312 Repositories
Android Easy-Note Libraries
An easy way to create and access JSON Files!
JsonFile This is the JsonFile API, this class is meant to facilitate the process of creating and accessing a JSON file UPDATES Updates Version About C
Tip Calculator- Add extensions to this tip calculator.
Add extensions to this repository- Here are some ideas: Change the color scheme of the app, e.g. the background/primary/secondary color. Modify the th
An easy, cross-platform method of keeping track of other people's timezones
TimezoneDB TimezoneDB is an easy, cross-platform method of keeping track of others' timezones. This project is inspired by PronounDB, and we'd like to
⭐️ Quick and easy QR Code scanning app created using Jetpack Compose. ☘️
QR-Code-Scanner Scan your QR codes easily and quickly. ⭐️ Google Play Store : Screenshots of the app : 🔨 Libraries Used in The Project : // Jetpa
push note is a free Android app that you can keep your notes in the notification bar in seconds.
push note - notification notes push note is a free Android app that you can keep your notes in the notification bar in seconds. Features 🌟 Super quic
Just another one easy-to-use adapter for RecyclerView :rocket:
Elementary RecyclerView Adapter Another one easy-to-use adapter for RecyclerView 🚀 Features: DSL-like methods for building adapters similar to Jetpac
CRUD Note taking app built for Android with Kotlin and XML.
Android Note Keeping App An offline android app that can be used to write notes on the fly to be retrieved later. Libraries Room Database. Lifecycle C
Tools for Kotlin/Kscript to easy write shell command line in kotlin code
Kscript Tools Easy way to run shell command line in kotlin and other tools Usage Used in kscript: @file:DependsOn("com.sealwu:kscript-tools:1.0.2") Us
Android Easy Http - Simplest android http request library.
Android Easy Http Library 繁體中文文檔 About Android Easy Http Library Made on OkHttp. Easy to do http request, just make request and listen for the respons
Easy setup of static analysis tools for Android and Java projects.
[DEPRECATED] Gradle static analysis plugin ⚠️ A fork of this project is maintained at https://github.com/GradleUp/static-analysis-plugin/ Please migra
A simple and easy to use stopwatch and timer library for android
TimeIt Now with Timer support! A simple and easy to use stopwatch and timer library for android Introduction A stopwatch can be a very important widge
A powerful library for easy implementation of HMS Location Kit.
AdvancedLocation A powerful library for easy implementation of HMS Location Kit. 💙 Request location with couple lines of code (no more boilerplate) C
Learn Kotlin, easy bites at a time
Welcome! I hope you're having an amazing day! 🚀 This repository is a reference of how I think one should approach learning kotlin step-by-step. Insid
Introduction your app to the user , Easy to use and set Items as you want
Introduction App This lib helps to introduce the App-by view page based on Kotlin. Features Easy Set up Items: Title, Describe, Background, Buttons Ap
This is a easy way to publish MQTT message and receive MQTT message
SMQ-CLIENT This is a easy way to publish MQTT message and receive MQTT message This is provider a spring stater for quick use Recive message form the
Android Note app that uses the "ktor-note-app" backend
KtorNoteApp Android Notes app that uses Ktor back end server Technologies employed: Kotlin MVVM Coroutines Custom REST API build with Ktor Responds to
A collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android
Readme This repo is a collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android. Note that they don't aim to provide a full cov
AGStateMachineBuilder - a library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin
This is a library for easy creation of state machines using advanced concepts of kotlin. As of 2/15/2022, this library only works in kotlin, but will be expanded to work in Java later (whenever I get bored enough to rewrite an entire code structure in java :/ )
An easy-to-use wrapper for Lunar Client's game api.
An easy-to-use wrapper for Lunar Client's game api.
ViewStateLayout - Easy way to manage common state templates like loading, empty, error etc.!
ViewStateLayout Easy way to manage common state templates like loading, empty, error etc.! How to Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build fil
NoteApp - A note taking app illustrating Android best practices with Jetpack Compose.
NoteApp - A note taking app illustrating Android best practices with Jetpack Compose.
📅 Minimal Calendar - This calendar library is built with jetpack compose. Easy, simple, and minimal.
