281 Repositories
Android one-time-password Libraries
My compose experiments in one convenient location
Made with Compose I've started learning and experimenting with Compose during dev13 build. Since then, Compose first transitioned to alpha, then beta
Tired of manually setup test data of Kotlin data classes or POJOs? Instantiator creates Instances of any class for you so that you can focus on writing tests instead of spending time and effort to setup test data
Instantiator Tired of manually setup test data of Kotlin data classes or POJOs? Instantiator creates Instances of any class for you so that you can fo
Alien invasion 👾 gane is back! this time specially on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀, using Canvas API 🎨
Compose Space-Invaders 👾 Alien invasion 👾 is back! this time specially on Jetpack Compose Desktop 🚀 , using Canvas API 🎨 Featured on Compose Diges
⌨️ A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose Desktop apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configuration
💻 create-compose-app A tool that gives you a massive head start when building Compose based apps. It saves you from time-consuming setup and configur
The Superhero app keeps track of the near real-time location of all the volunteers.
Superhero The Superhero app keeps track of the near real-time location of all the volunteers. The app sends requests for emergency tasks to nearby vol
Desafio da SantanderDevWeek, junto com a Digital Innovation One,
Layout's em Português e Inglês SantanderDevWeek A Santander Dev-Week, foi uma semana imersiva em que aborda assuntos sobre Full-Stack e Mobile, tecnol
This repos one of the ways hows how to use Jetpack Compose Navigation along with Dagger 2
Dagger 2 and Jetpack Compose Integration This repository is about a way how to use Dagger 2 for projects which using Jetpack Compose. Here is an artic
A tool that enables advanced features through adb installing and uninstalling apps like wildcards and multi device support. Useful if you want to clean your test device from all company apks or install a lot of apks in one go. Written in Java so it should run on your platform.
Uber Adb Tools for Android A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports and more for multiple apps on mu
Android library implementing a poppy view on scroll, similar to the one found in the Google Plus app
PoppyView PoppyView is a library which implements view on the bottom which come and go relative to the user scroll. It can be seen in the Google plus
Kotlin extensions for Moshi, Make every thing you want with Moshi in just one line.
Kotlin extensions for Moshi, Make every thing with square / Moshi in one line.
ViewHelper to provide one activity applications
PrismView provides animations for your views, similar to Dragger, but with fragments! You can change the fragment of the PrismView any time. Usage Ext
A date time range picker for android written in Kotlin
DateTimeRangePicker A date time range picker for android Usage Firstly, grab latest release of the library via JitPack. And note that, it utilizes Jod
A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
SublimePicker A customizable view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface. You can also view 'Su
Amazing Dynamic Time UI :clock1030: :hourglass: and More
FlatTimeCollection Amazing Dynamic Time UI 🕥 ⌛ for Android To help you design your Layout. it is Not just a UI, But it contains a CountDownTimer with
WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android and Java 8
Autobahn|Java Client library providing WAMP on Java 8 (Netty) and Android, plus (secure) WebSocket for Android. Autobahn|Java is a subproject of the A
An Android TextView that always displays an auto refreshing relative time span with respect to a reference time
android-ago This library provides RelativeTimeTextView, a custom TextView that takes a reference time and always displays the relative time with respe
Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library.
Material Design Dimens Default colors and dimens per Material Design guidelines and Android Design guidelines inside one library. Dimens Pattern: R.di
A smart colored time selector. Users can select just free time with a handy colorful range selector.
Colored Time Range Selector A smart colored time range selector. Users can select just free time with a handy colorful range selector. Screen Shots Fe
A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate, this time using the Android Architecture Components
Android Clean Architecture Components Boilerplate Note: This is a fork of our original Clean Architecture Boilerplate, except in this repo we have swi
Create kotlin android project with one line of command.
README This is an android application template project built with kotlin language and some useful libraries. It provides a creator script to quickly c
Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.
Codename One - Cross Platform Native Apps with Java or Kotlin Codename One is a mobile first cross platform environment for Java and Kotlin developers
WebSocket & WAMP in Java for Android and Java 8
Autobahn|Java Client library providing WAMP on Java 8 (Netty) and Android, plus (secure) WebSocket for Android. Autobahn|Java is a subproject of the A
Joda-Time library with Android specialization
joda-time-android This library is a version of Joda-Time built with Android in mind. Why Joda-Time? Android has built-in date and time handling - why
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
An unofficial Zerotier Android client patched from official client
An unofficial Zerotier Android client patched from official client
A library which will save you a lot of time from writing the same intent creation code. it consist of many intent creation codes like Share, Contacts, Email and etc, which you can easily use.
Android-Intent-Library A library which will save you a lot of time from writing the same intent creation code. it consist of many intent creation code
A tool that enables advanced features through adb installing and uninstalling apps like wildcards and multi device support. Useful if you want to clean your test device from all company apks or install a lot of apks in one go. Written in Java so it should run on your platform.
