828 Repositories
Android java-web Libraries
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security.
Open source Android, iOS and Web app for learning about and managing digital and physical security. From how to send a secure message to dealing with a kidnap. Umbrella has best practice guides in over 40 topics in multiple languages. Used daily by people working in high risk countries - journalists, activists, diplomats, business travelers etc.
Gnucash for Android mobile companion application.
Introduction GnuCash Android is a companion expense-tracker application for GnuCash (desktop) designed for Android. It allows you to record transactio
Android version of Money Manager Ex
MoneyManagerEx for Android See our homepage at android.moneymanagerex.org for more user-oriented information. Dev Stable Basic information Money Manag
Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Wear Compose, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web and Kotlin/JS + React clients along with Ktor backend.
PeopleInSpace Minimal Kotlin Multiplatform project with SwiftUI, Jetpack Compose, Compose for Wear OS, Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web, and Kotli
Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners.
RoundedImageView Easy to use, lightweight custom image view with rounded corners. Explore the docs » View Demo · Report Bug · Request Feature About Th
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows
A library for Android provides blurred drop shadows to ImageView similar to iOS image backdrop shadows.Provides fast canvas draw as no renderscript needed .The similar shadow blurred effects can also be seen in iOS Music App.
Simple to use swipe gestures for an Android RecyclerView
Android-RecyclerView-Swipe-Gestures Contribution Contributions / PRs are welcome. 1. Introduction An easy to use and highly customizable implementatio
[Android] In-app language changing library
Localization Library Android library for in-app language changes support in your application Feature In-app language changing Default language when fi
Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile
Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile, it can help developer to protect source code by control flow flattening, and make it difficult to analyze the actual program control flow.
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator
This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.
TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
TwitterCompose Demo TwitterCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android. About . This is
Android heart rate monitor
android-heart-rate-monitor Android heart rate monitor Introduction Android based heart rate monitor which uses the camera and its flash to determine t
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON
Images grid JSON | Сетка изображений JSON Задача Разработать приложение: Приложение должно получать JSON-список ссылок на изображения с сервера по адр
Manager of progress using Lottie JSON, compatible for Java and Kotlin.
Progress Lottie IGB Manager of progress using Lottie JSON, compatible for Java and Kotlin. Int Top In Bottom Important Info: To create a raw folder: R
Android & Pure Java library for sound manipulation
soundtransform Android & Pure Java library to shape a voice with an instrument. Table of Contents How to use the library FluentClient FluentClient sam
Kotlin SDK for Jellyfin supporting Android and the JVM.
Jellyfin Kotlin SDK Part of the Jellyfin Project The Jellyfin Kotlin SDK is a library implementing the Jellyfin API to easily access servers. It is cu
Customizable toast message library for Android
Android Custom Toast Message (SnToast) Customizable Toast Message Library For Android Add this in your root build.gradle file allprojects { reposito
Utility library dedicated for functional & non-functional codebases to simplify modelling of success and failure responses for the JVM languages 🔀
Expressible Utility library, part of the panda-lang SDK, dedicated for functional codebases that require enhanced response handling. Express yourself
Java bindings for Skia
Skija: Java bindings for Skia Skia is an open source 2D graphics library which provides common APIs that work across a variety of hardware and softwar
Framework for quickly creating connected applications in Kotlin with minimal effort
Ktor is an asynchronous framework for creating microservices, web applications and more. Written in Kotlin from the ground up. import io.ktor.server.n
Unofficial client for Product Hunt with material design.
I have stoppped working on Jager in June 2015. If you would like to add/change a feature, submit a pull request. Jager An unofficial Android client fo
A material-design Hacker News Android reader
Materialistic for Hacker News Material design Hacker News client for Android, uses official HackerNews/API, Dagger for dependency injection and Robole
Udacity android nanodegree p7
Predator for ProductHunt Predator is a minimalistic client for ProductHunt. It shows latest products and collections fetched via ProductHunt api. It a
ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android.
ConnectBot ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for Android that lets you connect to remote servers over a cryptographically secure link. Google Play C
Android app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process
DesignOverlay - for developers and designers DesignOverlay is an android app which displays a design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious l
Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text
Hash Checker About application Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text. Supporting algorithms N
Fast and simple application for generating and comparing hashes from files or text.
The app is in the Archive. You can still download it from sources below. You also can download Original Hash Checker (it is not in the Archive and sti
🚧 A fully open-source project for creating and maintaining a Kotlin-based Minecraft: Java Edition server.
