5827 Repositories
Android android-jetpack-compose Libraries
Android app for watch replays at wasd.tv with autoscroll chat
WasdReplayAndroid Приложение для просмотра записей на васде с чатом на андроиде. https://github.com/Kirimatt/WasdReplayAndroid/blob/master/app/build/i
KmMScientists is a Kotlin multiplatform app with swift ui, jetpack compose, koin and realm
KmMScientists KmMScientists is a Kotlin multiplatform app built with swift ui, jetpack compose, koin and realm. Whats Shared? Local Data Persistence w
A fork of nb-javac for Android.
nb-javac-android nb-javac is a patched version of OpenJDK "javac", i.e., the Java compiler. This has long been part of NetBeans, providing a highly tu
An android lib that provides most commonly used utility function
Awesome-Utility An android lib that provides most commonly used utility function. It can help Android developers with supporting common utility functi
Post It is the android App for uploading posts and liking them using Firebase and FireStore.
Post-it Post It is the android App for uploading posts and liking them using Firebase and FireStore. This app also uses DAO, RecycleView, Coroutines a
Android - kotlin Coroutine with MVVM and Paging 3
Android - kotlin Coroutine with MVVM and Paging 3 To Loarn more about paging 3 To Loarn more about LoadStateAdapter API Reference Get all items Api So
Juara Android - Repository Google Code Lab, JuaraAndroid Event
Juara Android - Repository Google Code Lab, JuaraAndroid Event
A proof-of-concept of a fractal/recursive navigation system.
compose-fractal-nav A proof-of-concept of a fractal/recursive navigation system. Instead of defining a bunch of top-level routes with navigation movin
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
A gradle plugin that generates Material Design 3 theme for Android projects.
Same as Google's Material Theme Builder, but as a gradle plugin.
The core Gradle plugin and associated logic used for Slack's Android app
slack-gradle-plugin This repository contains the core Gradle plugin and associated logic used for Slack's Android app. This repo is effectively read-o
An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase.
E-Commerce An e-commerce mobile application built using Android Studio + Java + Firebase. Login for : nisa@gmail.com 123456 Screenshots of the app : L
A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM.
Chat App Android About A chat app for Android written in Kotlin using MVVM. Features Authentication: Email and password Google Auth Reset Password Sen
Clickstream - A Modern, Fast, and Lightweight Android Library Ingestion Platform.
Clickstream is an event agnostic, real-time data ingestion platform. Clickstream allows apps to maintain a long-running connection to send data in real-time.
An android application developed in Kotlin that provides lists and tables of soccer leagues through api consumption
An android application developed in Kotlin that provides lists and tables of soccer leagues through api consumption
💧 A customizable jetpack compose dropdown menu with cascade and animations
Dropdown 💧 A customizable jetpack compose dropdown menu with cascade and animations. Who's using Dropdown? 👉 Check out who's using Dropdown Include
Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms
End-to-End Encrypted Chat 🔒 Chat App is built to demonstrate a simple end-to-end chat encryption using RSA and AES algorithms Built With ⚒️ Jetpack C
Regret is an Android library for apps that wants to implement an undo/redo feature
Regret I've been developing on an editor for my Android App recently, using Jetpack Compose, but Google doesn't implement a built-in undo / redo for d
DroidRec is an open-source Android screen recorder
English | עברית About DroidRec is an open-source Android screen recorder. It can not record your system sounds, because Android doesn't have such func
In this project, I tried to understand and implement the architecture suggested by Android.
Shopping App Bu projede, Android'in önerdiği modern mimariyi anlamaya ve uygulamaya çalıştım. Projede kullandığım teknolojiler, Room Retrofit Coroutin
Synthetic Migrate Plugin
Synthetic Migrate Plugin Описание Плагин для Android Studio/Intelij IDEA с помощью которого можно мигрировать кодовую базу с котлиновской синтетики на
very unstable UNOFFICIAL Spotify client for Android built on librespot-java + Compose
Jetispot not so broken UNOFFICIAL Spotify client for Android Note that this client will NEVER offer any kind of a downloader/offline caching. Don't as
Screenshot Composables and convert to Bitmap on user action or periodically
Compose ScreenshotBox Screenshot Composables and convert to Bitmap on user action or periodically. Single Shot Periodic Gradle Setup To get a Git proj
Project to implement the Apple Card App UI and Animations using Jetpack Compose
Project to implement the Apple Card App UI and Animations using Jetpack Compose
A package to include a standard Unlock premium view in iOS and Android apps
A package to include a standard Unlock premium view in iOS and Android apps
Minimal Android Launcher built with Kotlin.
Minimal Android Launcher A minimal launcher displaying only core apps you really need, with a note widget to quickly add reminders on your home screen
Android App to save shares from any app into a file.
