184 Repositories
Android player-video Libraries
Google's ML-Kit-Vision demo (android) for pre encoded video.
Google's ML-Kit-Vision demo (android) for pre encoded video. Demos for camera preview and still image are also included. This project is actually extension of Google's own sample.
Xtra is a Twitch player and browser for Android.
Xtra for Twitch Xtra is a Twitch player and browser for Android. Download APK You can find released APKs here. Project status The app was removed from
Understanding Gradle – Video Series
Understanding Gradle – Video Series This repository contains sample projects and further information on my Understanding Gradle video series. The seri
A demo of using WebRTC with no signaling server. But for Android written in Kotlin.
Serverless WebRTC Android Kotlin A demo of using WebRTC with no signaling server. But for Android written in Kotlin. Compatible and inspired by this p
Salt Player Update.
SaltPlayerSource 椒盐音乐资源分享等 ❤️ 椒盐音乐最新版下载地址 最新版本请在本仓库 release 下载。 🌈 会在这里分享椒盐音乐相关开发进度以及部分源代码(若可能) 2021-07-30 安卓拓展 MediaPlayer 实现淡入淡出效果 ✉️ 可以通过提交 issue 来
An Online Meme Sharing app with swipeable vidoes, user can like, share different videos, each viewpager item has one video to show.
MemesSharing An Online Meme Sharing app with swipeable vidoes, user can like, share different videos, each viewpager item has one video to show. 1. Fl
An offline music player android app, with modern UI and powerful features
Pulse Music An offline music player android app, with modern UI and powerful features If you liked this repo, fork it and leave a STAR. Your support m
Simulate the running route of each player on the playground, and can be timed with a stopwatch
PathView (Simulate the running route of each player on the playground, and can be timed with a stopwatch) Generally speaking, high frequency and dense
A lightweight android library that allows to you create custom fast forward/rewind animations like on Netflix.
SuperForwardView About A lightweight android library that allows to you create custom fast forward/rewind animations like on Netflix. GIF Design Credi
Open Source Messenger App For Android - Real-time Messaging, Voice and Video Calls
Open Source Messenger App For Android - Real-time Messaging, Voice and Video Calls
An easy to use Instagram Video Downloader library for android apps.
Instagram-Video-Downloader-Library An easy to use library for directly download videos from ig reels, igtv. Implementation Step 1. Add the JitPack rep
A simple app showing how to make a YouTube Shorts/TikTok style video pager
It's pretty straightforward to get started using ExoPlayer by following the library's Hello world! documentation. Once you throw Android's lifecycles
Auxio - A simple, rational music player for android.
Auxio is a local music player with a fast, reliable UI/UX without the many useless features present in other music players. Built off of Exoplayer, Auxio has a much better listening experience compared to other apps that use the native MediaPlayer API. In short, It plays music.
Odeon Music Player is a lightweight music player for Android.
Odeon 🎵 Odeon Music Player is a lightweight music player for Android. Get it on Google Play. We value your privacy, your battery life and your device
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code
Some developers have difficult to code when the UI proposal is a bit “sophisticated” or “complex”. Many of them strip a lot of significant portion of the UI or even the Motion when they are coding, and the result ends up quite different of the original proposal.
A clean music player with a customizable widget, stylish interface and no ads.
Simple Music Player A clean music player with a customizable widget. A music player easily controllable from the status bar, home screen widget or by
Jitsi Meet - Secure, Simple and Scalable Video Conferences
Jitsi Meet is an open-source (Apache) WebRTC JavaScript application that uses Jitsi Videobridge to provide high quality, secure and scalable video conferences.
A libre lightweight streaming front-end for Android.
NewPipe A libre lightweight streaming frontend for Android. Screenshots • Description • Features • Installation and updates • Contribution • Donate •
Android podcast app made with Jetpack Compose and ExoPlayer.
Podcast App Android podcast app made with Jetpack Compose and ExoPlayer. Podcast information provided by Listen Notes API. Features Jetpack Compose UI
This app is a single word scrambler app. The app displays one scramble word at a time, and the player has to guess the word using all the letters from the scrambled word. The player scores points if the word is correct, otherwise the player can play any number of times. There are 10 words per game.
Unscramble App Starter code for Android Basics codelab - Store the data in a ViewModel Unscramble is a single player game app that displays scrambled
A material designed music player for Android
Vinyl Music Player A material designed local music player for Android. Forked from Phonograph; makes all Pro features free, as they used to be. Additi
Shuttle is an open source, local music player for Android.
Shuttle Music Player Shuttle is an open source, local music player for Android. Shuttle comes in two flavours: Shuttle (free) Shuttle+ The free versio
Odyssey music player
Odyssey This whole project is licensed under the GPLv3 or later license (see LICENSE) Screenshots Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions This
🎶🎼 Very slim music player 👨🎤 100% made in Italy 🍕🌳🌞🍝🌄
Source code for the Android music player Music Player GO
Lightweight and Material designed Music Player
Music Player Lightweight and Material designed Music Player Based on Phonograph Features: Settings: Active tabs management Themes: Light, Dark, Black
Best material design music player for Android
Metro Material Design music player for Android music lovers Table of contents Downloads Differences between Metro and RetroMusicPlayer Screenshots App
Stingle Photos is a secure, open-source photo, video cloud storage and backup application
Stingle Photos Stingle Photos is a secure, open-source photo, video cloud storage and backup application that is safe, ad-free and easy to use. It pro
Fermata Media Player is a free, open source audio and video player with a simple and intuitive interface.
