224 Repositories
Android camera-image Libraries
Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sending commands to the mobile by Wear OS.
OpWear-Cam Communicating between Wear OS and Android device using the OpWear module and a sample of displaying real-time camera on the watch and sendi
Camera is a library for Android built using the Camera2 API.
Camera Camera is a library for Android built using the Camera2 API. The Camera2 API allows users to capture RAW images, i.e. unprocessed pixel data di
Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app.
Dynamic Color ImageVector Simple example how you can use dynamic color image vector in your app. How to use 1. Create a xml image vector The content o
KotlinScript that generate Reel from a given image, text and audio
ReelScriot KotlinScript that generate Reel from a given image, text and audio 80f4ea39-a7da-4f21-b0ff-7a17836a1cd0.mp4 6691b51d-d7a3-4915-ae41-8bec400
MIPagerTransformer is an android library that provides a seamless image transformation experience.
MIPagerTransformerView -- MIPagerTransformer is an android library that provides a seamless image transformation experience. Overview 👆 Shutter 👆 Pa
Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
Zoom Modifiers, zoomable image and layouts with limit pan bounds, fling and moving back to valid bounds and callbacks that return current transformation or visible image section
🚀🏞💪 Collection of Images, Modifiers, utility functions for Jetpack Compose to expand and enrich displaying, manipulating, scaling, resizing, zooming, and getting cropped ImageBitmap based on selection area
Collection of Images, Modifiers, utility functions for Jetpack Compose to expand and enrich displaying, manipulating, scaling, resizing, zooming, and getting cropped ImageBitmap based on selection area, before/after image to with handle to show partial of both images and more is cooking up
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
It's a simple app written in Kotlin that shows a simple solution for how to save an image into Firebase Storage, save the URL in Firestore, and read it back using Jetpack Compose.
An Android Image compress library, reduce's the size of the image by 90% without losing any of its pixels.
Image Compressor An Android image compress library, image compressor, is small and effective. With very little or no image quality degradation, a comp
Simple parallax effect for your image. Only usable with Jetpack Compose.
Parallax Effect in Compose Image Example usage // In an activity or fragment... private lateinit var gravitySensorDefaulted: GravitySensorDefaulted o
With the Help of this libray you can pic image from camera, gallery, it's support image cropping as well and you can pic PDF
FilePicker This project aims to provide an ultimate and flexible image picking from Gallery, Camera and cropping experience as well as PDF picking fro
Android SDK development environment Docker image
AndroidSDK Android SDK development environment Docker image Goals It contains the complete Android SDK enviroment, is able to perform all regular Andr
Pixel Boom is a Java-based Android software, featuring image super-resolution and colorization
Pixel Boom is a Java-based Android software, featuring image super-resolution and colorization.
Compose Image library for Kotlin Multiplatform.
Compose ImageLoader Compose Image library for Kotlin Multiplatform. Setup Add the dependency in your common module's commonMain sourceSet kotlin {
Android library for creating QR-codes with logo, custom pixel/eyes shapes, background image. Powered by ZXing.
custom-qr-generator Android library for creating QR-codes with logo, custom pixel/eyes shapes, background image. Powerd by ZXing. Installation To get
A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture.
Kotlin-MVVM-Hilt A sample Album list app that shows how to use ViewModels and Room together with RxJava & Dagger2, in Kotlin by Clean Architecture. Im
Gallery application using Unsplash API, coding by Android Kotlin
Gallery App GalleryApp is application show image from Unsplash API, based on MVVM architecture. Download Go to the Releases to download the latest APK
Slider-Gallery-Zoom: image slider for android supporting indicator and auto scroll with clicking on image
image slider supporting indicator and auto scroll with clicking on image to open full screen image slider swipe and pinch zoom gestures like gallery,just pass your images and the position of the current image.
Image cropping library written with Jetpack Compose with other Composables such as ImageWithConstraints scales Bitmap
Image cropping library written with Jetpack Compose with other Composables such as ImageWithConstraints scales Bitmap it displays and returns position and bounds of Bitmap and ImageWithThumbnail to display thumbnail of the image on selected corner.
A capable — pixel art editor for Android.
A capable — pixel art editor for Android.
AssignmentListView is an Android ListView widget which calculate image loading times.
AssignmentListView is an Android ListView widget which calculate image loading times.
A complete app that demonstrate how to build an Android application using the Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture approach
📷 Blog taking application utilizing Ktor REST-API and following modern practices: Kotlin, Coroutines, Flows, Channels, Room, Work Manager, Navigation Component, MVI, Clean Architecture, Modularization, Dagger Hilt, Tests...