Save To… Android App to save shares from any app into a file. Download · Website · Contact About the Project Exporting data from any app into a file m
This application uses Google Play Services Vision library to scan barcodes. It uses Google's on device ML kit to scan for barcodes.
Barcode-Scanner This application showcases use of Google Play Services Vision library It uses Google's on device machine learning kit to scan for barc
Microsoft Fluent UI implemented in Jetpack Compose.
fluentui (WIP) Microsoft Fluent UI implemented in Jetpack Compose. Controls Some of the controls available include: ActionBarLayout AppBarLayout Avata
Android native news App using API from thenewsapi.com and Retrofit Library
FlashBytes-Android-News-App Android Material Design News App using API from https://www.thenewsapi.com/ and Retrofit Library Screen Splash, Onboard Sc
A simple launcher for Meta Quest VR headsets supporting Android/Official Quest/SideQuest apps and games
Quest PiLauncher This is a simple launcher for Meta Quest VR headsets supporting Android/Official Quest/SideQuest apps and games. Builds, VIdeo Compil
Beetlebug is an open source insecure Android application with CTF challenges built for Android Penetration Testers and Bug Bounty hunters.
Beetlebug Beetlebug is a beginner-friendly Capture the Flag Android application that aims to inspire interest in Mobile Application Security. It is ge
Sample Android Clean Architecture on App focused on written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack with Compose.
Rick And Morty Jetpack Compose Sample App Table of Contents About the Project Architecture Features Environment Setup Contact About The Project This S
Youtube Android Clone 🚀an Android Youtube Clone made out of XML and Kotlin
Youtube Android Clone 🚀 This app consumes The Youtube Api to fetch and display a list of popular videos, The app uses MVVM design pattern to allow se
One UI libraries for Android apps.
⚠️ W.I.P. For Wear OS, please look at seslw. This repo contains a collection of the libraries used by Samsung in their One UI apps. Samsung's One UI a
Utility library that utilizes KSP to generate Room type converter classes.
Roomie Roomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to geaRoomie is an annotation processing library that utilizes KSP to generate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often involve same boiler-plate code and Roomie makes it really easy to quickly create them with a single annotation.nerate TypeConverter classes for Room. TypeConverter classes most often invol
Simple, Powerful and Beautiful Android Image/Video/Audio Picker 😎
Simple, Powerful and Beautiful Android Image/Video/Audio Picker 😎 Features 😍 No need check storage permission 😉 Single and multiple selection Suppo
Duress password trigger.
Duress Duress password trigger. Tiny app to listen for a duress password on the lockscreen. When found, it will send a broadcast message to the select
☯️Sophisticated and cool intro with Material Motion Animations(No more viewpager transformer or Memory leak)
Material Intro Sophisticated and cool intro with Material Motion Animations. Who's using Material Intro? 👉 Check out who's using Material Intro Inclu
Android Studio's Vector Drawable conversion tool in convenient packaging.
Vector Drawable Tool This repository is simply a repackaging of the vector drawable tool from the Android Studio source code. The included Gradle file
🧛 Fragula is a swipe-to-dismiss extension for navigation component library for Android
Fragula is a swipe-to-dismiss extension for navigation component library for Android.
PopupBarChart 📊 can shows a tooltip when user click on the bar 😍 🤩
PopupBarChart 📊 can shows a tooltip when user click on the bar 😍 🤩
KVMapper: A Key-Value Mapper app for MacOS, created with Kotlin and Compose Desktop
KVMapper is an application to convert key-value pairs from one format to another. About This app was purely written in Kotlin and compiled fo
LNSocial is a social media app dedicated to short-form videos created for and consumed by users.
LNSocial is a social media app dedicated to short-form videos created for and consumed by users. The length of videos is between 15-30 second
Multi Roots TreeView implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
Multi roots TreeView :palm_tree: implementation for Android Platform with a lot of options and customization
A MaterialChipSetWidget is used to hold multiple chipsets 🤩 and each chipset has multiple values. 🔖
A MaterialChipSetWidget is used to hold multiple chipsets 🤩 and each chipset has multiple values. 🔖
A Material Dialog Builder for Jetpack Compose
Compose Material Dialogs 🚀 Easy to use library to help you build complex dialogs using Jetpack Compose 🚀 Current Library Compose Version: 1.1.1 See
Mojito is a cocktail manual, which contains recipes, images, and so on.
Mojito Mojito* is a cocktail manual, which contains recipes, images, and so on. *Mojito: an alcoholic drink made with rum, lime juice, sugar, and mint
Belajar Android Jetpack Pro Dicoding - with Hilt, LiveData, Online-Offline Caching, etc
movie-catalogue-jetpack-pro-dicoding Ini adalah final submission pada kelas Belajar Android Jetpack Pro di dicoding (get 5 star) Pada project ini terd
A plugin for Android Studio that speeds up your day-to-day flutter development.