Fermata Media Player About Fermata Media Player is a free, open source audio and video player with a simple and intuitive interface. It is focused on
Simple and lightweight, yet polished and powerful Android video player based on ExoPlayer
Just (Video) Player Android video player based on ExoPlayer It uses ExoPlayer's extension-ffmpeg with all its audio formats enabled (it can handle eve
NOVA is an open source video player for Android
NOVA: opeN sOurce Video plAyer Overview NOVA is an open source video player for Android. It consists in a fork of the original Archos Video Player Com
mpv-android is a video player for Android based on libmpv.
mpv-android is a video player for Android based on libmpv.
Quick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable resolution and no ads.
Simple Camera A camera with flash, zoom and no ads. The camera is usable for both photo taking and video recording. You can switch between front and r
【 🐟 摸鱼专用】上班偷偷看视频 📺 而不会被老板打 🔨 的IDE插件,适配JetBrains全家桶 博客详情: 敬请期待。。。 插件起源: 去年在新电脑上看视频的时候,在触摸板上做了一个缩放的手势把程序列表Call出来了: 我那时候是纯黑色的壁纸,再加上视频也刚好播放到白色衣服人物在黑夜中的
android video player base on ijkplayer
GiraffePlayer NOTE:this project is no longer update please using improved GiraffePlayer2 ,for flutter please visit GPlayer out of the box android vide
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
ijkplayer Platform Build Status Android iOS Video player based on ffplay Download Android: Gradle # required allprojects { repositories {
A radio player mobile application which streams audio from Radio Sai Global Harmony.
A radio player mobile application which streams audio from Radio Sai Global Harmony.
A elegant and light weight music player for android
A elegant and light weight music player for android
Unified API Library for: Cloud Storage, Social Log-In, Social Interaction, Payment, Email, SMS, POIs, Video & Messaging. Included services are Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, Box, Egnyte, PayPal, Stripe, Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitch, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, Line, Viber, Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Mailjet, Sendgrid, Twilio, Nexmo, Twizo.
Project Discontinued We decided to discontinue this product as of February 2019. CloudRail now entirely focuses on connecting industrial sensors to AW
Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only.
LandscapeVideoCamera Highly flexible Android Camera which offers granular control over the video quality and filesize, while restricting recordings to
Cache support for any video player with help of single line
Video cache support for Android Table of Content Why AndroidVideoCache? Features Get started Recipes Disk cache limit Listen caching progress Providin
VideoView that plays video only when :eyes: are open and :boy: is detected with various other features
LookAtMe VideoView that plays video only when 👀 are open and 👦 is detected with various other features GIF AndroidPub (Medium) Post You can read the
Android Video Crop
🔺 Before using this library, read information below 🔺 This library is not more supported. If you want to add new feature or fix a bug, grab source
A better Android VideoView with more Media Controller customization. 一个更好用的Android VideoView
Android UniversalVideoView 中文版说明请点击这里 UniversalVideoView is a Android widget helps playing video easier, which is similar with the Android system nati
A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube is WebView without the need to connect api data services. Request caching is available now
Android Oembed Video A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube and others in the WebView without th
Free p2p cdn android github sdk to reduce video streaming costs of live and on demand video using webrtc by upto 90% and improve scalability by 6x - 🚀 Vadootv 🚀
Android p2p cdn sdk to distribute load and reduce costs(https://peervadoo.com) Vadootv is a p2p sdk integration to reduce your video streaming costs b
On device extracting images from videos - creating video from images.
AndroidVideoTranscoder Surprisingly fast on device video transcoding. Features extracting images from video either ffmpeg or mediacodec creating video
Android gallery & photo/video functionality simplified with RxJava2
RxGallery Android gallery & photo/video functionality simplified with RxJava2 Setup To use this library your minSdkVersion must be = 9. Add it in you
Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery
Simple Gallery Simple Gallery Pro is a highly customizable lightweight gallery loved by millions of people for its great user experience. Organize and
Quick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable resolution and no ads.
Simple Camera A camera with flash, zoom and no ads. The camera is usable for both photo taking and video recording. You can switch between front and r
📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites
youtube-dl-android 📦 An Android client for youtube-dl: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl Major technologies Language: Kotlin Architecture: MVVM Andro
Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only.
LandscapeVideoCamera Highly flexible Android Camera which offers granular control over the video quality and filesize, while restricting recordings to
Yet another android custom progress view for your music player
MaskProgressView Yet another android custom progress view for your music player Demo Youtube Video Link Usage co.mobiwise.library.MaskProgressView
Custom android music player view.
InteractivePlayerView Custom android music player view. Screen Check it on youtube Usage(XML) Define it in your xml file. co.mobiwise.library.Intera
A customized video view that will automatically pause video is user is not looking at device screen!!!!!
