5904 Repositories
Android image-steganography-library-android Libraries
Let third-party launcher always get themed icon in MIUI (Maybe also works for other Android based OS).
English 简体中文 Introduction This module can let third party launcher always use icons with MIUI/Flyme Themes. It may also work with other custom Android
A simple library for automatically animating between Compose states.
compose-autotransition Status: Experimental A simple library for automatically animating between Compose states. var scale by remember { mutableStateO
RCX - Rclone for Android
RCX - Rclone for Android A cloud file manager, powered by rclone. Features Cloud Access 256 Bit Encryption1 Integrated Experience Use your cloud stora
An android application that displays public apis' for developers to use
An android application that displays public apis' for developers to use. This application implements adaptive layout by use of a sliding pane layout
Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design.
Quiz Zone Quiz Zone is a simple ✅ Quiz Android application 📱 using Firbase Firestore Database and Material Design. You can Install and test Quiz Zone
Modular android app for searching Movies on Filmnet.ir and show the details of each Move based on MVVM.
Movie_Search Modular android app for searching Movies on Filmnet.ir and show the details of each Move based on MVVM. Android MVVM Architecture Table o
Library for testing highlighting in plugins for IDEA in KPHP format.
intellij-kphp-highlighting-test-adapter Library for testing highlighting in plugins for IDEA in KPHP format. Installation Kotlin DSL plugins { id(
💸Simple Android application to calculate a tip amount
TipTime 💸 Simple Android application to calculate a tip amount What i've learned? How to work with layouts in XML files Classes and inheritance in Ko
Library to simplify and speed up the creation and work with adapters with payload.
Novalles Library to simplify and speed up the creation and work with adapters with payload. How to use Annotate your UI model with UIModel Annotation.
Simple parallax effect for your image. Only usable with Jetpack Compose.
Parallax Effect in Compose Image Example usage // In an activity or fragment... private lateinit var gravitySensorDefaulted: GravitySensorDefaulted o
NewsAppKt is an Android app designed for searching news using TheGuardianOpenPlatform public web service.
NewsAppKt is an updated version of NewsApp. It is written entirely in Kotlin and uses MVVM with Clean Architecture practices. The UI implementation uses Jetpack Compose.
A powerful library for easy implementation of HMS Location Kit.
AdvancedLocation A powerful library for easy implementation of HMS Location Kit. 💙 Request location with couple lines of code (no more boilerplate) C
A personal project made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM architecture and other jetpack libraries
A basic CRUD for recording your personal credit and debit transactions. Made using Jetpack Compose, Clean-MVVM and other Jetpack libraries, incorporated with Unit Tests.
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component
Android Clean Architecture with MVVM using Jetpack component 💡 What is Clean Architecture? Clean architecture is a category of software design patter
A women safety project built in Android Studio.
⚡ Spark Women - A Women Safety Application Feel Safe Everywhere Women Safety App is user friendly application built in Android Studio, it is simple to
Library to read incoming SMS in Android for Expo (React Native)
react-native-expo-read-sms Maintainers maniac-tech Active maintainer Installation Install this in your managed Expo project by running this command: $
Android Compose wheel picker library based on LazyColumn in vertical and LazyRow in horizontal.
About Android Compose wheel picker library based on LazyColumn in vertical and LazyRow in horizontal. Gradle Sample Default Item size Unfocused count
The WeeBe application is a social media-type app built on Ktor framework
The WeeBe application is a social media-type app built on Ktor framework that allows users to exchange various content connected with mental health, motivation, psychology, and improving oneself. Users can share posts with texts, images, videos, and links, as well as discuss the content in the comment section
Integration of Retrofit and Hilt-Dagger with MVVM architecture to get request from GitHub Api
GitHubApiApp-MVVM-Retrofit-Hilt-Dagger-Livedata 🎈 I built this project to demonstrate integration of Hilt-Dagger and Retrofit with MVVM architecture.
Distance Sensor Localization Library created by FTC 16439, AlphaGo
AGDistanceLocalization A simple and easy-to-use library, written in Kotlin, to aid in the process of localizing your robot using Distance Sensors! Thi
An Android library for simple notification displayed inside ViewGroup instead of system.
