473 Repositories
Android bank-view Libraries
Awesome Kid's Drawing App. It has a click and draws feature.
CanvaKids Overview It's a kid's drawing app which is build for android users. It is built in Kotlin with some very good practices involved.
A view that makes it easy to debug response data.(一个可以方便调试响应数据的视图。)
JSONRecyclerView 该控件可以方便调试响应数据,如下图所示: 控件的样式参考以下这个网站: JSON在线解析解析及格式化验证 项目的GitHub:JSONRecyclerView 项目Demo的GitHub:JSONRecyclerViewDemo 概述 控件是以RecyclerVie
Patter Lock using Hilt, Coroutines, Flow and Custom View Components based on MVVM architecture.
Pattern Lock App Sample project for created Pattern Lock View using custom view. Preview Usage Step 1 Add the PatterLockView in your XML layout file.
Tree View; Mind map; Think map; tree map
A custom tree view for Android, designed for easy drawing some tree nodes (e.g. thind mind and tree nodes). Includes smoothly zoom, move, limit and center fix animation support, and allows easy extension so you can add your own child node's customs view and touch event detection.
An android library to display FontAwesome Icons in any View or a MenuItem
DroidAwesome A library to display FontAwesome Icons in any View or a MenuItem Views Supported: TextView AutoComplete TextView EditText Switch CheckBox
用于做Path动画的自定义View。 I have a path.I have a view. (Oh~),Path(Anim)View.
PathAnimView 用于做Path动画的自定义View。 I have a path.I have a view. (Oh~),Path(Anim)View. 现已经找到图片-SVG-PATH的正确姿势, Now i have a pic.I have a view. Oh~,Path(A
Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android.
Android-Snowfall Fully customizable implementation of "Snowfall View" on Android. That's how we use it in our app Hotellook Compatibility This library
A View on which you can freely draw, customizing paint width, alpha and color, and take a screenshot of the content. Useful for note apps, signatures or free hand writing.
FreeDrawView A View that let you draw freely on it. You can customize paint width, alpha and color. Can be useful for notes app, signatures or hands-f
a custom view that provides dragged and scaled
DragScaleCircleView A custom imageview that provides the circle window can be dragged and scaled, crop image. How does it look? Why? Sometimes need to
Simple and fantastic wheel view in realistic effect for android.
Overview  Contact Preview Demo WheelPicke.APK Include Compile compile 'cn.aigestudio.wheelp
Android view that allows the user to create drawings. Customize settings like color, width or tools. Undo or redo actions. Zoom into DrawView and add a background.
DrawView Android view that allows the user to create drawings. Draw anything you like in your Android device from simple view. Customize draw settings
:star2:A cool dynamic view library
ENViews ENViews, A cool dynamic view library.All designed by Nick Buturishvili ENViews, 一个华丽丽的动效控件库,所有控件原型取自Nick Buturishvili的设计作品 Preview Original de
This is a picker view for android , support linkage effect, timepicker and optionspicker.(时间选择器、省市区三级联动)
Android-PickerView English Document 注意事项、详请使用方式、更新日志等,请查看 Wiki文档 Wiki文档,Wiki文档,Wiki文档 !~ 重要的事情说三遍 对于使用上有任何疑问或优化建议等,欢迎加入QQ群讨论交流技术问题。 交流群1: 387051294(推荐
An Android custom view to display digits rendered as dots in a grid, with a style like a 1970s LED clock.
#DotMatrixView This is an Android library project providing a custom view that can display things on a grid of dots. When the displayed value changes,
Android View that displays different content based on its state
MultiStateView Android View that displays different content based on its state. Based off of MeetMe/MultiStateView The four different states the view
An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Android
FiftyShadesOf An elegant context-care loading placeholder for Android Usage FiftyShadesOf.with(context) .on(view1, view2, view3)
This is a android custom view , like a scratch card effect!
ScratchView This is a android custom view , like a scratch card effect! Last Update 采纳DearZack童鞋的优化思路,把计算擦除面积比例的操作放在手指离开屏幕时,以降低对CPU的占用。 Articles Scrat
A simple and Elegant Showcase view for Android
Tuto Showcase A simple and Elegant Showcase view for Android TutoShowcase.from(this) .setContentView(R.layout.tuto_sample) .on(R.id.about) //
Display code with syntax highlighting :sparkles: in native way.
CodeView (Android) CodeView helps to show code content with syntax highlighting in native way. Description CodeView contains 3 core parts to implement
FogView is a android library that can show fog on any layout and the fog removes when user rubs it.