📅 Minimal Calendar This calendar library is built with jetpack compose. Easy, simple, and minimal. Latest version The stable version of the library i
An open source library used to draw charts in Android with Jetpack Compose with a simple and easy to use
android-compose-charts This is an open source library used to draw charts in Android with Jetpack Compose with a simple and easy to use. Just couples
Easy way to handle all permissions
BestPermissionUtil You can read the story from here https://hamurcuabi.medium.com/permissions-with-the-easiest-way-9c466ab1b2c1 Prerequisites Add this
MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application.
MiStoryView MiStoryView is a simple configurable library to integrate stories features into your social media android application. Preview Key feature
Note-taking Android App
NOTEDGE Note-taking Android app Website » Download » Tech Stack Appcompat Material Design Room RecyclerView RecyclerView Animators Lifecycle Rounded I
An easy to use translation / localization api written in Kotlin that can be used with Java and Kotlin
KTranslate KTranslate is an easy to use TranslationAPI written in Kotlin, with currently 26 supported languages. It is very easy to use in Kotlin and
AudioNotes 📙 An open source simple audio note taking app built to demonstrate android development best practices.
AudioNotes 📙 A simple open source audio note-taking 📝 Android application built to describe the use of Modern Android development tools. 🏗 . Made w
Backups on Android easy and fast using Restic
restic-android (Unofficial) This project aims to make Backups on Android easy and fast using Restic. It also makes use of termux/proot to run the Rest
Abysl Asset Manager is an easy to use library management tool to index and search game assets
Abysl Asset Manager is an easy to use library management tool to index and search game assets. Features Itch.IO Library Import Hum
A simple, classic Kotlin MVI implementation based on coroutines with Android support, clean DSL and easy to understand logic
A simple, classic Kotlin MVI implementation based on coroutines with Android support, clean DSL and easy to understand logic
An easy way to customize your log in Android,including output to console, writing log to file in high performance way and so on
EasyLog An easy way to customize your log in Android,including output to console, writing log to file in high performance way and so on. 1. Initializa
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack
Note taking app using MVVM architecture with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel,Paging3).
An beautiful and easy to use dialog library for Android
An beautiful and easy to use dialog library for Android
A library with many useful and easy-to-use features
This library was made as a replacement for qLib and in the future cubed. These 2 plugins are hard to get you hands on and one of them has many outdated methods so this is a more modern version of those things
Frogo SDK - SDK Core for Easy Development
SDK for anything your problem to make easier developing android apps
Katoot - An easy-to-use (blocking) Kotlin wrapper for Kahoot's REST api
katoot An easy-to-use (blocking) Kotlin wrapper for Kahoot's REST api. Usage Qui
AdsManager - Easy way to implement Google Ads
AdsManager Easy way to implement Google Ads Implementaion: https://jitpack.io/#R
kinstall is an easy way to install gradle-based command-line kotlin projects that use the application plugin.
kinstall kinstall is an easy way to install gradle-based command-line kotlin projects that use the application plugin. use First, install kinstall its
An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android.
CSML Android SDK An easy-to-use CSML API Client for Android. Overview CSML (Conversational Standard Meta Language) is an Open-Source, Domain-Specific
Android-easy-permissions-kt - EasyPermissionsKt - A lightweight Android library that abstracts all runtime permission boilerplate code to simplify the system permissions managemen
Easy Permissions Kt EasyPermissionsKt is a lightweight Android library that abst
Easy-Note - Easy Note Application will help user to add and update their important notes
Easy-Note 🗒️ Easy Note App helps you to create your notes. You can 📝 edit and
Tictactoe-android-app - Simple TicTacToe Android app written in Kotlin
TicTacToe Android App This is a simple example of TicTacToe game as Android app
FPS Display Mod for Minecraft with an easy-to-use ingame configuration: /fps
FPS-Display The FPS Display Mod is made to be used with the Minecraft Forge Load
FairEmail is easy to set up and works with virtually all email providers, including Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo!
Downloads • Privacy • Support • License FairEmail Fully featured, open source, privacy oriented email app for Android FairEmail is easy to set up and
Quiz-Application - A quiz application which uses opentdb api to get quiz of different levels like Easy Hard and Medium
Quiz-Application A quiz application which uses opentdb api to get quiz of differ
NoteApp - Simple Note app using Room database and MVVM design pattern
General Used Room Database and Followed MVVM Architecture Pattern to build the a
A markdown-based note-taking app for Android
Noteless A markdown-based note-taking app for Android Compatible with notes saved in Notable Features Markdown-optimized editor with syntax highlighti
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software
Money Manager Ex is a free, open-source, cross-platform, easy-to-use personal finance software. It primarily helps organize one's finances and keeps track of where, when and how the money goes.