UserAwareVideoView Featured in: Medium What is this library for? UserAwareVideoView is a customizable VideoView that smartly play and pause the video
Cache support for any video player with help of single line
Video cache support for Android Table of Content Why AndroidVideoCache? Features Get started Recipes Disk cache limit Listen caching progress Providin
MJPEG video streaming on Android
ipcam-view Android MJPEG video streaming made simple! A wrapper library around the well known SimpleMjpegView and android-camera-axis projects. If you
Mirror of https://git.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.git
FFmpeg README FFmpeg is a collection of libraries and tools to process multimedia content such as audio, video, subtitles and related metadata. Librar
Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery
Simple Gallery Simple Gallery Pro is a highly customizable lightweight gallery loved by millions of people for its great user experience. Organize and
Quick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable resolution and no ads.
Simple Camera A camera with flash, zoom and no ads. The camera is usable for both photo taking and video recording. You can switch between front and r
📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites
youtube-dl-android 📦 An Android client for youtube-dl: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl Major technologies Language: Kotlin Architecture: MVVM Andro
Easy Android camera integration, advanced features.
CameraViewEx This is an extended version of Google's cameraview library with better stability and many more features. CameraViewEx highly simplifies i
YouTube Player library for Android and Chromecast, stable and customizable.
android-youtube-player android-youtube-player is a stable and customizable open source YouTube player for Android. It provides a simple View that can
Subclass of ImageView that 'morphs' into a circle shape and can rotates. Useful to be used as album cover in Music apps. :dvd::notes:
Music Cover View A Subclass of ImageView that 'morphs' into a circle shape and can rotates. Useful to be used as album cover in Music apps. It's used
Media Picker is an Android Libary that lets you to select multiple images or video
Media Picker Please let me know if your application go to production via this link Media Picker is an Android Libary that lets you to select multiple
With MVVM Architecture pattern using Android Architecture Components This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube player animation using constraint layout
Youtube UI/UX Animation This is a sample app demonstrating Youtube UX/UI animation using ConstraintLayout.It implements the Keyframe Animation feature
From UI Proposal to Code :notes::arrow_forward:
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code This is a prototype made for the article. This is not a real music player and don't expect it is. Some develope
Android library to auto-play/pause videos from url in recyclerview.
AutoplayVideos Show some ❤️ and star the repo to support the project This library is created with the purpose to implement recyclerview with videos ea
Endoscope lets you to stream live video between android devices over Wi-Fi! 📱📲
Endoscope - RTSP live video streamer for android devices via Wi-Fi. Project is no longer supported. Alternative solution is under development. Stay tu
Minimalistic audiobook player
Voice This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI /
From UI Proposal to Code :notes::arrow_forward:
Music Player: From UI Proposal to Code This is a prototype made for the article. This is not a real music player and don't expect it is. Some develope
Record full-resolution video on your Android devices.
DEPRECATED: Android 11 now includes native screen recording! License Copyright 2015 Jake Wharton Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
A Free, Fully Fledged, Open-Source Music Player for Android
Turtle Player Free, Fully Fledged & Open-Source. The Music Player for Android. Turtle Player is designed to be a fun and unique app for playing your m
Vanilla Music Player for Android (abandoned). Visit https://github.com/vanilla-music/vanilla for an actively developed fork
Translating You can help translate here. If your language isn't on the list, open an issue and I can add it. Building To build you will need: A Java c
Minimalistic audiobook player
Voice This is my digital playground where I am learning. I'm integrating and validating new technologies and ideas here, playing around with new UI /
DMPLayer is an Android music player prototype
DMPlayer DMPLayer is an Android music player prototype #License Copyright 2015 dibakar.ece@gmail.com Dibakar Mistry Licensed under the Apache License,
A Music Player for android that renders beautiful DNA(Visualization) of the currently playing music.
MusicDNA - A Music Player like no other A Music Player for android that makes use of the Visualizer Class for rendering a beautiful DNA (Visualization
A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality.
iiVisu A player/ recorder visualizer with the swipe to seek functionality. Demo Setup Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in
📸 Use Android camera to take pictures and videos, based on `camera2` api.
Camera Use Android camera to take pictures and videos, based on camera2 api. Features Auto filled CameraView for previewing Support both image capture
Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image
VideoPlayerView Custom Android view with video player, loader and placeholder image. To stay up-to-date with news about the library Usage Here is an e
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
ijkplayer Platform Build Status Android iOS Video player based on ffplay Download Android: Gradle # required allprojects { repositories {
Media Picker is an Android Libary that lets you to select multiple images or video
Media Picker Please let me know if your application go to production via this link Media Picker is an Android Libary that lets you to select multiple
Powerful custom Android Camera with granular control over the video quality and filesize, restricting recordings to landscape only.
LandscapeVideoCamera Highly flexible Android Camera which offers granular control over the video quality and filesize, while restricting recordings to
An extensible media player for Android
ExoPlayer ExoPlayer is an application level media player for Android. It provides an alternative to Android’s MediaPlayer API for playing audio and vi