Hexalite: Java Edition ⚠️ WARNING: The Hexalite Network is a work in progress. It is not yet ready for production. You may encounter bugs and other is
Backend service for mobile/web application for a small cinema playing only movies
FFC - Fast & Furious Cinema Backend service for mobile/web application for a small cinema playing only movies from Fast & Furious franchise. Some assu
Yet another web browser for Android.
Ninja Yet another web browser for Android. Ninja in 酷安 Ninja in 少数派 Ninja in 小众软件 Download latest Ninja.apk SUPPORT: Android 4.1+ LONG TERM MAINTENANC
The Holo version of my popular Android Talon for Twitter app, 100% open-source
Notice This was the old version of Talon for Twitter. I have since open-sourced the Material Design version of the app. All future contributions will
10-bit Clock Widget uses 10 binary dots and their color to represent current time in 12-hour format.
10-bitClockWidget Me: 10-bit Clock Widget uses 10 binary dots and their color to represent current time in 12-hour format. Inner me: Shouldn't it be 1
Android app to share business cards with people nearby
Card Case Exchange your business card with people nearby (Website) Leave your paper business cards at home. With Card Case you can create your digital
Native Android app for Habitica
Habitica for Android Habitica is an open source habit building program which treats your life like a Role Playing Game. Level up as you succeed, lose
Material To-Do App
Minimal A fully Material ToDo app with minimal features, just enough to be useful. Screenshots: Download App Icon Designed by Christopher Gundersen Tr
Minitask is a mini, lightweight (5MB), and simple app for reminders/ todo list/ task management
Notice: This app is no longer maintained here. Please visit https://github.com/redlor/Minitask for further development. Minitask About Minitask is a m
Simple and powerful File Editor for Android. All is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Turbo Editor Simple, powerful and Open Source text editor for Android licensed under the GPLv3 license. Download Contribute You can contribute to this
Google Play demo app for the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android
Mapbox Android Demo app This is a public demo of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. The demo app is available now in the Google Play Store and it shows
Realtime transit tracker of Pittsburgh's Port Authority buses using the realtime PAT API using Google Maps to Display the Maps
Realtime-Port-Authority The purpose of this was to create a real-time tracking of port authority of Pittsburgh, PA, using the realtime API given by Po
Adds loveable red pandas into Minecraft! Who doesn't love a Red Panda in their world?
🧧 Akali Adds loveable red pandas into Minecraft! Who doesn't love a Red Panda in their world? :3 This is a Forge and Fabric mod under their respected
Modern XML Parser for Android
Work in Progress Please note that this is still work in progress!, although quite stable and used in production. TikXML A fast xml parser for android
A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android
Scarlet A Retrofit inspired WebSocket client for Kotlin, Java, and Android. Update We are working on a new version of Scarlet that supports other pers
Social Style Date and Time Formatting for Java
prettytime Social Style Date and Time Formatting for Java Learn more at https://www.ocpsoft.org/prettytime/ Java =1.8 (Support JDK DateTime API) Pret
Sample Code for fake Kotlin library written in Java
Jatlin このリポジトリは ブログ記事 のためのサンプルコードです。詳細は記事をご覧ください。 プロジェクト構成 :java-lib にKotlinに偽装したJavaファイルが含まれます。 :kotlin-lib は :java-lib をビルドしたJARファイルをKotlinから読み込んで実行
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
A customizable and easy to use BottomBar navigation view with sleek animations, with support for ViewPager, ViewPager2, NavController, and badges.
Kotlin and Java API for generating .swift source files.
SwiftPoet SwiftPoet is a Kotlin and Java API for generating .swift source files. Source file generation can be useful when doing things such as annota
Conversations is an open source XMPP/Jabber client for Android
Conversations Conversations: the very last word in instant messaging Design principles Be as beautiful and easy to use as possible without sacrificing
Secure your REST APIs with Spring Security, Resource and Authorization Server from zero to JWT
Secure REST APIs with Spring ./mvnw RTFM YouTube: Spring Security Patterns YouTube: Spring Security 5.5 From Taxi to Takeoff Official Apache Maven doc
An image manipulation library for Kotlin
Sketch An image manipulation library for Kotlin. Sketch doesn't require any external installation like OpenCV or OCR and can be used right away. It's
A generic library for quick development in Spring Boot using Java Generics.
slinky Now in Kotlin! A generic library for quick development in Spring Boot using Java Generics. Why "slinky"? A slinky is a precompressed helical sp
Implementation of MVVM , Live Data and Room DAO for a robust materialistic design
Someday App to manage Weekly tasks Because who needs to remind you every week to do Samething Preview Main Layout Light Dark Main Layout (Expanded) Li
Bible Study App, by And Bible Open Source Project
Bible Study App by And Bible Open Source Project Powerful offline Bible Study tool for Android Promovideo See promovideo in Youtube Users Please see t
Java library for RSS and Atom feeds
Rome Rome is a Java framework for RSS and Atom feeds. The framework consist of several modules: ⚠️ Maintenance and development of the project is curre
Hexagonal Architecture Java Example
Hexagonal Architecture Dev.to Hexagonal Architecture Article I have been working on many projects that claim to be using the Hexagonal Architecture St
Source code of the official StudyBuddy web client.
