165 Repositories
Android progress-button Libraries
A progress bar with animation, gradient and colorful shadow.
Fancy Progressbar Android library providing a beautiful progressbar with colorful shadow, gradient and animation for Jetpack Compose. Download Add in
The Race tracer app simulates the progress of two players in a race.
Race tracker app The Race tracer app simulates the progress of two players in a race. The idea is to demonstrate basic concepts of Kotlin coroutines.
Based on LinearProgressIndicator, support thumb and progress animation
compose-progressIndicator This Library is designed to improve the LinearProgressIndicator provided by Jetpack Compose. Beside the base functionality p
Karpet is a work in progress minestom server written for vanilla
Karpet Karpet is a work in progress minestom server written for vanilla Features Crafting support, with easy support to add recipes Smelting support,
🚀🌆🏙 Display differences or animate progress between 2 images or Composables with overlay and customization options, zoom, pan gestures, and progress to observe properties for animating before-after progress
Compose Before-After Composables to display Images, or Composables as before and after composables to display differences or animate progress between
➕ An efficient and beaufitul Multi Float action button library based on Twitter implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀
Multi Float Action Button ➕ An efficient and beaufitul Multi Float action button library based on Twitter implemented in Jetpack Compose 🚀 Including
This is an application that is about an X / O game. You can enter the names of the game, and there is also a screen for those who win and there is a button to continue playing and the game determines the result of each player
Game-X-O This is an application that is about an X / O game. You can enter the names of the game, and there is also a screen for those who win and the
An App to download a file from Internet by clicking on a custom-built button
LoadApp LoadApp is an app to download a file from the Internet by clicking on a custom-built button where: Width of the button gets animated from left
Android Jetpack Compose implementation of SpinKit with additionals
ComposeLoading Android Jetpack Compose implementation of SpinKit with additionals. How it looks Preview Setup Open the file settings.gradle (it looks
A simple library for creating circular progressbars for Android
CircleProgressBar A simple library for creating circular progressbars for Android. Examples Installation Get it via gradle: implementation 'com.emreda
An application with the use of Kotlin can change the color of the text, and the background with the press of a button and switch.
An application with the use of Kotlin can change the color of the text, and the background with the press of a button and switch.
Android QA/Debug tools to speed up and streamline the development progress.
Android Dev Tools is a library that contains various QA/Debug tools to speed up and streamline the development progress.
Jetpack Compose animations including Loading/progress, Looping, On-off, Enter, Exit, Fade, Spin and Background animation
Compose Animation Examples. Useful Jetpack Compose animations including Loading/progress, Looping, On-off, Enter, Exit, Fade, Spin and Background animations that you can take inspiration from.
JCSectionedProgressIndicator - A Sectioned Progress Indicator built in Jetpack Compose. Easily specify number of sections with corresponding section colors
JCSectionedProgressIndicator A Sectioned Progress Indicator built in Jetpack Com
Commands - Simple work in progress command framework
Commands Purpose commands is a performant, flexible, future-rich, and easy-to-us
Backarrow-animation-example - Animate back arrow to close button in Compose using animated drawables
Animate Back Arrow to Close Icon in Compose This is a simple demo for animated v
An android library that brings the floating action button expandable
Floating Action Button Expandable An android library that brings the float action button expandable. You can include optional contents and use everywh
IntelliJ/AndroidStudio plugin which provides a button to connect your Android device over WiFi to install, run and debug your applications without a USB connected.
Android WiFi ADB - IntelliJ/Android Studio Plugin IntelliJ and Android Studio plugin created to quickly connect your Android device over WiFi to insta
Beautiful progress bar with segments. Highly customizable. Fully written with Jetpack Compose
🚥 SegmentedProgressBar 🚥 Beautiful progress bar split into several segments. Highly customizable. Fully written with Jetpack Compose. Why this libra
An Open-Source Android app for creating training plans and tracking progress
GymRoutines noahjutz.codeberg.page/gymroutines An Open-Source Android app for creating training plans and tracking progress. Screenshots Contributing
Floating Action Button transforming into toolbar
FABToolbar An implementation of Google design, with Floating Action Button transforming into toolbar. Features: morphing Floating Action Button (or an
Elastic Progress Bar Renew!
ElasticProgressBar Elastic Progress Bar , is a loading bar made for Android , the initial design is https://github.com/Tibolte/ElasticDownload , I app
Android loading or progress dialog widget library, provide efficient way to implement iOS like loading dialog and progress wheel
ACProgressLite English Version / 中文版本 An Android loading widget library. Lite and easy to use, strong customizability. Can be used to implement 'iOS'
🔥Replace typical onLongClickListener with this library!