Flutter-Toolkit 中文文档 A plugin for Android Studio that speeds up your day-to-day flutter development. Flutter ToolKit(Flutter Build Runner Helper), to
Simple Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop.
compose-charts-desktop Simple Compose Charts for multi-platform. Including Android, Web, Desktop. Compose multiplatform for Android: compose-charts. G
🚀 Sample Android Clean Architecture on JetRorty App focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack with Compose.
Android Clean Architecture in Rorty is a sample project that presents modern, approach to Android application development using Kotlin and latest tech-stack.
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Simple Notes app demonstrates modern Android development with Hilt, Material Motion, Coroutines, Flow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel) based on MVVM architecture.
Go Outside is an augmented reality app designed for our team's Software Engineering UI/UX class
Go Outside Go Outside is an augmented reality app designed for our team's Software Engineering UI/UX class. This app serves as a PROTOTYPE to demonstr
Hangman Game for Android build with Compose
Hangman Game for Android build with Compose. Built with jetpack components, Room for saving game history, preferences for loading game settings, ViewModels for persisting game state, LiveData/States for observing states, Koin for DI, minimal compose animations for good UX, Light/Dark theme :rainbow: MD3.
Colorful Sliders written with Jetpack Compose that enliven default sliders
🚀🌈 😍 Colorful Sliders written with Jetpack Compose that enliven default sliders with track and thumb dimensions, and gradient colors, borders, labels on top or at the bottom move with thumb and ColorfulIconSlider that can display emoji or any Composable as thumb
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥.
Quizzify - Play unlimited quizzes with your friends for free🔥. Quizzify is built using Kotlin and follows all modern android Development practices and hence is a good learning resource for beginners
A secure, opensource android app to store your bank accounts, cards, and credentials. Locally and securely.
Digital Tijori 🔒 Digital Tijori app lets you store your bank accounts, cards and credentials. You can link cards and credentials to a particular bank
Partial port of https://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view library to Jetpack Compose.
ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage Early preview (expect bugs) dependencies { implementation 'com.github.K1rakishou:ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage:fab4ae38c
Sample application to show state management & unidirectional data flow using Jetpack compose.
Jetpack Compose State Management A sample project to demonstrate State Management in Jetpack compose by following This CodeLab. Through the project yo
Bonsai A batteries-included Tree View for Jetpack Compose
Bonsai A batteries-included Tree View for Jetpack Compose Features Multiplatform: Android, Desktop State-aware: changes in the tree will trigger recom
Projeto utilizado nos Dev Sprints Android na Devpass.
Space App Challenge 🚀 In this challenge, we will develop an Android application that shows SpaceX's upcoming releases. Contributing Clone this reposi
A library for auto removing background from your photos.
This is an android library for removing background from the image. You have to give the bitmap of the image to this library and the library will retur
Mankgram is an Android application for sharing stories especially for developers.
Mankgram is an Android application for sharing stories especially for developers. Mankgrams are created using the Kotlin programming language and built in Android Studio.
A simple login and logout Android application written in Kotlin
A simple login and logout Android application written in Kotlin. It authorizes user using an api and shows profile screen.
Android Taxi-App
TODO Improvement UI design Implement night theme Used libraries AndroidX Kotlin - Language Kotlin Serialization - Json serializ
Template for MVVM Architecture Clean Code.
Template for MVVM Architecture. This is basic template for android app follwing MVVM architecture and latest tech stack. You don't need to create and add basic code and depency for start project using MVVM architecture. Just use this template and boost your productivity.
Storedei is an Store-like application for Juara Android submission.
Storedei Storedei is an Store-like application for Juara Android submission. User can view products, view their cart, add product to cart, remove prod
Row Coloumn Box Compose Constraint Layout Modifier.xyz Animator Tween animation MutableState Creating custom composable Corners Canvas LaunchedEffect
Row Coloumn Box Compose Constraint Layout Modifier.xyz Animator Tween animation MutableState Creating custom composable Corners Canvas LaunchedEffect
Chain Relations is a small casual existential game about life, human needs and long-term relations.
Chain Relations Chain Relations is a small casual existential game about life, human needs and long-term relations. ChainRelations.360p.mp4 Game objec
Android view data binding made simple!
DataBinding Android view data binding made simple! A more user friendly docu is coming! This library doesn't use any external library, so it's light w
A minimalist Android physics game written in Kotlin & libGDX
A minimalist Android physics game with 400.000+ downloads, written in Kotlin & libGDX
Template for MVVM Architecture Clean Code.