StudyBuddy-web This repository contains the source code of the web client, available here. Native apps For a native version of the application, see th
Keep your code spotless
Spotless: Keep your code spotless Spotless can format antlr | c | c# | c++ | css | flow | graphql | groovy | html | java | javascript | json | jsx |
Free (libre) native Android Ethereum wallet
WallΞTH Native Android Ethereum wallet. Features Hardware Wallet Support TREZOR Support via USB-OTG - model 1 and model T are supported KeyCard KeepKe
Mobile translation application built using android studio and java.
Translate I'm here when you need translation 👀 🔨 Libraries used in the project : implementation 'com.google.mlkit:translate:16.1.2' implementation '
A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server
dadb Blog Post: Our First Open-Source Project A Kotlin/Java library to connect directly to an Android device without an adb binary or an ADB server de
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability.
Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin with Java interoperability. No more ContentProviders and cursors. Say goodbye to ContactsContract. Build your own contacts app!
Akshaya Patra Donation App using Razorpay android integration
Akshaya Patra Donation App (razorpay-android-integration) Akshaya Patra Donation App using razorpay integration Dependency used : Razorpay : com.razor
Server & Web App of Tolgee localization toolkit
Server & Web App of Tolgee localization toolkit
Kompose wrappers for material-components-web
Kompose Material Design Components (KMDC) A set of kotlin wrappers over material-components-web@13.0.0 library providing Jetbrains Compose DSL for bui
Kotlin dropwizard app running on Java 11. With Guice injection loaded.
hello world How to start the hello world application Run mvn clean install to build your application Start application with java -jar target/dropwizar
🔨 Template for easy hosting of your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub
🔨 kotlin-jvm-library-template Another template for easy hosting your Java/Kotlin libraries on GitHub. Features boilerplate for Kotlin/Java projects w
A springboot secure web app with jsp support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-jsp-register-rsa-encrypt-argon2-encoded Description A springboot secure web app with jsp support. Three roles are defined; USE
A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support.
kotlin-web-maven-spring-thyme-challenge-question-aes-encoded-scrypt-encode Description A springboot secure web app with thymeleaf support. Three roles
Yet Another Native Loader for the JVM.
yanl - yet another native loader Yet another Native library extractor/loader for the JVM, written in Kotlin. why other libraries simply don't fit my n
The androidx.media3 support libraries for media use cases, including ExoPlayer, an extensible media player for Android
AndroidX Media AndroidX Media is a collection of libraries for implementing media use cases on Android, including local playback (via ExoPlayer) and m
A modern framework for full stack web apps in Kotlin
Kobweb is an opinionated Kotlin framework for creating websites and web apps, built on top of Web Compose and inspired by Next.js and Chakra UI.
A low intrusive, configurable android library that converts layout XML files into Java code to improve performance
qxml English 一个低侵入,可配置的 Android 库,用于将 layout xml 文件转换为 Java 代码以提高性能。 与X2C的对比 X2C: 使用注解处理器生成View类,使用时需要在类中添加注解,并替换setContentView方法,侵入性较强; 对于布局属性的支持不够完美
⚡️ A supercharged native Web View for iOS and Android ⚡️
⚡️ A supercharged native Web View for iOS and Android ⚡️ Ionic Portals is a supercharged native Web View component for iOS and Android that lets you a
Highly experimental predefined Bootstrap functions to use in Compose Web
bootstrap-compose Highly experimental predefined Bootstrap functions to use in Compose Web Install This package is uploaded to MavenCentral. repositor
The Odysee Android app with wallet functionality
Odysee Android Release To create an APK file which can be installed on real devices, you will need to create a digital signature and then edit app/bui
SocyMusic is an open-source Android music player written in Java with the aim of creating an easy-to-use app for exchanging and listening to top-quality music. Help us create it!
