. Adding as a Dependency This package is currently h
An easy to use android library to let devs know how much internet-data their app is consuming
EasyAnalytics! an easy to use android library to let developers know how much internet-data their app is consuming. We can identify this as we want ba
WalletConnect Kotlin SDK v2
WalletConnect V2 - Kotlin Kotlin implementation of WalletConnect v2 protocol for Android applications. Requirements Android min SDK 21 Java 11 Install
Simple Jetpack Compose demo app which is developed with CoinGecko API and modern android technologies.
CoinBox CoinBox is a multi module small currency tracker app which is developed with Jetpack Compose. This demo app used coingecko.com API to fetch da
Event Bus powered by Kotlin Coroutines Flow
FlowBus FlowBus is a kotlin event bus implementation. Powered by Kotlin Coroutines and Flows Android MainThread-aware Fully operable from Java code Ex
An application to manage SSH and GPG keys on GitHub written in Kotlin.
KeyManager An application to manage SSH and GPG keys on GitHub written in Kotlin. Thanks to FreePik for the app icon. Screenshots Building You will ne
Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) sample project
Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) Sample Project Sample annotation processor created with Kotlin Symbol Processing (KSP) API. The repository supplements
IntelliJ IDEA / PhpStorm InertiaJS Plugin
PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA Inertia.js Plugin Provides support in PhpStorm and IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate for Inertia.js. 💡 GitHub Issues: feature request
This is a simple video games discovery app showcasing UI using Jetpack Compose with Clean Architecture and also tests for composable UI.
Jetpack-Compose-Video-Games-Example 🎮 This is a simple video games discovery app showcasing UI using Jetpack Compose and also tests for composable UI
SlushFlicks has been built upon public APIs from IMDB.
SlushFlicks SlushFlicks has been built upon public APIs from IMDB. This application helps users to view trending, popular, upcoming and top-rated movi
Morph is an Android library, written in Kotlin, built to work together with Jetpack Compose.
Morph Morph is an Android library, written in Kotlin, built to work together with Jetpack Compose. It allows you to transition any view to another vie
KMM StoreList App (Kotlin Multiplaform Mobile), by Shady Selim
Shady Selim's KMM StoreList App My new visit to KMM and creating an example StoreList App (Kotlin Multiplaform Mobile) for both Android and iOS, divid