SimpleNotificationBar SimpleNotificationBar is an Android library that helps developers to easily create a Notification inside a view group, instead o
With the Help of this libray you can pic image from camera, gallery, it's support image cropping as well and you can pic PDF
FilePicker This project aims to provide an ultimate and flexible image picking from Gallery, Camera and cropping experience as well as PDF picking fro
🚀 🥳 MVVM based sample currency converter application using Room, Koin, ViewModel, LiveData, Coroutine
Currency Converter A demo currency converter app using Modern Android App Development techniques Tech stack & Open-source libraries Minimum SDK level
Helps to find your surrounding's light value (for android only) using device light sensor
react-native-ambient-light-sensor Helps to find your surrounding's light value (in lux unit) (for android only) using device light sensor Installation
PPNS(public-push-notification-service) for android SDK
Public Push Notification Service - PPNS What is PPNS? It's a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably send messages for free. Inspired
Android SDK development environment Docker image
AndroidSDK Android SDK development environment Docker image Goals It contains the complete Android SDK enviroment, is able to perform all regular Andr
Simple sample app for sport events.
Kaizen Sports Simple sample app for sport events. Features Uses fake REST API to load data. Expandable list of events for each sport. Live countdown t
Android gradle version and plugins
android-gradle-plugin Android gradle version and plugins Version catalogs Shared catalogs 를 사용한 android version catalogs 입니다. Usage settings.gradle.kt
Modal Sheet library for Jetpack Compose
Modal Sheet Modal Sheet library for Jetpack Compose. Motivation Sometimes we want bottom sheets to behave as real modals, thus overlaying all content
Dose a Android app that reminds you medications exactly when your body needs them, building entirely using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + Clean Architecture
💊⏰ Dose is a work-in-progress Android app that reminds you medications exactly when your body needs them, building entirely using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + Clean Architecture
A library for working with URIs in Kotlin Multiplatform
Uri KMP Most of this work is derived from AOSP's Uri: Uri.java UriCodec.java UriTest.java UriCodecTest.java Gradle Groovy repositories { mavenCentra
Android app of LINDAT translation service
Charles Translator Android app of LINDAT translation service For now just translate Czech - Ukrainian, but if future will be more languages Architec
Android application for department navigation
DepNav – Department Navigator DepNav is an Android application for viewing indoor maps of departments and searching for specific rooms on them. The fo
Ejemplo de uso de JetPack en Android con Kotlin
Kotlin Jetpack Android Ejemplo de implementar poco a poco Jetpack Android en Kotlin Kotlin Jetpack Android Acerca de Android Jetpack View Binding View
An Android app to help runners to find races in France
Onirun Onirun was an Android app to help runners to find races in France. We were a team of 4 people to create the project on our free time : me for t
Multiplayer Dots and Boxes game for Android
Multiplayer Dots and Boxes game for Android. One player is the server, and the rest connect to them. Has player customization and in-game chat! Still in development, but fully compatible with version 2.0 of my NetDot protocol.
Script Android from TCP socket
What is this? This is an Android application that will execute commands received over TCP port 9988, which includes automatic introspection to call an
Android Application that let users select 2 currencies with the amount to convert
Currency Converter Android Application that let users select 2 currencies with the amount to convert and have Historical data for 2 currencies of thei
Android plugin to publish bundles and apks to Firebase App Distribution with changelogs
build-publish-plugin A configurable plugin to generate changelogs from tags and publish results into Firebase App Distribution and send changelog to T
Introduction your app to the user , Easy to use and set Items as you want
Introduction App This lib helps to introduce the App-by view page based on Kotlin. Features Easy Set up Items: Title, Describe, Background, Buttons Ap
This library is created to make files uploading and downloading on Aws easier
S3Manager - aws files uploading library This library is created to make files uploading and downloading on Aws easier Features Easy to use Single/mult
Todo android app
Todo Screenshots Light Mode Dark Mode Used Technology Kotlin Data Binding - Declaratively bind observable data to UI elements. LiveData - Build data o
A daily horoscope android app.
horoscope A daily horoscope android app that provides prediction for all the twelve zodiac signs; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sc
Android app based on clean architecture and using the github API to show open pull requests
This app is based on clean architecture and using the github API to show open pull requests. The code is made considering all design principles and guidelines.
CCDroidX is to Android what CCMenu is to Mac and what CCTray is to Windows
CCDroidX CCDroidX is to Android what CCMenu is to Mac and what CCTray is to Windows. CCDroidX is free, as in freedom, build monitoring & alert tool. I
Kotlin compiler plugin generates support synthetic methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables.
SavedState Compiler Plugin Kotlin compiler plugin generates support methods for use SaveStateHandle without constants and string variables. Example If
СontextMenu library based on BottomSheetDialog written in Kotlin.
