601 Repositories
Android vertical-text-view Libraries
This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library
This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of the size of the Layout or View, internal adaptive size calculation, completely abandon the code to calculate the size! If you have any questions in the course or suggestions, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail, thank you!
Lightweight audiowave progressbar for Android
Audiogram Super lightweight audiowave progressbar written in Kotlin Getting started Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
A multi-purpose library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations
SwissKnife A multi-purpose Groovy library containing view injection and threading for Android using annotations. It's based on both ButterKnife and An
A View which is lookalike Lollipop Pattern View
Material Pattern LockView Material Pattern Lockview is a View which inspired from Lollipop+ Pattern lock. This Project is still in work, More Options
DraggableFlipView - An Android View library that flips while dragging.
An Android View library that flips while dragging. The reason why I made this library is that I wanted to display simple information
Events Calendar is a user-friendly library that helps you achieve a cool Calendar UI with events mapping.
Events Calendar is a user-friendly library that helps you achieve a cool Calendar UI with events mapping. You can customise every pixel of the calendar as per your wish and still achieve in implementing all the functionalities of the native android calendar in addition with adding dots to the calendar which represents the presence of an event on the respective dates. It can be done easily, you are just a few steps away from implementing your own badass looking Calendar for your very own project!
A view to show bling bling stars when you touch it.
AndroidGlitterView A view to show bling bling stars when you touch it. Demo Dependency compile('com.liangfeizc:glitterview:1.0.0@aar') Attributes name
An Android library to make the implementation of voice/audio messages' playing easier
ChatVoicePlayer An Android library to make the implementation of voice/audio messages' playing easier Why to use this library? To avoid the unwanted e
a zigzag view for using for ticket or invoice
ZigzagView a zigzag view for using for ticket or invoice Setup Step #1. Add the JitPack repository to root build.gradle file: allprojects { reposi
KdGaugeView is a simple and customizable Gauge / Speedometer control for Android.
KdGaugeView KDGaugeView is a simple and customizable gauge control for Android inspired by LMGaugeView Motivation I need some clean Guage view for my
The widgets (EditText and TextView) for support of money requirements like currency, number formatting, comma formatting etc.
EasyMoney-Widgets The widgets (EditText and TextView) for support of money requirements like currency, number formatting, comma formatting etc. NOTE:
The missing view for android.
RangeSeekBar The missing view for android. Screenshot Usage Attributes Screenshot Usage First add jitpack to your projects build.gradle file allprojec
Siri like wave view for android
SIRIWaveView Usage com.alex.siriwaveview.SiriWaveView android:id="@+id/siriWaveView" android:layout_width="match_parent" andr
Color-My-View-App - Layouts - ColorMyViews app
Layouts - ColorMyViews app This is the second toy app for lesson 2 of the Androi
A simple cool text carousel for Android
AnimatedTextCarousel A simple cool text carousel for Android Installation: Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects {
A simple cool animated edit text with a expandable animation for Android
AnimatedExpandableEditText A simple cool animated edit text with a expandable animation for Android Installation: Add it in your root build.gradle at
IndicatorView Library For Android
IndicatorView A simple library to add indicators for your Carousel or ViewPagers. Download Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Gradl
FlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter
FlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter. Just extend your adapter with FlagChatAdapter, impliment some methods and voila! You have got the most beautiful looking chat on your phone. Zero boilerplate code, just put your variables in the right direction.
Depict durations in Android apps in a beautiful way
Duration View Duration View allows you to create views to depict durations of time. For example, if you wish to display a duration split into Days, Ho
🔥Replace typical onLongClickListener with this library!
FillingButton Replace typical onLongClickListener with that library! It's the new way to handle onLongClickListener on buttons. Sample Added new type
A simple custom view class to enter otp
otpview A custom view class to enter a four digit code which is used often these days for authentication. How to integrate the library in your app? Gr
Send fans folio Android app download link as Free Text SMS to anyone around the world
Send fans folio Android app download link as Free Text SMS to anyone around the world! fans folio is a free app to maintain folio for your idols(film stars, cricket stars etc..,). It's the easiest way to connect and talk about your idol. You can share anything about your idol and make him/her famous around the world.