Fog View Android Library Min SDK 8 (Android 2.2–2.2.3 Froyo) Screnshots How to use If you want use this library, you can download project and import i
Animation View to Highlight particular Views 🎯 for Android
TargetView Animation View to Highlight particular Views 🎯 for Android, it can be Used with Views that you see important (Like CountDownTimer), And al
Dynamic Speedometer and Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape :zap:
SpeedView Dynamic Speedometer, Gauge for Android. amazing, powerful, and multi shape ⚡ , you can change (colors, bar width, shape, text, font ...every
a PaperShredder view for android
PaperShredder a PaperShredder view for android 碎纸机动画,点子出自dribbble #Preview ##Usage xml com.ldoublem.PaperShredderlib.PaperShredderView andro
Pop animation with circular dust effect for any view updation
Popview-Android Pop animation with circular dust effect for any view updation Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies { compile 'rb.popv
一个支持多种状态的自定义View,可以方便的切换到: 加载中视图 错误视图 空数据视图 网络异常视图 内容视图 apk下载 使用 dependencies { implementation 'com.classic.common:multiple-status-view:1.7' } 示例
Android Countdown View
中文 CountdownView Android countdown view,use canvas draw,supports multiple styles Download demo apk Screenshot Gradle compile 'com.github.iwgang:countd
android下自定义View之雷达扫描 The Radar (Scanning) View on Android 当扫描到对象的时候,通过水波纹的方式显示扫描到的对象,可以动态的随机添加,并且扫描到的对象是可以点击的……
RadarScanView 自定义View之雷达扫描 原理 关键是使用SweepGradient进行扫描渲染 关键代码如下: Shader shader = new SweepGradient(centerX, centerY, Color.TRANSPARENT, tailColo
A Pin view widget for Android
PinView A Pin view widget for Android. PinView has a feature that allows you to find out when they have completed all parameters. Support for Android
Dead simple Android Tooltip Views
TooltipView A dead simple way to to add tooltips to your Android app. com.venmo.view.TooltipView android:layout_width="wrap_content"
A view to show bling bling stars when you touch it.
AndroidGlitterView A view to show bling bling stars when you touch it. Demo Dependency compile('com.liangfeizc:glitterview:1.0.0@aar') Attributes name
An android custom view that displays a circle with a colored arc given a mark
MarkView An android custom view that displays a circle with a colored arc given a mark. Usage Add as a dependency compile 'com.github.xiprox.markv
Android View for displaying and selecting values in a circle-shaped View, with animations and touch gestures.
CircleDisplay Android View for displaying and selecting (by touch) values / percentages in a circle-shaped View, with animations. Features Core featur
A beautiful Android custom View that works similar to a range or seekbar. With animations.
ValueBar A beautiful Android custom View that works similar to a range or seekbar. Selection by gesture. With animations. Supporting API level 11+. De
Pull/Drawer/Layer View
CurtainView Like DrawerLayout , but can layer both horizontally and vertically . Download Add the library to your module's build.gradle: dependencies
WheelView 最后打个广告哈,阿里巴巴,杭州招技术,支持电话视频面试,有兴趣的同学戳这里:https://github.com/wangjiegulu/jobs How to use layout: com.wangjie.wheelview.WheelView androi
A pane that slides up from the bottom of an android view
Slide Up Pane ##Introduction This is a UI component that closely simulates the bottom UI component of the current Google Maps application, except boun
Android library for creating an expandable to full screen view inside a viewgroup composition.
Expandable Panel Android Library Check ExpandablePanel Demo application on GooglePlay: Details This Android library implements the expand by sliding l
Android library implementing a poppy view on scroll, similar to the one found in the Google Plus app
PoppyView PoppyView is a library which implements view on the bottom which come and go relative to the user scroll. It can be seen in the Google plus
Lightweight audiowave progressbar for Android
Audiogram Super lightweight audiowave progressbar written in Kotlin Getting started Add to your root build.gradle: allprojects { repositories {
A simple and customizable two or three states Switch View
RMSwitch A simple View that works like a switch, but with more customizations. With the option to choose between two or three states. (from v1.1.0) **
💳 A quick and easy flip view through which you can create views with two sides like credit cards, poker cards etc.
The article on how this library was created is now published. You can read it on this link here. →. 💳 EasyFlipView Built with ❤︎ by Wajahat Karim and
Simple Progress View that you can compare things, like statistics of a Football match
Simple Progress View that you can compare things, like statistics of a Football match
StackExpandableView - A custom view that resembles the iOS notification group behavior
StackExpandableView - A custom view that resembles the iOS notification group behavior
Bubble View for Android.
