5487 Repositories
Android Android-Study-Jams Libraries
Android - draw z-depth shadow of MaterialDesign
ZDepthShadowLayout Android - draw z-depth shadow of MaterialDesign Demo Screen Capture Download apply plugin: 'com.android.application' repositories
📱Android Library to implement animated, 😍beautiful, 🎨stylish Material Dialog in android apps easily.
Material Dialogs for Android 📱 📱 Android Library to implement animated, 😍 beautiful, 🎨 stylish Material Dialog in android apps easily. 1. Material
Custom drawer implementation for Material design apps.
material-drawer Custom drawer implementation for Material design apps. Demo A demo app is available on Google Play: Screenshots Fixed items Select pro
Material style circular progress bar for Android
Material CircularProgressView Indeterminate Determinate Description This CircularProgressView is a (surprisingly) circular progress bar Android View t
Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar.
AndroidMaterialDesignToolbar -- PROJECT IS NOT SUPPORTED Android Sample Project with Material Design and Toolbar. Project use Appcompat library for ma
A material horizontal calendar view for Android based on RecyclerView
Horizontal Calendar A material horizontal calendar view for Android based on RecyclerView. Installation The library is hosted on jcenter, add this to
[] Android Library that implements Snackbars from Google's Material Design documentation.
DEPRECATED This lib is deprecated in favor of Google's Design Support Library which includes a Snackbar and is no longer being developed. Thanks for a
Android drawer icon with material design animation
LDrawer Android drawer icon with material design animation Note Basically same as appcompat_v7 version 21, you can use appcompat_v7 compile 'com.andro
Android widget for selecting a range of values.
MaterialRangeBar MaterialRangeBar is a fork from https://github.com/edmodo/range-bar that adds some basic material styling, as well as start and end v
An Android library aimed to get the beautiful CardViews that Google shows at its official design specifications
MaterialList Discontinued This library will not receive any updates, as I do not have the time or knowledge to improve it. If anyone forks it and want
Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance
MaterialProgressBar Material Design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+. Why MaterialProgressBar? Consistent appearance on Android
Android L Ripple effect wrapper for Views
Material Ripple Layout Ripple effect wrapper for Android Views Including in your project compile 'com.balysv:material-ripple:1.0.2' Check for latest v
Animations for Android L drawer, back, dismiss and check icons
Material Menu Morphing Android menu, back, dismiss and check buttons Have full control of the animation: Including in your project compile 'com.balysv
Material Design implementation for Android 4.0+. Shadows, ripples, vectors, fonts, animations, widgets, rounded corners and more.
Carbon Material Design implementation for Android 4.0 and newer. This is not the exact copy of the Lollipop's API and features. It's a custom implemen
Implementation of Ripple effect from Material Design for Android API 9+
RippleEffect ExpandableLayout provides an easy way to create a view called header with an expandable view. Both view are external layout to allow a ma
Floating Action Button for Android based on Material Design specification
FloatingActionButton Yet another library for drawing Material Design promoted actions. Features Support for normal 56dp and mini 40dp buttons. Customi
A Material Design ViewPager easy to use library
MaterialViewPager Material Design ViewPager easy to use library Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link Download In your modul
The flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. Now brand new with material 2 design.
MaterialDrawer ... the flexible, easy to use, all in one drawer library for your Android project. What's included 🚀 • Setup 🛠️ • Migration Guide 🧬
😍 A beautiful, fluid, and extensible dialogs API for Kotlin & Android.
Material Dialogs View Releases and Changelogs Modules The core module is the fundamental module that you need in order to use this library. The others
A view abstraction to provide a map user interface with various underlying map providers
AirMapView AirMapView is a view abstraction that enables interactive maps for devices with and without Google Play Services. It is built to support mu
Maps SDK for Android Utility Library
Maps SDK for Android Utility Library Description This open-source library contains utilities that are useful for a wide range of applications using th
Curve-Fit is an Android library for drawing curves on Google Maps
Curve-Fit Android library for drawing curves on Google Maps. This library uses Bezier cubic equation in order to compute all intermediate points of a
DrawRoute wraps Google Directions API (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/) using RxJava for Android so developers can download, parse and draw path on the map in very fast and flexible way (For now only JSON support).
DrawRoute DrawRoute wraps Google Directions API (https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/directions/) using RxAndroid for Android. Now develo
Android library project that lets you manage the location updates to be as painless as possible
Smart Location Library Android library project that intends to simplify the usage of location providers and activity recognition with a nice fluid API
StreamingAndroidLogger Introduction Convenient logger that adds support to having multiple different loggers and different log levels for each one of
Android ListView that implements the QuickReturn UI pattern. Written from scratch with focus on performance.