Small custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add header with scale background
OverscrolllableNestedScrollView Small custom view with smooth overscroll. You can add scale background dependencies { implementation 'com.gith
Bring back Youtube Dislike for Android (View Only)
Show Youtube Dislikes Bring back Youtube Dislikes for Android This is a simple application, that parses the data from the "returnyoutubedislike.com" A
A simple e-market application that allows users to view the store details and products, add products to the basket, and place an order.
E-Market Application Features : Store details & products screen Fetch the store detail from an endpoint and display this upper part of the screen. Fet
Android library which provides a signature view.
Easy-Signature-Android Easy signature is an ui library that provides android developer with a plugable signature view. This view can be added as an ac
Android implementation of customizable circle control view
CircleControlView Ready for usage CircleControlView based on gesture detection Features get value based on min, max values and rotation angle get cou
A simple library to display a horizontal calendar with custom start and end date, and mark events with a background
Horizontal Calendar View A simple library to display a horizontal calendar with custom start and end date, and mark events with a background Installat
Android library to convert a number to word for Persian/Farsi language written in Kotlin
PrettyPersianNumbers Convert numbers to Persian words - - 📺 Preview 📱 Compatibility 💻 Usage 📩 Download 📋 Features 🧾 Changelog 🏆 Credits ⚖️ Lice
AnimatedTabLayout - A nice Animated TabLayout for Android
AnimatedTabLayout A nice Animated TabLayout for Android Demo Usage Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.github.sjaramillo10:AnimatedTabLayout:
Suggestive - An Android UI library that allows easy implementation of (text) input suggestion popup windows.
Suggestive 🍌 An Android UI library that allows easy implementation of (text) input suggestion popup windows. Implement filtering using the onQuery ca
DynamicTree - Android view library that represents tree structure data.
Android view library that represents tree structure data. Sample Install Gradle Add the JitPack repository to your project level build.gradle file all
VsBottomNavigationView - A library for building any BottomNavigationView you want without creating your custom implementation.
VsBottomNavigationView A library for building any BottomNavigationView you want without creating your custom implementation. Gradle androidExtensions
Change-scene - Switch between different layouts for different states, easily.
change-scene helps easily switch between different layouts without writing much code of View visibility. Setup Add change-scene to your dependencies b
CalEF (Calendar Entry Formatter) : Select an entry in Android-Kalender and send/share the entry's content as human readable text.
CalEF (Calendar Entry Formatter) Select an entry in Android-Kalender and send/share the entry's content as human readable text. Usually calendar entri
KdLoadingView - A Custom Loading View for Android
KdLoadingView This is a circular loading view for android. Motivation In default progress view, its hard to change drawable, color and animation. So t
PagedGrid - Custom android view composed by multiple page grids with custom content and layout
PagedGrid A PagedGrid is a ViewPager which pages are GridLayout with equal distributed rows and columns. This project is an Android library, written i
ScrollableList - learn how to efficiently display a list of text in a RecyclerView and understand its architecture.
ScrollableList Learn how to efficiently display a list of text in a RecyclerView and understand its architecture. activity_main RecyclerView widget he
CutableTextView - the super lightweight library that helps to you cut long text. ✂️
An easy to use CutableTextView when you need to cut a long text. ✂️ ✂️ ✂️ Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.github.devit951:cutabletextvie
Blinking-image-view - A variant of Android View that blinks only the source image (not the background)
Blinker View for Android What is this? Blinker View is an Android View that blinks a given drawable. Yes, it's that simple. Place it in your layout an
Android-licenses-library - Lightweight Android library which provides most common licenses in formatted and plain text
Android Licenses Library About this project Features How to use Screenshots Contribute Thanks Apps using this library License About this project This
BarberPoleView - Animated BarberPoleView for Android
BarberPoleView Customizable animated BarberPoleView for Android. Requirements This view requires at least Android API 16. The view is written in Kotli
Pin-view - A Kotlin library that integrates a customized Pin code View to your project
PinView - Kotlin library A customizable Pin Code entry view that can be used as a user login authentication method in your project. Installation in pr
AnalogClockView is a custom view library for android development.
AnalogClockView is a custom view library for android development. It takes time from the device and show time by Analog clock
FlipTouchAnimation - Flip from one view to next on touch:
flipTouchAnimation Flip from one view to next on touch: Steps: Create an xml file with two framelayout one for front and second for back. FrameLayout
TextPathAnimation - TextPathView is a Android library in which view with text path animation!