Simple, Powerful and Beautiful Android Image/Video/Audio Picker 😎
Simple, Powerful and Beautiful Android Image/Video/Audio Picker 😎 Features 😍 No need check storage permission 😉 Single and multiple selection Suppo
Partial port of https://github.com/davemorrissey/subsampling-scale-image-view library to Jetpack Compose.
ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage Early preview (expect bugs) dependencies { implementation 'com.github.K1rakishou:ComposeSubsamplingScaleImage:fab4ae38c
load-the-image Apply to compose-jb(desktop), Used to load network and local pictures.
load-the-image load-the-image Apply to compose-jb(desktop), Used to load network and local pictures. 🚀 Under construction It may change incompatibly
QrX: Camera with ML Kit QR/Barcode detection
QrX: Camera with ML Kit QR/Barcode detection This library allows you to easily add CameraX Preview with attached ML Kit to detect and display Qr codes
🌲BlurHash - a compact representation of a placeholder for an image
BlurHash is a compact representation of a placeholder for an image. Backdrop uses Glide and coroutines to show blured placeholder while image is loading.
Kotlin-native webserver for simple image annotations
Kotlin-native webserver for simple image annotations
Image-search - An Image search android app with offline support
image-search Image search app built using bing image search API via paging 3. Fe
Picker-kt - Media picker library powered by Jetpack Compose
ANDROID LIBRARY PickerKT A media picker library for Android apps powered by Jetp
Pluck - Pluck, a library helps you to pick image via Galley/Camera built using Compose
Pluck - The image-picker library for Compose This is an image-picker for your je
Facebook-Styled-Image-Picker - Facebook Styled Image Picker
Facebook-Styled-Image-Picker Facebook Styled Gallery Files picker. One or multip
This document will walk you through the steps for creating your Android app that runs a deep learning image classification model trained in Pocket AutoML and exported in TensorFlow Lite format
Pocket AutoML: Tutorial for Creating an Android App for Image Classification with Deep Learning Translations English (this document) Русский Overview
Software blur implementation for Blur, blur, and one more time blur article
Software Blur Software blur implementation for Blur, blur, and one more time blu
📸Image Picker for Android, Pick an image from Gallery or Capture a new image with Camera
📸 Image Picker Library for Android Built with ❤︎ by Dhaval Patel and contributors Easy to use and configurable library to Pick an image from the Gall
Adds an option to IntelliJ to import drawables in different resolutions from AndroidIcons, own "drawable repos" and scale a certain image down/up to the defined resolutions.
Android Drawable Importer Plugin This plugin consists of three main features. You can access them by right-clicking anywhere, but not on a file, insid
JetCam - Add camera capability to app built with Jetpack Compose
JetCam Add camera capability to your app with just a single method - JetCam To g
A camera app using the new camera2 API in Android Lollipop
L Camera L Camera is an open-source experimental camera app for Android L devices using the new android.hardware.camera2 API. Currently, the only supp
A powerful and funny android app. that streams the camera and microphone of your phone to your browser or to VLC
Spydroid-ipcamera Spydroid is a little app. that streams the camera and microphone of your phone to your browser or to VLC ! It is a fun app for pulli
This is an Android application with camera,picture cropping,collage sticking and tagging
This is an Android application with camera,picture cropping,collage sticking and tagging
DaVinci is an image downloading and caching library for Android Wear
DaVinci DaVinci is an image downloading and caching library for Android Wear Usage Use DaVinci from your SmartWatch app DaVinci.with(context).load("/i
[RETIRED ] Android camera easy access library and embedded QR (and other codes) scanner, based on ZXing
Retirement Notice This project is retired and no longer maintained. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to supoprt it in a quality way and also th
Android library for getting photo or video from a device gallery, cloud or camera. Working with samsung devices. Made by Stfalcon
ContentManager Library for getting photos, videos or files of any type from a device gallery, external storage, cloud(Google Drive, Dropbox and etc) o
Multi Image Picker and Multi Image Capture Library
Multimager Multi Image Picker and Multi Image Capture Demo app This is a sample demonstration for multiple images capture as well as multiple image pi
An open source camera for google glass
CuXtomCam Up for Adoption: kindly email me on sherazkhilji@gmail.com if you want to mantain it An open source camera for google glass. This is a an al
ImageList-Lib - Android library for showing images side by side.