Uber Adb Tools for Android A simple tool that makes it more convenient to install, uninstall and creating bug reports and more for multiple apps on mu
An Android Toast replacement, similar to the one seen in the GMail app.
MessageBar An Android Toast replacement, similar to the one seen in the GMail app. Multiple messages can be posted in succession, and each message wil
Android time range picker
TimeRangePicker TimeRangePicker is a library which can be used to select a time range. WARNING Requires android-support-v4 Description This library pr
An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.
CompactCalendarView CompactCalendarView is a simple calendar view which provides scrolling between months. It's based on Java's Date and Calendar clas
Pick a date or time on Android in style
Material DateTime Picker - Select a time/date in style Material DateTime Picker tries to offer you the date and time pickers as shown in the Material
A custom EditText with a switchable icon which shows or hides the password
Deprecated This library is deprecated now as there is an official way to use the password toggle with the TextInputLayout (inside the support library
RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app
RoundedLetterView RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app Attributes to choose from: rlv_titleText - The text in the first row. rlv
A Material Android password view that toggles password visibility via an eye icon.
8/17/2016: As of about an hour ago, this library is deprecated! Support for password visibility is now included in the Design Support Library in TextI
Android Real Time Chat & Messaging SDK
Android Chat SDK Overview Applozic brings real-time engagement with chat, video, and voice to your web, mobile, and conversational apps. We power emer
A library that converts Time to its equivalent local languages starting with some basic Nigeria languages(Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Efik and English)
Language_Time A library which converts "Time" to its equivalent local languages starting with some basic Nigeria languages like -(Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo,
Create kotlin android project with one line of command.
README This is an android application template project built with kotlin language and some useful libraries. It provides a creator script to quickly c
Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.
Codename One - Cross Platform Native Apps with Java or Kotlin Codename One is a mobile first cross platform environment for Java and Kotlin developers
ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the ProgressDialog will be visible for a minimum amount of time to avoid "flashes" in the UI.
DelayedProgress ProgressBar and ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the they will be visible for a
An app performance monitor(APM) , like "Android Studio profiler", you can easily monitor the performance of your app real time in browser
AndroidGodEye English README.md 中文 README_zh.md Android developer lack of monitoring of performance data,especially in production environment. so we n
Android library to display a list of items for pick one
PickerUI Android library to display a list of items for pick one with blur effect (if you wish). Support for Android 3.0 and up. It supports portrait
provide a animation when finished the password
PasswordLoadingView Provide an animation when finished the password Looks like Usage Jcenter gradle compile 'com.roger.psdloadingview.library:Library:
An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped
DEPRECATED TinyDancer is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. Check out the Google Android developer documentation for UI performance
Compile time processed, annotation driven, no reflection SQLite database layer for Android
SqliteMagic Simple yet powerful SQLite database layer for Android that makes database handling feel like magic. Overview: Simple, intuitive & typesafe
LiteGo is a Java-based asynchronous concurrency library. It has a smart executor, which can be freely set the maximum number of concurrent at same time , and the number of threads in waiting queue. It can also set waiting policies and overload strategies.
LiteGo:「迷你」的Android异步并发类库 LiteGo是一款基于Java语言的「异步并发类库」,它的核心是一枚「迷你」并发器,它可以自由地设置同一时段的最大「并发」数量,等待「排队」线程数量,还可以设置「排队策略」和「超载策略」。 LiteGo可以直接投入Runnable、Callable
Compact and easy to use, 'all-in-one' android network solution
Deprecated Unfortunately due to many reasons including maintenance cost, this library is deprecated. I recommend to use Retrofit/OkHttp instead. Curre
LiteHttp is a simple, intelligent and flexible HTTP framework for Android. With LiteHttp you can make HTTP request with only one line of code! It could convert a java model to the parameter and rander the response JSON as a java model intelligently.
Android network framework: LiteHttp Tags : litehttp2.x-tutorials Website : http://litesuits.com QQgroup : 42960650 , 47357508 Android网络通信为啥子选 lite-htt
Android Library for a DrawerLayout similar to the one in Google Apps
GoogleNavigationDrawerMenu This project aims to let you use a ListView menu similar to the one in the new Google Apps (Keep, Play Music...) without ha
One way to present a set of actions to a user is with bottom sheets, a sheet of paper that slides up from the bottom edge of the screen. Bottom sheets offer flexibility in the display of clear and simple actions that do not need explanation.
BottomSheet Google introduced official bottomsheets implementation in Support library 23.2.0,thus this library is no longer activly being developed. I
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
One-stop-shop for Social Network integrations
Roguin One stop shop for Social Network integrations Use the same code for Google, Facebook and Twitter What is Roguin Social Network integrations can
Utility for developers and QAs what helps minimize time wasting on writing the same data for testing over and over again. Made by Stfalcon
Stfalcon Fixturer A Utility for developers and QAs which helps minimize time wasting on writing the same data for testing over and over again. You can
Type-safe time calculations in Kotlin, powered by generics.