QuickReturn Android ListView that implements the QuickReturn UI pattern. Written from scratch with focus on performance. Demo Usage In your build.grad
Utility logger library for storing logs into database and push them to remote server for debugging
HyperLog Android Overview Log format Download Initialize Usage Get Logs in a File Push Logs Files to Remote Server Sample Testing Endpoint using Reque
An easy to use Drag & Drop List for Android. Direct replacement of the android ListView.
DragNDropListView DragNDropListView is a direct replacement for the stock Android ListView. If you know how to use ListView, you already know how to u
A tiling scrollview to display large picture (similar to iOS "CATiledLayer")
Project is not maintained right now. Please see the note at the end of this file. Introduction This Android widget aims to provide a scalable way to d
Simple ListView based Android AccordionView
Android Accordion View Example git pull import to eclipse properties-android uncheck is library run as android application See main.xml. Screenshot L
Android ListView with sticky headers
DEPRECATED HeaderListView is deprecated. No new development will be taking place. Quickstart Import the HeaderListView module in your Android Studio p
An open source Android library that provides a floating group view at the top of the ExpandableListView
FloatingGroupExpandableListView FloatingGroupExpandableListView is a huge name an open source Android library that provides a floating group view (aka
Bringing extended scrolling features to Android's native ListView and ExpandableListView.
About QuickScroll QuickScroll is a library aimed at creating similar scrolling experiences to the native Contacts app's People view. It has the same s
Android library that allows you to bind a LinearLayout with a ListAdapter.
LinearListView Android library that allows you to bind a LinearLayout with a ListAdapter. Download Gradle: dependencies { compile 'com.github.franki
Awesome Listview filter functionality in Android.
About Awesome Listview filter functionality in Android. See it in Action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RO54U1ES5CA Listview with beautiful transpar
android custom listview,with interaction pattern load more and pull to refresh to load data dinamically
The first thing that i have to say is render thanks to johannilsson because all the part of pull to refresh listview is based in the code of his repos
Android library to display a ListView whose cells are not rigid but flabby and react to ListView scroll.
FlabbyListView This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library to display a ListView which cells are not
Parallax ScrollView and ListView for Android
Parallax Scrolls Parallax ListView and ScrollView for Android This project includes ScrollView with one or more parallaxed views ListView with paralla
This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a scrollable view and easily apply animation to it
StikkyHeader This is a very simple library for Android that allows you to stick an header to a ListView and easily apply animation to it Usage To use
A generic, customizable, open source Android ListView implementation that has 'Pull to Refresh' functionality.
Android 'Pull to Refresh' ListView library Demo video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjmdELnm3GI Project A generic, customizable, open source Android
A ListView with pinned section headers for Android
PinnedHeaderListView This library provides a sectioned ListView with pinned headers. It looks and feels much like the default contacts app does on And
A small android library for tagging views inside a ScrollView as "sticky" making them stick to the top of the scroll container until a new sticky view comes and takes it's place
StickyScrollViewItems StickyScrollViewItems is a ScrollView subclass that allowed you to mark items inside the ScrollView as sticky. The items marked
Horizontal list view for Android which allows variable items widths
Deprecated This widget is now deprecated and it won't be updated anymore. Use RecyclerView instead Horizontal Variable ListView Horizontal ListView fo
Android library to achieve in an easy way, the behaviour of the home page in the Expedia app, with a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax ListViews.
ListBuddies This library is not maintained anymore and there will be no further releases Android library of a pair of auto-scroll circular parallax Li
HorizontalListView is an Android ListView widget which scrolls in a horizontal manner (in contrast with the SDK-provided ListView which scrolls vertically).
HorizontalListView HorizontalListView is an Android ListView widget which scrolls in a horizontal manner (in contrast with the SDK-provided ListView w
Android widget with pull to refresh for all the views,and support loadMore for ListView , RecyclerView, GridView and SwipeRefreshLayout.
CommonPullToRefresh Android widget with pull to refresh for all the views,and support loadMore for ListView,RecyclerView,GridView and SwipeRefreshLayo
Lazy load of images in Android
LazyList A simple library to display images in Android ListView. Images are being downloaded asynchronously in the background. Images are being cached
An Android custom ListView and ScrollView with pull to zoom-in.
PullZoomView An Android custom ListView and ScrollView with pull to zoom-in. Features Set ZoomView enable Add HeaderView Custom ZoomView Parallax or N
A better ExpandableListView, with animated expandable views for each list item
SlideExpandableListView for Android Not happy with the Android ExpandableListView android offers? Want something like the Spotify app. This library al
This project aims to provide a reusable pull to refresh widget for Android.
Pull To Refresh for Android Note This library is deprecated, a swipe refresh layout is available in the v4 support library. This project aims to provi
Easy to use ListView with pinned sections for Android.