KtxMenu Description СontextMenu library based on BottomSheetDialog written in Kotlin. Example 🛠 Installation Add the JitPack repository to your build
An android app consuming movies api build with Jetpack Compose
Movies App An Android app consuming MovieDb API to display list of movies, built with Compose, MVVM pattern as well as Architecture Components. Min Ap
A Secure Password Generator designed with security precautions for the user's data
GenPass GenPass is a secure password generating application designed with a high level of security. It uses Java Security library to generate strong p
LazyGrid library for Jetpack Compose
LazyGrid LazyGrid library for Jetpack Compose. About LazyGrid is a grid view implementation for Android's new and modern UI toolkit Compose. This libr
Second assigment of the UpSchool Android Development Bootcamp
Android-Tween-Animation-Sample 🌟 The view animation framework supports both tween and frame-by-frame animations, both of which can be declared in XML
Material Design 3 Theme Engine for Android
A Material Design 3 Theme Engine for Android This library allows you to set Material 3 themes to your app. You can also manage dark mode and dynamic c
Product Hunt Android app using Jetpack Compose
Product Hunt Product Hunt Android app using Jetpack Compose. The app supports both day mode and night mode. 👉 Check the article on my blog https://sa
🚆 Retrofit adapters for modeling network responses with Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either.
Retrofit Adapters 🚆 Retrofit adapters for modeling network responses with Kotlin Result, Jetpack Paging3, and Arrow Either. Sandwich If you're intere
Android Utilities Library build in kotlin Provide user 100 of pre defined method to create advanced native android app.
Android Utilities Library build in kotlin Provide user 100 of pre defined method to create advanced native android app.
Open currenty activity in Android Studio
Open Current Activity Android Studio / IntelliJ Plugin A little plugin for Android development (Android Studio or IntelliJ). Adds an action under Navi
Traccar Client is an Android GPS tracking application.
Traccar Client is an Android GPS tracking application. It can work with Traccar open source server software.
Flym News Reader is a light Android feed reader (RSS/Atom)
BEWARE: The original developer stopped the development of the app so I'm starting to work on it to improve it and maintain it. Flym News Reader Light
Show cryptocurrency list by android architecture component
Cryptocurrency List Description In this project, we will receive a list of cryptocurrencies. Getting Started Resources @Cryptocurrency API https://api
Customtoast is a android library for show your toast message in a custom UI.
CUSTOM TOAST customtoast is a android library for show your toast message in a custom UI. To get a Git project into your build: Step 1. Add the JitPac
AndroRAT is a tool designed to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve informations from it.
AndroRAT is a tool designed to give the control of the android system remotely and retrieve informations from it. Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and the Server is in Python.
An example of using KWidget(KEditText and KSpinner) in an android application.
KWidget Sample This is an example project of using KWidget on an android application. What is KWidget? Easy use form widget components with material d
A setting library for Jetpack Compose with Material You design
ComposeSetting This is a basic Compose setting library that provides a basic Material3 setting components It also provides a persistent state system b
Quickly rotate screen on Android devices without second thought
Useful uitlity for ONYX BOOX Eink devices. It provides several quick actions to be added in top system panel
Smart Contract developed in PyTEAL, Android application implemented in Java to build a dApp for carpooling in Algorand Blockchain
Algorand Carsharing Android Smart Contract developed in PyTeal to build a dApp for car sharing in Algorand Blockchain. Application developed in Java.
Offerwall for Android games and apps monetization.
Monlix Android SDK Monlix offerwall for Android Integration In the top level build.gradle file, add the following For Gradle 7 allprojects { repo
Android AccessibilityService that performs gestures on behalf of the user whenever they blink their eyes.
BlinkScroll An Android Accessibility Service that monitors a user's face via the phone's front-facing camera. When the user blinks (or winks), the ser
Pawarta - Aplikasi Pembaca Berita
Pawarta - Aplikasi Pembaca Berita Aplikasi Pembaca Berita yang dibuat menggunakan API Publik News API dengan akun Developer sehingga memiliki limitasi
A library with a range of useful machines for simprokmachine framework.
simproktools simproktools is a small library consisting of useful machines for simprokmachine framework. Installation Add this in your project's gradl
Run Linux virtual machine on Android OS. Powered by QEMU. No KVM or root required.
vmConsole A free and open-source application that enables you to run Alpine Linux distribution in a virtual machine on your Android device. Thousands
Clone of a onboarding screen📱animation originally created by @cuberto.
BubblePager Here I tried to clone an onboarding screen animation using Jetpack Compose. Download the apk file from the release page and try it yoursel
A clone of Zomato, A Online Food Ordering App using Jetpack Compose
Zomato-Clone A clone of Zomato, A Online Food Ordering App using Jetpack Compose Below are a few Screenshots of the app till now - Screens Demo Login
FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
This repository contains a FaceTimeClone app that implements Coroutines , mvvm architecture , clean architecture , navigation component , hilt , etc.... using kotlin language
A native android app that shows how much calories one must consume based on their profile
Healtify is a native android app which allows the user to track the amout of Calories they are consuming. It not only tracks the calories but also shows how much of fat, protein and carbs they have consumed and how much they should be doing.