FillingButton Replace typical onLongClickListener with that library! It's the new way to handle onLongClickListener on buttons. Sample Added new type
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations. 🚀
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations which makes your app attractive
Creating a very light weight custom radiobutton
android RadioButton Creating a CustomRadioGroup and CustomRadioButton Steps to Create a CustomRadioGroup and CustomRadioButton To Create a CustomRadio
CircleProgressBar is circular progress with animation and color.
CircleProgressBar Use the CircleProgressBar as a progress in your Android Application. Usage Step 1 Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of rep
Compose-buttons - A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a "loading" state after the button is clicked.
Loading Buttons A set of Loading animations used in Buttons to convey a "loading" state after the button is clicked. A simple demo application that sh
ProfilePercentageView - A Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin
ProfilePercentageView It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress develo
It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin.
It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin. It is a highly customizable view that offers multiple attributes for creating either dash or continuous progress view around profile image based on your requirements.
Workout Journal is a mobile app based on Multi-Module and Clean Architecture for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period.
Workout-Journal Workout Journal is a mobile app for those who want to track their progress over a workout and a calendar period. The app allows you to
Animated dark mode toggle button with Android & Pure Java. ☕
Dark-Toggle-Button Animated dark mode toggle button for Android Java. ☕ converted from kotlin to Java 201 lines: DarkToggleButton.java Android Demo In
Floating Action Button But Moveable And Expandalbe
MeFab todo add the maven bacge here Floating Action Button but MOVEABLE and EXPA
Progress for Kotlin
#Progress Track progress for Kotlin Please refer to progress.komponents.nl for more information //private part val control = Progress.control() //pub
Sector progress bar with kotlin
SectorProgressBar Sector progress bar You can visually see the use of this libra
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app
Tivi is a work-in-progress TV show tracking Android app, which connects to Trakt.tv. It is still in its early stages of development and currently only contains two pieces of UI. It is under heavy development.
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations. 🚀
SSJetPackComposeProgressButton SSJetPackComposeProgressButton is an elegant button with a different loading animations which makes your app attractive
Manager of progress using Lottie JSON, compatible for Java and Kotlin.
Progress Lottie IGB Manager of progress using Lottie JSON, compatible for Java and Kotlin. Int Top In Bottom Important Info: To create a raw folder: R
Squishy button effect with kotlin
Squishy Usage Add squishy() modifier on your composable element. Text( text = "Squishhhhyyyyy", modifier = Modifier .size(200.dp, 100.dp
A login page where we have a designied login button
Googlesignin This is a login page where we have a designied login button ,when we click the button then it move to further process There will be autom
Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial.
Android library providing an implementation of the Material Design Floating Action Button Speed Dial.
Kotlin Expanding Floating Action button
Kotlin-Expanding-Floating-Action_button Home Screen As you can see there is only a siongle floating button with + icon Expanding Fab button When we cl
An interesting workout app, that can track your progress (unfinished)
7MinuteWorkout An interesting workout app, that can track your progress (unfinished) U planu mi je da odradim bolji dizajn za ovu aplikaciju. Za sada
Oasis is a simple gym progress-tracking app built on MVVM architecture.
Oasis About Oasis is a simple gym progress-tracking app built on MVVM architecture. Built with Kotlin Coroutines Flow Firebase Auth Firebase Firestore
Simple project to help people track their crusade progress
Crusade-helper Simple project to help people track their crusade progress Core module Contains: model - package with all database structure service -
A dual-function menu button that offers a default action as well as the possibility of choosing a different action by selecting from a set of alternatives.
A dual-function menu button that offers a default action as well as the possibility of choosing a different action by selecting from a set of alternatives.
Custom Progress bar with stages developed in kotlin.
Custom-Progress-SeekBar A fully Customizable Semi Circle Arc Progress Bar. You can customize the the width and color of both progress and progress pla
A lightweight task progress calendar view library for Android
A lightweight task progress calendar view library for Android
A work-in-progress quiz app I started developing for a client but got paused.
quiz-app A work-in-progress quiz app I started developing for a client but got paused. Background This app was intended to be a trivia app where users
A feature rich staged progress bar with modifiable steps in between its stages.
StageStepBar A staged progressbar that you can use if you want finer control of the steps in between its stages. You can customize: Number of steps be
SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc.
SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc.
A button to substitute the ProgressDialog.