Easy to use ListView with pinned sections for Android 2.1 and higher. Pinned section is a header view which sticks to the top of the list until at lea
Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh
Phoenix Pull-to-Refresh This project aims to provide a simple and customizable pull to refresh implementation. Made in [Yalantis] (https://yalantis.co
An android library for section headers that stick to the top
StickyListHeaders StickyListHeaders is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate section headers in your ListView. These section headers stic
Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views.
Android-ObservableScrollView Android library to observe scroll events on scrollable views. It's easy to interact with the Toolbar introduced in Androi
Free and open source manga reader for Android.
Build Stable Weekly Preview Contribute Support Server Tachiyomi Tachiyomi is a free and open source manga reader for Android 5.0 and above. Features F
Companion App for the book
Kotlin for Android Developers (the book) This is the code you can use to follow the book. https://antonioleiva.com/kotlin-android-developers-book/ Are
A simple calendar with events, customizable widgets and no ads.
Simple Calendar A simple calendar with events and a customizable widget. A simple calendar with optional CalDAV synchronization. You can easily create
Browse your memories without any interruptions with this photo and video gallery
Simple Gallery Simple Gallery Pro is a highly customizable lightweight gallery loved by millions of people for its great user experience. Organize and
Android application compatible with ZX2C4's Pass command line application
Password Store Download Documentation We're in the process of rewriting our documentation from scratch, and the work-in-progress state can be seen her
🍲Foodium is a sample food blog Android application 📱 built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, Flow, Dagger 2/Hilt, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Retrofit, Moshi, Material Components).
Foodium 🍲 Foodium is a sample food blog 🍲 Android application 📱 built to demonstrate use of Modern Android development tools. Dedicated to all Andr
📚 Sample Android Components Architecture on a modular word focused on the scalability, testability and maintainability written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack.
Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word Android Components Architecture in a Modular Word is a sample project that presents modern, 2020 app
🦁 A Disney app using transformation motions based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, Flow, LiveData, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
DisneyMotions A demo Disney app using transformation motions based on MVVM architecture. The motion system is included in the 1.2.0-alpha05 released m
❤️ A sample Marvel heroes application based on MVVM (ViewModel, Coroutines, LiveData, Room, Repository, Koin) architecture.
MarvelHeroes MarvelHeroes is a demo application based on modern Android application tech-stacks and MVVM architecture. Fetching data from the network
Easy app for managing your files without ads, respecting your privacy & security
Simple File Manager Can also be used for browsing root files and SD card content. You can easily rename, copy, move, delete and share anything you wis
📒 NotyKT is a complete 💎Kotlin-stack (Backend + Android) 📱 application built to demonstrate the use of Modern development tools with best practices implementation🦸.
NotyKT 🖊️ NotyKT is the complete Kotlin-stack note taking 🖊️ application 📱 built to demonstrate a use of Kotlin programming language in server-side
Example of Android project showing integration with Kotlin and Dagger 2
kotlin-dagger-example This project demonstrate how to setup an Android Project with Kotlin and Dagger 2. It's based on Dagger 2 example ##Known issues
Quick photo and video camera with a flash, customizable resolution and no ads.
Simple Camera A camera with flash, zoom and no ads. The camera is usable for both photo taking and video recording. You can switch between front and r
A simple textfield for adding quick notes without ads.
Simple Notes A simple textfield for adding quick notes. Need to take a quick note of something to buy, an address, or a startup idea? Then this is the
📦📦Video downloader for Android - Download videos from Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Dailymotion, Vimeo and more than 1000 other sites
youtube-dl-android 📦 An Android client for youtube-dl: https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl Major technologies Language: Kotlin Architecture: MVVM Andro
Anxiety free news reader for Android - developed using Kotlin
Android River is a modern Android 2.2 news app. It's now version 1.15. Android River has the following features: Read RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0 and ATOM 1.0. C
A canvas you can draw on with different colors.
Simple Draw A canvas you can draw on with different colors. Want to draw something but you have no paper? This app will suit you perfectly. Just pick
:blue_book: A diary application optimized for user experience.
Easy Diary README of Korean(한국어) This is a diary application optimized for user experience. Demo videos Basic function preview Support Features 01. Wr
Comparison among Java, Groovy, Scala, Kotlin in Android Development.
中文版 日本語 AndroidDemoIn4Languages A simple Android application written in Java, Groovy, Scala and Kotlin in order to find out what is the better languag
An extensive collection of Kotlin Android Utils
An extensive collection of Kotlin Android Utils This library contains small helper functions used throughout almost all of my other projects. The goal
Aggregated Android news, articles, podcasts and conferences about Android Development
DroidFeed Curated news feed for Android Developers! Stay up to date with the latest Android Development news. Built for the Android developer communit
Super Heroes Kata for Android Developers in Kotlin. The main goal is to practice UI Testing.