👨💻 Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android
Squircle IDE is a fast and free multi-language code editor for Android. Table of Contents EditorKit Gradle Dependency The Basics More Opt
A react-like kotlin library to create an inventory ui easily in paper plugins
A react-like kotlin library to create an inventory ui easily in paper plugins
The app is composed of 2 screens, first is the profile screen, it has the user_name and address pinned at the top and then it lists all of this user’s albums.
The app is composed of 2 screens, first is the profile screen, it has the user_name and address pinned at the top and then it lists all of this user’s albums. When you press on any album it navigates to the second screen which is an album details screen that contains list of the images in an recyclerview grid. Also you have search bar that you can filter within the photos album by the image title.
Android Project: A Week Planner for Weed Planter
Android Project: A Week Planner for Weed Planter Authors This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. Leo Daybreak Bowen Christine Get
Native Kotlin library for time-based TOTP and HMAC-based HOTP one-time passwords
A kotlin implementation of HOTP (RFC-4226) and TOTP (RFC-6238). Supports validation and generation of 2-factor authentication codes, recovery codes and randomly secure secrets.
Jambo is an open source remote logging library
Jambo Jambo is an open source remote logging library. For those who would like to see their logs remotely on their android device Jambo is the library
Simple Trading / Stock market app
Trading App Uses the Investors Exchange api to get a list of stock data in CSV to json format. The list of stocks is displyed in the first screen. Cli
Kord-selfbot is discord selfbot library written in kotlin
Kord-selfbot is discord selfbot library written in kotlin
FilePicker - Android library to facilitate files picking up process and ability to convert them to request bodies
FilePicker - Android library to facilitate files picking up process and ability to convert them to request bodies
LinkU-Android - Jetpack Compose example.
LinkU-Android - Jetpack Compose example.
This project acts as a backend to the zhi-dao android app
This project acts as backend to the Zhi-Dao android app (currently in progress) which is a restaurants guide app.
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor
Showify is a my first simple ✅ Android application 📱 using DI, where I learn how to use dagger-hilt, retrofit2, mvvm, livedata, Requestly Interceptor and so much more...
A Kotlin binding to webview, a tiny cross-platform webview library, supports Java and Native.
webviewko provides a Kotlin/JVM and a Kotlin/Native(experimental) binding to webview, a tiny cross-platform webview library to build modern cross-platform GUIs using WebView2, WebKit and WebKitGTK.
A Android app Permissions with Kotlin Flow APIs
Know about real-time state of a Android app Permissions with Kotlin Flow APIs. Made with ❤️ for Android Developers.
Validator - Notify type based validation for input fields.
Validator - Notify type based validation for input fields.
🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition.
Orbitary 🪐 Jetpack Compose animation library that allows you to implement animations such as shared element transition. Download Gradle Add the depen
Android Note app that uses the "ktor-note-app" backend
KtorNoteApp Android Notes app that uses Ktor back end server Technologies employed: Kotlin MVVM Coroutines Custom REST API build with Ktor Responds to
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture
Sample Android Clean MVVM architecture ( Retrofit + Okhttp + Moshi + Coil + Room + Navigation Component + Coroutines + Flow + DataStore + ViewModel + Hilt + Compose )
A collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android
Readme This repo is a collection of tests and easy to reuse pieces of code for bdk-jvm and bdk-android. Note that they don't aim to provide a full cov
Event pattern & event properties framework
Renetik Android - Event & Property https://github.com/renetik/renetik-android-event Documentation Framework to enjoy, improve and speed up your applic
A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose
Authentication A simple authentication application using Jetpack compose to illustrate signin and sign up using Mvvm, Kotlin and jetpack compose Scree
Sample of usage VisualFSM for Android application - Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose
Sample of usage VisualFSM for Android application - Kotlin Coroutines, Jetpack Compose ENG | RUS VisualFSM is a Kotlin library that implements an MVI
An App based on MVVM architecture to track & store a user's runs using Google Maps, with options to view & sort the runs as per the user's choice along the with option to run the app in background.
An App based on MVVM architecture to track & store a user's runs using Google Maps, with options to view & sort the runs as per the user's choice along the with option to run the app in background.
Pixel Boom is a Java-based Android software, featuring image super-resolution and colorization
Pixel Boom is a Java-based Android software, featuring image super-resolution and colorization.
Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains
Tonomy ID is the cross-platform mobile wallet (Android and iOS) for public and private EOSIO blockchains. This application allows you to sign transactions on the block chain, share your DID and Verifiable Credentials containing your identity with others in a consensual way and log into web2 and web3 applications. If you lose your phone several mechanisms exist to allow you to recover your account without trusting anyone with custody of your private keys.