The Unit Converter app: easy, immediate and multi-platform
Converter NOW Why Converter NOW Converter NOW is an effective unit and currency converter 🚀 It is made to be easy, fast and immediately useable: just
A simple note-taking compose desktop project with MVVM, Dagger, Decompose and more
Eton A simple note-taking compose desktop project with MVVM, Dagger, Decompose and more ✨ Demo eton-desktop.mp4 What's included? Architecture (MVVM) w
Eton - Note taking app made to learn some good practices
Eton 📜 Description Note taking app made to learn some good practices, from Phil
An easy and simple open source xkcd reader
Easy xkcd A beautiful, fast, and easy to use xkcd reader for Android. Features Reads xkcd comics & What If? articles Full support for alt text, footno
Minetest is an open source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation
Minetest Minetest is a free open-source voxel game engine with easy modding and game creation. Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Perttu Ahola celeron55@gmail.co
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Note-app - A sample project that presents a modern approach to Android application development
Simple Note App Created with Jetpack Compose for Android
JetNote An app created to learn how to use Jetpack compose. This app uses the MVVM pattern. JetNote allows the user to create new notes and remove the
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS
Joplin - an open source note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS
Open source note-taking application for Android
Omni-Notes Note taking open-source application aimed to have both a simple interface but keeping smart behavior. The project was inspired by the absen
Android note taking, simplified.
Swiftnotes This project is no longer maintained. Swiftnotes is a note taking app that takes simplicity and speed to a whole new level. It offers you a
Makes it easy to create beautiful about screens for your apps
material-about-library Makes it easy to create a beautiful about screen for your app. Generates an Activity or Fragment. Idea from here: Heinrich Reim
Android-Study-Jams-BSIOTR - NotaRank - Easy notes taking app for students
Android Study Jams BSIOTR Notarank : Notes Taking app Problem Statements The env
Note taking app made in Kotlin
Android Study Jams Notezz ⭐ Problem Statement: Note-taking is one of the most ov
Note-Taking-App - Android application which can be used to take notes
Android application which can be used to take notes.The application uses Recycle
Note app: an android app that allows to build some sticky note, management functionality are
NoteApp note app is an android app that allows to build some sticky note, manage
Easy-to-use animated clock icon for Android
Timecon Easy-to-use animated clock icon written in Kotlin Including in your project Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
[RETIRED ] Android camera easy access library and embedded QR (and other codes) scanner, based on ZXing
Retirement Notice This project is retired and no longer maintained. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to supoprt it in a quality way and also th
Android Library to make it easy to create CodeEditor or IDE that support any languages and themes
CodeView Android Library to make it easy to create your CodeEditor or IDE for any programming language even for your programming language, just config
A simple Android library that applies shadows of any color to views and allows easy manipulation of edges.
ComplexView A simple Android library that applies shadows of any color to views and allows easy manipulation of edges. ComplexView now supports shadow
LiveStream is a simple class which makes communication easy among different modules of your application.
LiveStream-Kt (Android) 📱 LiveStream is a data holder class which can observe change of data in real-time and emit values too. Unlike other observabl
A ready-made pretty interactive card form that can be included in your Android app, making it easy to accept credit and debit cards.
ANDROID CARD FORM A better Android credit/debit card interactive form without writing a lot of code CardForm can be used as a simple credit card valid
An easy to use and customisable wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities.
An easy to use wrapper of the native Android Snackbar which stays visible across multiple activities. It provides different themes to start with, and
Easy Dump ELF libil2cpp.so from Android Process Memory
PAD (Process Android Dumper) This dumper is made for il2cpp game but you can use it in any app you want How To Use Run the process Open PADumper Put p
Easy Password is password management application
Easy Password Easy Password is password management application. This application uses pattern locks to manage information that requires security. Prec
Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in the photo.
Easy Photo Map Easy Photo Map is a photomap application that displays the location of the photo on the map using the location information included in
FlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter
FlagChatAdapter is easy to implement enchanting recycler view adapter. Just extend your adapter with FlagChatAdapter, impliment some methods and voila! You have got the most beautiful looking chat on your phone. Zero boilerplate code, just put your variables in the right direction.