KataSuperHeroes in Kotlin We are here to practice UI Testing. We are going to use Espresso to interact with the Application UI. We are going to use Ko
A simple android Twitter client written in Kotlin
Blum Blum is an unofficial, simple, fast Twitter client written in Kotlin. This project is a complete rewrite of the Java version. Screenshot Build To
Screenshot Kata for Android Developers with Kotlin. The main goal is to practice UI Screenshot Testing.
KataScreenshot in Kotlin We are here to practice UI testing using screenshot tests for Android. We are going to use Espresso to interact with the Appl
This is a work-in-progress (🔧️) ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP
UV Index A simple ultraviolet index viewer app for demonstrating: Instant Apps + Kotlin + Dagger + MVP Built With Weatherbit as weather API Android In
🎶 Chromatic tuner app for Android
Chroma Chroma is a chromatic tuner, the perfect app to help you tune your musical instruments with precision and elegance. Features: Basic and complet
Android app that shows what happened today in the history.
Today History Android app Master: Develop: Code Coverage: App that shows what happened today in history. Details Written in Kotlin. Android Studio 2.1
It is a project that contains lessons and examples about Kotlin programming language. 🇰
Kotlin Tutorials What is Kotlin? I added the platforms it supports and great resources. You can access the article from the link below: https://medium
An library to help android developers working easly with activities and fragments (Kotlin version)
AFM An library to help android developer working easly with activities and fragments (Kotlin) Motivation Accelerate the process and abstract the logic
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Fuel The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android. You are looking at the documentation for 2.x.y.. If you are looking for the documentation
Write your asynchronous Network / IO call painlessly in Kotlin !!
Asynkio : Write asynced IO/ Network calls painlessly on android | | | Documentation Write your network requests, IO calls in android with Kotlin seaml
Android RecyclerView Adapter with nested items & expand/contract functionality
AccordionRecycler Android RecyclerView Adapter with nested items & expand/contract functionality With AccordionRecycler you can easily create awesome
Permissionmanager is a small wrapper for handling permission requests.
Permissionmanager Permissionmanager is a small wrapper for handling permission requests. Installation Add jitpack to your repositories in Project buil
[Android Library] A SharedPreferences helper library to save and fetch the values easily.
Preference Helper A SharedPreferences helper library to save and fetch the values easily. Featured in Use in your project Add this to your module's bu
An application to convert strings to diffirent formats
Localized An application to convert strings to diffirent formats This app will help developers to convert strings from application in one platform to
Custom ViewPager that allows to block left or right swipe gestures.
SwipeDirectionViewPager Introduction Custom ViewPager that allows to block swiping right or left where the ViewPager child fragments set the scroll di
One-stop-shop for Social Network integrations
Roguin One stop shop for Social Network integrations Use the same code for Google, Facebook and Twitter What is Roguin Social Network integrations can
Annotation based Android lint check generation
Intervention Annotation based Android lint check generation Generate custom Android lint checks and have lint warn you about code you may be dealing w
Webtrekk Android SDK V5
Webtrekk Android SDK v5 Site | Docs | Support Webtrekk Android SDK is used to integrate Webtrekk tracking systems with your Android apps. Collect mean
Kotlin Dsl for Android RecyclerView
KRecyclerDsl Kotlin Dsl for Android RecyclerView Exemple Sample project recyclerView.adapter = dataClassAdapterMyView, MyDataClass(R.layout.my_view,
An extension of EditText with pin style written in Kotlin
pin-edittext An extension of EditText with pin style Usage Include PinCodeEditText in your layout XML com.oakkub.android.PinEditText android:layo
Functional Constructs for Databinding + Kotlin + RxJava
ObservableFlow Pt 1/3 Pt 2/3: Stepper Indicator Pt 3/3: SugarPreferences Functional Kotlin constructs like map(), filter() and 12 more functions built
A Kotlin library for reactive and boilerplate-free SharedPreferences in Android
KPreferences A Kotlin library for reactive and boilerplate-free Shared Preferences in Android. With KPreferences you can use Kotlin's marvelous delega
A library for creating dynamic skeleton view
Skeleton Placeholder View Overview A Library designed to draw a Skeleton by "skinning" the view from a provided layout. Skeleton is composed of Bone w
Dots indicator that shows the current position on a View Pager. It does all the work for you with a few customisations.
Dots What is Dots? Dots is a library that helps in implementing a simple yet effective dots indicator for the View Pagers used in your android code. I
A simple and easy adapter for RecyclerView. You don't have to make adapters and view holders anymore. Slush will help you.
한국어 No more boilerplate adapters and view holders. Slush will make using RecyclerView easy and fast. The goal of this project is to make RecyclerView,