MVVM Template Kotlin Template for MVVM Architecture. This is basic template for android app follwing MVVM architecture and latest tech stack. You don'
Advanced Android Weather App using MVVM Architecture Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + volley) = Weather App
Advanced Android Weather App using MVVM Architecture Sample (ViewModel + LiveData + Kotlin + volley) = Weather App Video Weather.-.HD.720p.mov Introdu
A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application.
Knowledge Repository A mobile application that allows you to get random information every time you enter the application. Google Play Store : Screensh
🗨️ Beautiful Dialog is a Simple and Beautiful custom dialog
Beautiful Dialog 🗨️ Beautiful Dialog is a Simple and Beautiful custom dialog. Screenshots Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to your ro
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, Flow, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Github API.
load-the-image Apply to compose-jb(desktop), Used to load network and local pictures.
load-the-image load-the-image Apply to compose-jb(desktop), Used to load network and local pictures. 🚀 Under construction It may change incompatibly
Android app that helps you keep track of the medical supplements you need to take and how you spend your days
Android app that helps you keep track of the medical supplements you need to take and how you spend your days, similar to a bullet journal. It also allows you to reflect on your day, week, year, etc.
Proof of concept app for Android permanent denial-of-service vulnerability CVE-2020-0443
CVE-2020-0443 This is a proof of concept app that exploits CVE-2020-0443 to brick any Android device. After running the app and rebooting, the device
RecyclerView Application example using kotlin and viewbinding.
SimpleRecyclerViewApp Shows how to display some items in a simple list using the RecyclerView and RecycleView.Adapter. The RecycleView is the entity t
MagicSnap A Snapchat Xposed Module in Kotlin to learn
MagicSnap A Snapchat Xposed Module in Kotlin to learn
A more lightweight and simpler to use MVVM architecture for Android.
A more lightweight and simpler to use MVVM architecture for Android, Data and views are two-way bound.
👨💻 A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API. ✈️ 🌍
A demonstration modern Android development project with Jetpack(Compose, Room, ViewModel, Navigation), Hilt and based on MVVM by using Open Sky API.
A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase
BlogCompose A Simple Blog App using Jetpack Compose, Flow, Navigation Compose, Room and Firebase Instructions Download your Firebase configuration fil
PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills recommended by Google.
PolitcalPreparedness is an example application built to demonstrate core Android Development skills recommended by Google.
Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture
Demo Android application using Gradle. Project is written entirely in Kotlin with MVVM architecture, Dagger / Hilt Dependency Injection, Room Database and Retrofit API Calls
QrX: Camera with ML Kit QR/Barcode detection
QrX: Camera with ML Kit QR/Barcode detection This library allows you to easily add CameraX Preview with attached ML Kit to detect and display Qr codes
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack
PapriCoin demonstrates Jetpack Compose usage to build modern app based on Clean Architecture and newest Tech-Stack. Repository also has loca
Draftsman is an on device layout inspector which can be embedded in your android app.
Draftsman Draftsman is an on-device layout inspector for Android apps. It allows you to view various properties of rendered Android Views such as widt
Groceries Store is a project to help people order grocery online
🚀 Groceries Store Download on Google Play Store About Groceries Store is a project to help people order grocery online. The main purpose of this proj
📞 Remote call sample android app using RemoteMonster
📞 Remote call sample android app using RemoteMonster
Simple Login using firebase and compose views
SimpleLogin Project name: SimpleLogin Android Develop in android over MVVM, Kotlin, Compose. Package Structure com.anelcc.SimpleLogin # Root Pack
Example KMM app for showing about layered architecture
Layered Architecture in a Kotlin Multiplatform project This project was created by a series of posts you can find on my blog https://jflavio.com The d
SvgToCompose - SVG path to Jetpack Compose tool
SvgToCompose SVG path to Jetpack Compose tool This tool can take the SVG path, and export it as a Jetpack Compose material icon path method calls. Exa
Android Combined Application for chat, audio/video calls, and broadcast to millions of web and app users using VdoTok SDK.
Android Combined Application for chat, audio/video calls, and broadcast to millions of web and app users using VdoTok SDK.
AppToDo is a simple Android project that performs the basic database CRUD operations that creates a todo task list
AppToDo is a simple Android project that performs the basic database CRUD operations that creates a todo task list
GmailApp is a sample survey app, built with Jetpack Compose
GmailApp GmailApp is a sample survey app, built with Jetpack Compose. To try out this sample app, you need to use Android Studio Arctic Fox. You can c
An android app that can calculate the minutes from the date the user entered, till today.
AgeInMinutesApp An android app that can calculate the minutes from the date the user entered, till today. If user tap Select Date button, Calender dia
Demonstration of an issue trying to render a preview in Jetpack Compose without the activity artifact.
Demonstration of an issue trying to render a preview in Jetpack Compose without the activity artifact.