ImageList-Lib Android library for showing images side by side. This is based on CircleImageView from hdodenhof . Used Glide for image. Gradle allproje
Capturable - 🚀Jetpack Compose utility library for capturing Composable content and transforming it into Bitmap Image🖼️
Capturable 🚀 A Jetpack Compose utility library for converting Composable content into Bitmap image 🖼️ . Made with ❤️ for Android Developers and Comp
Bootcamp - Digital Innovation One e NTT Data - Aula de Recursos Nativos do Android
Recursos-Nativos-Android -Foto e Camera Bootcamp - Digital Innovation One e NTT Data - Aula de Recursos Nativos do Android Tutorial de uso da bibliote
ImageToASCII - Converts an image to an ASCII representation
ImageToASCII Converts an image to an ASCII representation By giving the filepath
Utility - The cross-platform native Kotlin command line tool template
Utility The cross-platform native Kotlin command line tool template. Usage Make
Blinking-image-view - A variant of Android View that blinks only the source image (not the background)
Blinker View for Android What is this? Blinker View is an Android View that blinks a given drawable. Yes, it's that simple. Place it in your layout an
NguyenThienAn06105 - This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the …
MLX90640-HeatCamera This repository consist of the code to read camera data on ESP8266 and a simple Android application to visualize the result. There
ProfilePercentageView - A Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin
ProfilePercentageView It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress develo
It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin.
It is a Profile Image View with percentage progress developed in Kotlin. It is a highly customizable view that offers multiple attributes for creating either dash or continuous progress view around profile image based on your requirements.
Tutorial Double Tap Pinch to Zoom with kotlin
Double-Tap-Pinch-Zoom Tutorial Double Tap Pinch to Zoom Tutorial Build with Andr
A Multiplatform Kotlin SVG image DSL.
Kotlin Multiplatform SVG DSL I had a Kotlin microservice that needed to produce a simple heatmap chart on an HTML page to a large audience very rapidl
Android Fading (Circle/ Custom Corner) Image
Android Fading (Circle/ Custom Corner) Image Implementation add maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } to build.gradle in your project: allprojects {
SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling.
SmartLens SmartLens uses Google's ML Kit for Barcode scanning, Face recognition, Text recognition, and Image labeling. 📷 Screen Shots 🔥 Features It
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository)
This is the Kotlin port of the original OpenGL Image (GLI), written by g-truc (repository), a header only C++ image library for graphics software. GLI
AndroidPhotoFilters aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image media.
PhotoFiltersSDK PhotoFiltersSDK aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image medi
Image Picker with Customizable UI for Android, Pick an image from Gallery
Image Picker A Image Picker Library for Android (Supports Android 12) with fully
Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners.
RoundedImageView Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About Th
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows.Provides fast canvas draw as no renderscript needed .The similar shadow blurred effects can also be seen in iOS Music App.
An Android App that uses Machine Learning to recognize the objects in an image captured from the phone's camera
Camera App 📷 Description An Android App that uses Machine Learning (ML) to recognize the objects in an image captured from the phone's camera. • Allo
Image management on Cloudflare
#Cloudflare image management sample Getting Started This project contains sample code for the Cloudflare images API. Code is available for: Uploading
Search image app [Adanian Labs Interview], Android developer role
Pixar This is App shows you Images from the Pixabay API Table of Contents Functionalities Approach Screenshots How To Setup Libraries Used Author Info
Camera Color Picker is an Android application that lets you capture, in real time, the colors around you using the camera of your device
Camera Color Picker Camera Color Picker is an Android application that lets you capture, in real time, the colors around you using the camera of your
Android app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process
DesignOverlay - for developers and designers DesignOverlay is an android app which displays a design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious l
Small app to create icon sets for Linux, Windows, OSX, Android and IOS from a single PNG image
FXIconcreator Small app to create icon sets (multi resolution) for Linux, Windows, OSX from a single PNG image Reason for creating such an app was tha
Android Library for cropping an image at ease.
Cropper - Android Image Cropper Android Image Cropper Powerful (Zoom, Rotation, Multi-Source); Customizable (Shape, Limits, Style); Optimized (Async,
An image manipulation library for Kotlin
Sketch An image manipulation library for Kotlin. Sketch doesn't require any external installation like OpenCV or OCR and can be used right away. It's
Image Processing Engine with GUI
Image Processing Engine with GUI Imperial College London Department of Computing Third Year Software Engineer Group Project Supervisor: Dr. Pancham Sh
A sample photo browsing app in Kotlin, Android using Picsum image API.
Picsum Photo App Functionality The app's functionality includes: Fetch a list of images from picsum photos api (https://picsum.photos/) and show them
Image Search used MVVM with Clean Architecture
ImageSearchCleanArch Readme In this project I used MVVM with Clean Architecture. MVVM provides a clean separation of concerns between user interface a
Identification of android devices using wallpaper image
WallpaperID The source code of the demo application that calculates an ID for a device using wallpaper images. The ID is scoped to a device and will b
Native android application that scans for text in images. Uses ML kit under the hood.