Text Path Animation for Android Text Path Animation is to enter text, then set some animation properties, and brush effects, and finally start on the
Modern Calendar View Supporting Both Hijri and Gregorian Calendars but in highly dynamic way
KCalendar-View Modern calendar view supporting both Hijri and Gregorian calendar
ProfilePercentageView - A Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin
ProfilePercentageView It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress develo
Location-history-viewer - Small compose-desktop app to view data from google's location history
Google Location History Takeout Viewer This application provides a minimalistic
TMDbHub - Listing movies using the TMDb API. You can filter results, view details, and save them to a collection
TMDb Hub Listing movies using the TMDb API. You can filter results, view details
It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin.
It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin. It is a highly customizable view that offers multiple attributes for creating either dash or continuous progress view around profile image based on your requirements.
A library for dynamic view-to-view transitions
Transitioner provides easy, dynamic and adjustable animations between two views with nested children. App design feature here. Usage First you need to
Zircon is an extensible and user-friendly, multiplatform tile engine.
Zircon - A user-friendly Tile Engine & Text GUI Need info? Check the Docs | or Create an issue | Check our project Board | Ask us on Discord | Support
Multiplatform text styling for Kotlin command-line applications
Mordant Colorful styling for command-line applications /mɔː(ɹ)dənt/ A substance used to set (i.e. bind) colored dyes on fabrics 1 Mordant has: Easy co
👄 The most accurate natural language detection library for Java and the JVM, suitable for long and short text alike
Quick Info this library tries to solve language detection of very short words and phrases, even shorter than tweets makes use of both statistical and
Scan and view your e-receipts
ReceptsKeeper Scan and view your e-receipts Main features: Display list of receipts sorted by date Adding receipts by scanning Entering a captcha, if
Not so deep text reader inspired by BORIS, written in Kotlin
Barnable Reader Prototype Deep text reader library that generates a semantic model from a short input text. At the moment it is very primitive and is
Sublime Text 2 Package for Kotlin Programming Language
Kotlin Sublime Text Package This is Sublime Text package for Kotlin programming language. Overview The following modules already implemented: Kotlin S
Very simple Morse API text translator. Mainly to do some testing with jitpack, API development etc.
Very simple Morse text translator API. Far from finish or even being reliable. Use for single sentence. Mainly to test github dependency for Android
Drawing text around other content in Jetpack Compose
TextAroundContent Drawing text around other content in Jetpack Compose Installat
An application used to view StackOverflow questions
Questionnaire Play Store Link Download APK Questionnaire is an Android applicati
Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes and view them in a list
NoteApp Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes a
Display list of item from local Json and download, view after downloading
Download App Features: ● Display fake responses for the list of videos and books ● choose one or multiple files to download, ● show the download perce
SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling.
SmartLens SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling. 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features It
SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app
SayHi SayHi! is an instant messaging app that allows users to send text messages to other people using the app 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features OTP Verific
A Kotlin-based DSL for text adventures, with a partial replica of the classic Colossal Cave as an example.
AdventKT A Kotlin-based DSL for text adventures, with a partial replica of the classic Colossal Cave as an example. Background My main goal was playin
An Android app that pulls the credit score information from a given endpoint and displays the records as a donut view
ClearScoreTest This is an Android app that pulls the credit score information fr
This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi module clean architecture
GithubTrendingMVIFlow Build Architecture: This project shows trending github repositories using MVI (Model View Intent) using kotlin flows and multi m
Dynamic Badge with customizable features as max number before displaying with +, color, shadow, border, corner radius, font properties and more written with Jetpack Compose
✏️📌 Dynamic Badge with customizable features as max number before displaying with +, color, shadow, border, corner radius, font properties and more written with Jetpack Compose. Displays numbers either in circle or rounded rectangle shape based on badge count and selected threshold to transform from circle to rounded rectangle.