Developing easy to use any animation set for splash screen or any other views in your Android application
AnimateViewLibrary Developing easy to use any animation set for splash screen or any other views in your Android application. Easy to use, so you can
DataFragment - Easy retained fragment handling for data and longrunning tasks related to activty lifecycle
DataFragment DataFragment is a tiny tiny library that helps (me) to prevent a little boilerplate code for retained data fragments in Android. This is
Smart-dialog - Smart and easy to be implemented dialog for Android
smart-dialog Smart, customized and easy to be implemented dialog for Android. Implement your preferred dialog anywhere you want with few lines of code
SocialLogin - Android library for easy social login integration
Social Login With this library you can easily add authorization via social network in your application Each social network and auth type provides in s
CoroutinesPermission - Android Library for easy permission management using Coroutines
CoroutinesPermission Android library Android Library for easy permission management Install Gradle Add the JitPack repository to your project level bu
Suggestive - An Android UI library that allows easy implementation of (text) input suggestion popup windows.
Suggestive 🍌 An Android UI library that allows easy implementation of (text) input suggestion popup windows. Implement filtering using the onQuery ca
Kotlin library built to provide an easy way of pulling actual Android string resources from Lokalise.
Kotlin library built to provide an easy way of pulling actual Android string resources from Lokalise. Add maven repository to your Gradle file: // kot
Pagination-RecyclerView - Simple and easy way to Paginating a RecyclerView
Pagination-RecyclerView Simple and easy way to Paginating a RecyclerView Android
Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database.
Notes-Firebase-Kotlin Note taking application using Kotlin and Firebase Realtime Database. Features:- 1.Signup With Google 2.Create Note 3.Update Note
Easy-side-navigation - Create side navigation in easy way
Easy-side-navigation - Create side navigation in easy way
ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to get a feedback about the record.
ANP Audio Recorder Introduction ANP Audio Recorder is a library that helps a developer to provide a easy way to to user record an audio and play it to
Twitter-Helper - A helper library that helps making twitter integration easy
Twitter-Helper (Not Maintaining Anymore) A Twitter integration library for Android that helps making twitter integration very easy. Using Twitter Help
Country-code-picker-compose - An android library Jetpack Compose which provides an easy way to search and select country or country phone code
CountryCodePickerJetpackCompose Country Code Picker by Jetpack Compose How to ad
TouchNotes - a note application using Kotlin
Touch Notes Touch Notes is a note application using androidx libraries, MVVM wit
Easy to use and concise yet powerful and robust command line argument parsing for Kotlin
This is a library for parsing command-line arguments. It can parse both options and positional arguments. It aims to be easy to use and concise yet po
An easy to use action/overflow menu for Jetpack Compose.
Compose Action Menu This library provides an easy-to-use action menu for Compose, since Compose doesn't offer this by default. Features Icons (optiona
🚀 The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive!
Alpas - The Rapid and Delightful Kotlin Web Framework. Easy, elegant, and productive! 🚀 Alpas is a Kotlin-based web framework that gets you creating
Note taking app using SOLID principles and CLEAN architecture patterns. Uses Room database, MVVM, Use cases
ShoppingNotes Note taking app using SOLID principles and CLEAN architecture patt
Solr / SolrCloud running in high performance server - tiny, fast startup, simple to configure, easy deployment without an application server.
solr-undertow Solr and SolrCloud running in high performance server - Tiny, fast, easy, standalone deployment, simple to configure, and without an app
Flexible and easy to use config library written in kotlin
Overview Cfg4k is a configuration library made for Kotlin in Kotlin! Features Automatic reload Interface binding Ability to handle data classes automa
Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes and view them in a list
NoteApp Note app that allows user to save/edit/delete/search any type of notes a
An easy-to-use Android library that will help you to take screenshots of specif views of your app and save them to external storage (Including API 29 Q+ with Scope Storage)
🇺🇸 English | 🇧🇷 Português (pt-br) 🇺🇸 English: An easy to use Library that will help you to take screenshots 📸 of the views in your app Step 1.
Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome
fluid-pdf Easy PDF generation with HTML & CSS using Chromium or Google Chrome Installation build.gradle.kts: dependencies { implementation("io.fluids
Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.
Simpler Android Scaloid is a library that simplifies your Android code. It makes your code easy to understand and maintain by leveraging Scala languag
Gradle plugins for easy start into kotlin
Starter gradle plugins for kotlin The aim The aim of this project is to create a