SocyMusic SocyMusic is an open-source Android music player written entirely in Java. It's objectives are to provide top-quality music to everyone for
Official Appwrite Kotlin SDK 💙🧡
Appwrite Kotlin SDK This SDK is compatible with Appwrite server version 0.11.x. For older versions, please check previous releases. This is the Kotlin
MQTT android client
killerbee MQTT android client For comparison with Paho Client check the blog on Killer Bee vs Paho. Adding as a Dependency This package is currently h
Unsplash application for Android, Desktop and Web. Built using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose
Unsplash Unsplash application for Android, Desktop and Web. Built using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose with ❤️ 👉 Presentation Set up the environmen
Simple Android web-view-based application. The primary purpose is to show the website in Kiosk mode.
Kiosk mode app Simple Android web-view-based application. The primary purpose is to show the website in Kiosk mode. By default, the app works in Scree
Android weather forecast app, which uses OpenWeatherMap API
Weather App 🌦 Android weather forecast app, which uses OpenWeatherMap API About Simple, free and fast weather API from OpenWeatherMap you have access
An Open-Source repository that contains all the Android Dev and Kotlin concepts and several projects on android ranging in difficulty making this repo completely beginner-friendly.
An Open-Source repository that contains all the Android Dev and Kotlin concepts and several projects on android ranging in difficulty making this repo completely beginner-friendly. The main aim of this repository is to help students who are learning Android Development or preparing for an Android Developer role-based job.
Template for a modern spring web service.
Spring Service Scaffold A scaffold for a web service operating with a Spring Framework backend, reactjs as frontend and a continuous testing and build
Android Library to create Lottie animation view dialog easily with a lot of customization
Android Library to create Lottie animation view dialog easily with a lot of customization
This repository is part of a Uni-Project to write a complete Compiler for a subset of Java.
Compiler This repository is part of a Uni-Project to write a complete Compiler for a subset of Java. Features error recovery using context sensitive a
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
A Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose template that allows you to easily set up your project targeting: Android, Desktop, and Web
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab
Building Web Applications with React and Kotlin JS Hands-On Lab This repository is the code corresponding to the hands-on lab Building Web Application
Source Code Tutorial Aplikasi Al-Quran Android
Al-Quran-Android SOURCE CODE APLIKASI AL-QURAN DENGAN ANDROID STUDIO Source Code ini sudah di update. Untuk source code versi lama, silahkan lihat di
AudLibPlayer is a library that allows a client to play from a collection of public domain audiobooks hosted on a web service
AudLibPlayer is a library that allows a client to play from a collection of public domain audiobooks hosted on a web service
GraphQL for Java with Spring Boot made easy.
GraphQL for Java with Spring Boot made easy.
Android Application Using Java
RandomUserApp [CLASS PROJECT] Android Application Using Java Aplicação android em linguagem Java desenvolvida para a disciplina de Ferramentas Computa
Android app for monitoring web services. Notifies you of any HTTP or Onion destination not being available.
Webmon Monitor web services and get notified, if a service becomes unavailable. EARLY BIRD DOWNLOAD App Features Simple UI. No login required. Get not
This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework.
foodhouse Project This project uses Quarkus, the Supersonic Subatomic Java Framework. If you want to learn more about Quarkus, please visit its websit
Bar Service Kotlin Client
A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)A simple starter service client written in Kotlin against generated models (protos)
A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api. Currently supports Android,iOS,Desktop and web platforms
A Kotlin Multiplatform Project using TMDB Api(https://www.themoviedb.org/). Currently this project is implemented in following platforms Andr
Color.kt is a modern color science library for Kotlin Multiplatform and Java.
Color.kt is a modern color science library for Kotlin Multiplatform and Java. It includes modern perceptually-uniform color spaces and color
Android-Java-App - Notepad app with user and password. SQL Lite
DVNote2 App Android-Java-App Notepad app with user and password Application made in Android Studio with Java language and SQLite database. How does it
Coroutine for Bukkit
Heartbeat Coroutines 두근두근 ❤️ 코루틴 Coroutine for Paper Features Bukkit의 mainHeartBeat(GameLoop)에서 dispatch되는 Coroutine JavaPlugin 생명주기의 CoroutineScope 유
Bamboo pipeline Specification by example
#Bamboo specification by example in Kotlin Official documentation Bamboo Java Spec documentation Based on the documentation - there are 2 possibilitie
Kotlin & Java class for gRPC client
jvm-minter-grpc-class Kotlin & Java class for gRPC client Use @TODO Разное Добавление git subtree add --prefix node-grpc-gateway https://github.com/Mi
Kotlin Multiplatform Sample - Android, iOS, Web, Desktop
KMP-Sample Kotlin Multiplatform Sample Android iOS Web (Compose for web) Desktop (Compose for desktop) 💎 Structure Diagram 🛠 Build At least android