Progress Button Android Android Button that morphs into a loading progress bar. Fully customizable in the XML Really simple to use. Makes your app loo
An android library to easily add circular progress bar into your Jetpack Compose apps.
CircularProgressBar for Jetpack Compose An android library to easily add circular progress bar into your Jetpack Compose apps. Have a Look Usage Circu
Progress Button is a android library for hanling different types state like active, finished, enabled, disabled and reset with a single line of code.
Progress Button is a android library for hanling different types state like active, finished, enabled, disabled and reset with a single line of code.
IOSProgressBar is a progress-bar lib for android. And the progress-bar looks like iOS system style
IOSProgressBar is a progress-bar lib for android. And the progress-bar looks like iOS system style
🐦 A flappy bird clone using Compose Web and radio button
🐦 Compose Bird A flappy bird clone using Compose Web and radio buttons
This repository provides a simple clicker app using `KSharedDataStorage` to save progress
kds-android-example This repository provides a simple clicker app using KSharedDataStorage to save progress For progress saving used KSharedDataStorag
Simple amazing Donut Progress library🚀
DonutProgress 🚀 Now this readme is very poooor 😄 To implement As usual 😒 in project build.gradle: allprojects { repositories { ... maven {
SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc.
SquircleView SquircleView is a library which provides you with Squircle views to use for buttons, views, etc. Screenshots Different kinds of buttons,
Android Tableau library supports variety of graphs which developers simply integrate visualization reports on Android application.
Android Tableau Library Android Tableau library supports variety of graphs which developers simply integrate visualization reports on Android applicat
Botão que ao clique longo, carrega uma animação que o preenche lateralmente
Botão que ao clique longo, carrega uma animação que o preenche lateralmente
Simple Progress View that you can compare things, like statistics of a Football match
Simple Progress View that you can compare things, like statistics of a Football match
A layout that creates a loading-like progress around it's child ( circle ) on touch, inspired from Destiny's ( PS4 ) accept mechanism
HoldToLoadLayout HoldToLoadLayout is a view group that can contain a single child. It draws your child to middle of layout, and performs loading wheel
Android AlertDialog with moving dots progress indicator
Spots progress dialog Android AlertDialog with moving spots progress indicator packed as android library. =========== Usage The library available in m
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Navigation View A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tom
Android loading animations
Android-SpinKit Android loading animations(I wrote a android edition according SpinKit) Demo Apk Preview Gradle Dependency dependencies { implement
Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift
FillableLoaders Completely customizable progress based loaders drawn using custom CGPaths written in Swift Waves Plain Spike Rounded Demo: Changelog:
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
MaterialProgressBar Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+. Why MaterialProgressBar? Consistent appearance on Android
A circle progress animation view on Android
CircleProgress A Circle Progress View with a rotate animation. Just make for fun. Hope you enjoy it. Quick Look Usage me.fichardu.circleprogress.Circ
water-wave-progress 水波按进度上升,带环形进度条 理论上是可以在2.3及以下的版本上使用的(没做成控件之前确实如此,但是现在死活不显示,又不报错,不知道什么原因) so,限制4.0以上 让2.3见鬼去吧,,还有4.1.1 水波是方的,官方不支持我也没办法,如果用图片画的话效率,速
Present your progress bars in arc mode with information and total control.
ArcProgressStackView Present your progress bars in arc mode with information and total control. You can check the sample app here. Warn This library i
a circle progress bar with effect
RingProgress a circle progress bar with effect #Preview ##Usage xml com.ldoublem.ringPregressLibrary.RingProgress android:id="@+id/ring_prog
a progress view used to grade mobiles phone
GradeProgressView a progress view used to grade mobiles phone #System Requirement Android API 11+, Because of the use of ValueAnimation, if you want u
A shopping cart button with a telescopic displacement rotation animation ...一个带伸缩位移旋转动画的购物车按钮
AnimShopButton A shopping cart button with a telescopic displacement rotation animation ... 一个仿饿了么 带伸缩位移旋转动画的购物车按钮 注意,本控件非继承自ViewGroup,而是纯自定义View,实现的仿
A raised button that lowers down to 0dp of elevation
RaiflatButton A raised button that lowers down to 0dp of elevation. From my blog post: https://rubensousa.github.io/2016/10/raiflatbutton It behaves l
This is a UI lib for Android. Effects like shining.