Time This library is made for you if you have ever written something like this: val duration = 10 * 1000 to represent a duration of 10 seconds(in mill
DMIV aims to provide a flexible and customizable instrument for automated images moving on display. It provides scroll, gyroscope or time based moving. But you can create your own evaluator.
DexMovingImageView DMIV aims to provide a flexible and customizable instrument for automated images moving on display. It provides scroll, gyroscope o
An app that is a one-stop destination for all the CS enthusiasts, providing resources like Information scrapping techniques, best YT channels, courses available free-of-cost, etc. & knowledge about every domain and field that exists on the Internet related to Computer Science along with News, Jobs, and Internships opportunities in these domains along with valuable tips and hacks from mentors for a particular domain.
An app that is a one-stop destination for all the CS enthusiasts, providing resources like Information scrapping techniques, best YT channels, courses available free-of-cost, etc. & knowledge about every domain and field that exists on the Internet related to Computer Science along with News, Jobs, and Internships opportunities in these domains along with valuable tips and hacks from mentors for a particular domain.
Create kotlin android project with one line of command.
README This is an android application template project built with kotlin language and some useful libraries. It provides a creator script to quickly c
Custom font library for android | Library to change/add font of Entire Android Application at once without wasting your time - TextViews, EditText, Buttons, Views etc.,
AppFontChanger In a Single shot change font of Entire Android Application - TextViews, EditText, Buttons, Views etc., Kindly use the following links t
🕘 Android滚动选择器(省市区联动选择、日期选择、时间选择)
PickerView Android滚动选择器 使用方法 1. 添加依赖 注:${latestVersion}请替换为当前最新版本号,见releases。 gradle: implementation 'com.github.duanhong169:picker-view:${latestVersi
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog   Date & Time Picker
Hijri Date Picker (UmAlQuraCalendar) This library offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pi
A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customizability.
PassCodeText A customised EditText view serving the purpose of taking numeric One Time Password from a user. With stunning animation, and high customi
Postman is a reactive One-tap SMS verification library. This library allows the usage of RxJava with The SMS User Consent API
What is Postman? Postman is a reactive One-tap SMS verification library. This library allows the usage of RxJava with The SMS User Consent API Usage P
Android library to display a few images in one ImageView like avatar of group chat. Made by Stfalcon
MultiImageView Library for display a few images in one MultiImageView like avatar of group chat Who we are Need iOS and Android apps, MVP development
Thirty-one different easing animation interpolators for Android.
EasingInterpolator Thirty-one different easing animation interpolators for Android. It does not use the standard 4 param ease signature. Instead it us
Just like instant coffee, saves 78% of your time on Android's Custom Adapters.
Notice Instant Adapter is now part of an even more awesome Adapter Kit project! Instant Adapter Just like instant coffee, saves 78%* of your time on A
The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
FastAdapter The FastAdapter is here to simplify creating adapters for RecyclerViews. Don't worry about the adapter anymore. Just write the logic for h
Episodie is a TV show time tracker app with unusual design written in kotlin and clean architecture approach. Get to know how much time you spent watching tv shows.
Episodie Episodie is a TV show time tracker app with unusual design. Get to know how much time you spent watching tv shows. Track easily overall progr
An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.
CompactCalendarView CompactCalendarView is a simple calendar view which provides scrolling between months. It's based on Java's Date and Calendar clas
Pick a date or time on Android in style
Material DateTime Picker - Select a time/date in style Material DateTime Picker tries to offer you the date and time pickers as shown in the Material
A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
SublimePicker A customizable view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface. You can also view 'Su
Android library implementing a fading effect for the action bar, similar to the one found in the Play Music app
FadingActionBar FadingActionBar is a library which implements the cool fading action bar effect that can be seen in the new Play Music app. This libra
RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app
RoundedLetterView RoundedLetterView like the one in Android 5.0 Contacts app Attributes to choose from: rlv_titleText - The text in the first row. rlv
Android NTP time library. Get the true current time impervious to device clock time changes
TrueTime for Android Make sure to check out our counterpart too: TrueTime, an NTP library for Swift. NTP client for Android. Calculate the date and ti
Material (Gregorian - Hijri) Date & Time Picker
Hijri Date Picker (UmAlQuraCalendar) This library offers a hijri (Islamic Calendar) Date Picker designed on Google's Material Design Principals For Pi
Android has a built in microphone through which you can capture audio and store it , or play it in your phone. There are many ways to do that but with this dialog you can do all thats with only one dialog.
# Media Recorder Dialog   } dependencies { compile 'mx.jesusmartinoz
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
Joda-Time library with Android specialization
Android has built-in date and time handling - why bother with a library? If you've worked with Java's Date and Calendar classes you can probably answer this question yourself, but if not, check out Joda-Time's list of benefits.
Compile-time active record ORM for Android
Ollie Compile-time active record ORM for Android. Multiple mapping methods. SQLiteDatabase-like interface (QueryUtils.java). Lightweight query builder