An easy-to-use text field validator for Kotlin & Jetpack compose.
validable Validating text fields when using jetpack compose can sometimes be challenging and verbose. Validable is an extensible library that allows y
Godot Android Text to Speech plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher
Godot Android Text to Speech This is a Android plugin for Godot Engine 3.4 or higher. This plugin supports: Text to speech in different locale Setup C
UIPresenter library for android view-based UI presentation
UIPresenter This android library is like a tour guide for your app's Views. It h
A Intellij platform plugin to view truetype font file(.ttf) that includes icon glyphs usually
Icon Font Viewer 一个用于查看.ttf字体文件的Intellij平台(支持IDEA/Android Studio等)的插件,通常用于展示icon
Highly customized vertical Seekbar with segments
SegmentedVerticalSeekBar It is an Android Vertical Seekbar with segments develop
Navigation Drawer Bottom Navigation View
LIVE #019 - Toolbar, Navigation Drawer e BottomNavigationView com Navigation Com
Simple custom view that draws an n-point star for Android
StarView 🌟 Simple custom view that draws an n-point star for Android. Features
CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application
#CoCoin CoCoin, Multi-view Accounting Application #中文文档 README-ZH.md #Download APK from Github QR code: #Note There are some old gifs in the GIF direc
Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners.
RoundedImageView Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About Th
A simple text encryption/decryption password based GUI+CLI tool
ZeText: Zero disk exposition texts This is a simple text encryption/decryption password based GUI+CLI tool, allowing to enter, edit and decrypt files
Utility functions to perform dynamic operations on Android.
Dynamic Utils A collection of static methods and packages to perform dynamic operations on Android 2.3 (API 9) and above. Since v0.4.0, it uses 26.x.x
The powerfull Diff Util in Android Recycler View
DiffUtil The powerfull Diff Util in Android Recycler View What is RecyclerView ? RecyclerView is flexible and efficient version of ListView. It is an
📁 Another Android Explorer ( File Manager ) is an All-in-One Open source file manager.
AnExplorer All-in-One File Manager AnExplorer File Manager (File Explorer) is an all-in-one file management tools. It is Simple, Small, Fast and Effic
Bitocle is a simple android app which allows you to view your source code in GitHub.
Bitocle是什么? Bitocle是一款简单的用来查看自己托管在GitHub上的代码的安卓应用。 版本号:2.2 Release 下载链接:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.mthli.Bitocle 支持安卓4.0及
Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text
Hash Checker About application Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text. Supporting algorithms N
Fast and simple application for generating and comparing hashes from files or text.
The app is in the Archive. You can still download it from sources below. You also can download Original Hash Checker (it is not in the Archive and sti
Audio notifications for your Gradle build status
Let me serenade you 🎶 View Releases and Changelogs 🚨 Currently only functional on Mac OSX 🚨 Serenador is a Gradle plugin that utilizes text-to-spee
A translations app without interruptions, copy words and translate directly, show result by top view.
A translations app without interruptions, copy words and translate directly, show result by top view.
Simple and powerful File Editor for Android. All is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Turbo Editor Simple, powerful and Open Source text editor for Android licensed under the GPLv3 license. Download Contribute You can contribute to this
An Android library that allows blocking of colloquial words from text
AndroidProfanityFilter Add to project Step 1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: Groovy allprojects { repositories {
Flutter Youtube View
flutter_youtube_view This plugin provides Inlining YouTube player. To interact with YouTube the library uses the Frame Player API, inside of a WebView
A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android
TimelineView A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android Can be used as a standalone view or as a RecyclerView decorator Setup 1.
Clean MVVM with eliminating the usage of context from view models by introducing hilt for DI and sealed classes for displaying Errors in views using shared flows (one time event), and Stateflow for data
Clean ViewModel with Sealed Classes Following are the purposes of this repo Showing how you can remove the need of context in ViewModels. I. By using
Handy library to integrate pagination, which allow no data layout, refresh layout, recycler view in one view and easy way to bind pagination in app.
Pagination View Handy library to integrate pagination, which allow no data layout, refresh layout, recycler view in one view and easy way to bind pagi
Clean MVVM with eliminating the usage of context from view models by introducing hilt for DI and sealed classes for displaying Errors in views using shared flows (one time event), and Stateflow for data
Clean ViewModel with Sealed Classes Following are the purposes of this repo Showing how you can remove the need of context in ViewModels. I. By using
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
Fully customizable implementation of Snowfall View on Android
Android-Snowfall Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android. That's how we use it in our app Hotellook Compatibility This library
A custom view for rating which easy to make and use, but function is excellent
QRatingView A custom view for rating which easy to make and use, but function is excellent Effect Picture Properties declare-styleable name="QRat
An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
An app to view libraries used in apps in your device.
LocalizedEditText - Custom edit text that allow only one language
LocalizedEditText Custom edit text that allow only one language Supported languages : Arabic , English Default language : English Examples