ShineButton This is a UI lib for Android. Effects like shining. Usage shineButton = (ShineButton) findViewById(R.id.shine_button); shineButton.init(
SwitchButton 是 Android 上的一个开关按钮控件 【Deprecated】【Stop maintenance】
SwitchButton 【Deprecated】【Stop maintenance】停止维护了,推荐使用:https://github.com/zcweng/SwitchButton SwitchButton 是 Android 上的一个开关按钮控件 示例 APP 扫描二维码或点我下载 特性 支持
:hourglass_flowing_sand: An android progress view developed after taking inspiration from Uber app.
A simple progress animation developed after taking inspiration from the Uber app. Demo Download Add this to your root build.gradle file allprojects {
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
MaterialProgressBar Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+. Why MaterialProgressBar? Consistent appearance on Android
Floating Action Button for Android based on Material Design specification
FloatingActionButton Yet another library for drawing Material Design promoted actions. Features Support for normal 56dp and mini 40dp buttons. Customi
A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3
 Material-ish Progress A material style progress wheel compatible with 2.3 Tr
Easily upload files (Multipart/Binary/FTP out of the box) in the background with progress notification. Support for persistent upload requests, customizations and custom plugins.
ℹ️ 🆕 Get started with 4.x 👉 Try it out Get the demo APK Still using 3.x ? It's not maintained or supported. You may have security issues and problem
A Kotlin work manager library for Android with progress notifications and Hilt support.
Boot Laces A kotlin work manager library for Android that includes notifications and Hilt support. User Instructions Add the JitPack repository to you
A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations
ProSwipeButton A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations Gradle dependencies { ... compile 'in.shadowfax:pr
This is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
UV Index A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating: Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP Built With Weatherbit as weather API Android In
An extension of Android's TextView, EditText and Button that let's you use the font of your choice
AnyTextView (deprecated) Note: AnyTextView is no longer being maintained. I recommend replacing AnyTextView with the Calligraphy library instead. Frus
Progress Bar in the shape of regular polygon.
N-SidedProgressBar Progress Bar in the shape of regular polygon. Download The library is available on jcenter. Just add the dependency to your build.g
MusicBar 2.1 0.0 Java view visualize progress bar for sound file like sound cloud
MusicBar Setup dependencies { implementation 'com.oze.music:MusicBar:1.0.5' } Usage Function Description setAnimationChangeListener(OnMusicBarAn
A simple and flexible Fillable Progress Layout written in Kotlin
FillProgressLayout 🔥 A simple and flexible Fill Progress Layout written in Kotlin 🔥 Netflix button animation using FillProgressLayout Support Librar
A simple lib to create a ring-like progress view with corner edges
ProgressRingView Installation Gradle: dependencies { compile 'com.github.flepsik:progress-ring-view:1.2.1' } Maven: dependency groupIdcom.g
Progress Views Library
ProProgressViews Android library with collection of amazing progress views. DEMO Mentions MaterialUp Android Library Hunt DOWNLOAD Add this to your ro
Arc pointer - simple customized progress bar in the form of an arch
ArcPointer Simple customized progress bar in the form of an arch Demo Quick start Step 1 Gradle: compile 'io.github.dvegasa:arcpointer:1.0.2' Maven:
Android library with collection of cool progress views.
CoolProgressViews Android library with collection of cool progress views. DEMO LINK Also Mention in: Android Library Hunt MaterialUp DEMO DOWNLOAD Add
⏳ A delightful progress animation that you'll fall in ❤️️ with, very easily.
TinglingSquares View A delightful progressbar animation. Demo Download Add this to your app module's build.gradle file dependencies { compile
:barber: [Android Library] Stacked dual progress indicator progress-bar
StackedHorizontalProgressBar Specs Featured in Show some ❤️ Android library with ability to show two progress indicators in one horizontal progress ba
ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the ProgressDialog will be visible for a minimum amount of time to avoid "flashes" in the UI.
DelayedProgress ProgressBar and ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the they will be visible for a
Open source android library for different progress bar designs
MultiProgressBar A progress bar library for Android that provides customized progress bars. Built with ❤︎ by Aseem Khare 💻 Installation Add this in y
A simple progress loader inspired by Can you Code this UI? Volume 6! - https://stories.uplabs.com/can-you-code-this-ui-volume-6-7bd09fa6dd92#.nyh2zhpvb
SlidingSquaresLoader Sliding Square Loader - A simple progress loader inspired by Can you Code this UI? Volume 6! Gradle Step 1. Add the JitPack repos
Android loading or progress dialog widget library, provide efficient way to implement iOS like loading dialog and progress wheel
ACProgressLite English Version / 中文版本 An Android loading widget library. Lite and easy to use, strong customizability. Can be used to implement 'iOS'