Scannerate - Ad free Text Recognition Android application built using Kotlin to extract text from images. Uses Google's ML kit library under the hood.
🐶 Simple app which shows random dog image from Dog API
🐶 Doggy App 🐶 🐾 Simple app which shows random dog image from Dog API with Retrofit2 and Glide 🐾 ❤️ Retrofit @GET Request YouTube Tutorial! (Stevdz
ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image while the real image is loaded from the internet. Use blurhash and coil to ensure good performance.
compose-image-blurhash ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image while the real
ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image
compose-image-blurhash ComposeImageBlurhash is a Jetpack Compose component with the necessary implementation to display a blurred image while the real
Ojo is a basic RTSP IP Camera surveillance wall for Android
Ojo: the FLOSS RTSP Surveillance camera viewer for Android (Always prefer F-Droid build, when possible). Ojo is a basic IP Camera surveillance wall. I
🎨 Modern image loading library for Android. Simple by design, powerful under the hood.
Simple Image Loader Modern image loading library for Android. Simple by design, powerful under the hood. Kotlin: Simple Image Loader is Kotlin-native
Weather App With Jetpack Compose
Weather-App-With-Compose In this repository i made weather app with using Jetpack Compose. Datas is coming from internet. You can look in here. Librar
Android camera and serial communication utility that interacts with another device via a USB connection.
PVIT-Payload-Source Android camera and serial communication utility that interacts with another device via a USB connection. PVIT = Palos Verdes Insti
Sample app that displays a birthday card with text and an image
Birthday Card App Sample app that displays a birthday card with text and an image. Used in the Android Basics with Kotlin course. Pre-requisites Andro
🛡️ Android security (camera/microphone dots indicators) app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack based on MVVM architecture.
🛡️ Android security app using Hilt, Animations, Coroutines, Material, StateFlow, Jetpack (Room, ViewModel, Paging, Security, Biometrics, Start-up) based on MVVM architecture.
ZoomableComposeImage - A zoomable image for jetpack compose
ZoomableComposeImage - A zoomable image for jetpack compose
android project themplate including network(retrofit), utils(image, permission, etc), etc
Template-Android When starting a new Android project, it is boring to write some codes such as permission verification, network interface creation, wh
Library for Instagram Image/Video Downloader for Android
Insta Downloader Simple Instagram Image Video Downloader Library for Android Implementation Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add
FFmpeg compiled for Android. Execute FFmpeg commands with ease in your Android app.
FFMPEG video operations FFmpeg compiled for Android. Execute FFmpeg commands with ease in your Android app. Getting Started This project is provide in
Examples of custom recycler view items. Automatically detecting a dominant color of an image using Picasso and Palette libraries
custom-image-list-item Examples of custom RecyclerView items using Data Binding Features: Loading images urls with the help of a Picasso library Autom
Android application to preview, record (MediaRecorder), and fetch each image from both front and rear cameras simultaneously
DuoCamera 🚀 Overview Android application to preview, record (MediaRecorder) and fetch each image from both front and rear cameras simultaneously. The
A new camera app for GrapheneOS based on the modern CameraX library.
This is the new GrapheneOS Camera app based on Android's modern CameraX library. It's currently in the alpha phase and isn't yet included in GrapheneO
Image classifier app build in Android Studio.
Android Image Classifier App Strongly based on https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime-inference-examples/tree/main/mobile/examples/image_classificat
An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API to showcase modern Android development architecture (MVVM + Kotlin + Retrofit2 + Hilt + Coroutines + Kotlin Flow + mockK + Espresso + Junit)
Imagine App An simple image gallery app utilizing Unsplash API. Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and contributors Features Popular photos with paginatio
An image board client based on Gelbooru for android, made from Jetpack Compose 🚀 .
Mejiboard An image board client based on Gelbooru for android, made from Jetpack Compose 🚀 . Features Material Design UI Easy one-handed operation Li
Android Gradle Plugin -- Auto Check big image and compress image in building.
McImage I will continue to update, please rest assured to use 中文文档 Android优雅的打包时自动化获取全部res资源 McImage is a Non-invasive plugin for compress all res in
🔥 Android OpenGL Camera 2.0 实现 30 种滤镜和抖音特效
OpenGLCamera2 Android OpenGL Camera 2.0 项目使用 OpenGL ES 3.0 实现 30 种相机滤镜和特效,支持相机预览和拍照,左右滑动切换滤镜。 对 OpenGL ES 3.0 不熟悉的同学可以移步 Android OpenGLES 3.0 开发系统性学习教
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Coil, Glide, Picasso, and Fresco.