BubbleLayout Bubble View for Android with custom stroke width and color, arrow size, position and direction. BubbleLayout Extends the FrameLayout. Gra
Material Design Search View Layout, now implemented in Google Maps, Dialer, etc
THIS PROJECT IS DEPRECATED Component is not maintained anymore. Implementation of Lollipop+ Dialer and Google Maps. DEMO Add in View Add to your layou
This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of the size of the Layout or View, internal adaptive size calculation, completely abandon the code to calculate the size! If you have any questions in the course or suggestions, please send an e-mail to the following e-mail, thank you!
Android-RatioLayout This is a specified proportion to the size of the Layout or View support library, with which you can easily set a fixed ratio of t
A swipeable - auto resizing view group for android
SwipeableLayout A swipeable - auto resizing view group for android Usage build.gradle compile 'com.wmbest.widget:swipeable-layout:1.0.+@aar' -- or --
A layout engine for Android that decouples layouts from the View containers that manage scrolling and view recycling. FreeFlow makes it really easy to create custom layouts and beautiful transition animations as data and layouts change
FreeFlow is no longer under development We are no longer working on FreeFlow and have moved to RecyclerViews for similar functionality. Thanks for all
A library for showing different types of layouts when a list view is empty
Android Empty Layout Please note that this project is not being maintained now. Hopefully a new version will be available soon. A library for showing
A 3D Layout for Android,When you use it warp other view,it can became a 3D view,一秒让你的view拥有3D效果!
ThreeDLayout A 3D Layout,When you use it warp other view,it can became a 3D view 中文文档 preview USAGE 1.compile library allprojects { repositories {
A lightweight monthly calendar view for Android, fully written in Kotlin. Designed to meet the minimum demands for typical calendars.
Light Calendar View A lightweight monthly calendar view for Android, fully written in Kotlin. Designed to meet the minimum demands for typical calenda
A material-styled android view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface.
SublimePicker A customizable view that provisions picking of a date, time & recurrence option, all from a single user-interface. You can also view 'Su
📅 Material Design Calendar compatible with API 11+
Prettier and simpler Material Design CalendarView MaterialCalendarView is a prettier and simpler, material design calendar that allows full customiz
A custom recycler view with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading.
ShimmerRecyclerView Intro A custom recycler view with shimmer views to indicate that views are loading. The recycler view has a built-in adapter to co
A couple of sticky header decorations for android's recycler view.
DEPRECATION NOTICE This library has not been touched in a very long time and many things have changed in the android ecosystem since then. Updating an
A RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh and loadingmore featrues.you can use it like a standard RecyclerView
XRecyclerView a RecyclerView that implements pullrefresh , loadingmore and header featrues.you can use it like a standard RecyclerView. you don't need
Android library to show "Rate this app" dialog
Android-RateThisApp Android-RateThisApp is an library to show "Rate this app" dialog. The library monitors the following status How many times is the
A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View
Floating Navigation View A simple Floating Action Button that shows an anchored Navigation View and was inspired by Menu Material Fixed created by Tom
Space Navigation is a library allowing easily integrate fully customizable Google Spaces like navigation to your app.
Space-Navigation-View Introduction Space Navigation is a library allowing easily integrate fully customizable Google [Spaces][1] like navigation to yo
Android loading animations
Android-SpinKit Android loading animations(I wrote a android edition according SpinKit) Demo Apk Preview Gradle Dependency dependencies { implement
A circle progress animation view on Android
CircleProgress A Circle Progress View with a rotate animation. Just make for fun. Hope you enjoy it. Quick Look Usage me.fichardu.circleprogress.Circ
:seedling: A custom loading view for android, just like alipay.
#SmileyLoadingView A custom loading view, just like alipay. Usage Edit your layout XML: cn.refactor.smileyloadingview.lib.SmileyLoadingView
a progress view used to grade mobiles phone
GradeProgressView a progress view used to grade mobiles phone #System Requirement Android API 11+, Because of the use of ValueAnimation, if you want u
BounceLoadingView 模仿饿了么加载效果 #System Requirement Android API 11+, Because of the use of ValueAnimation, if you want use it on API 8, please use Nineold
A lightweight iOS switch view style for Android
iOS-SwitchView A lightweight iOS switch view style for Android Usage Add SwitchView into xml layout vn.luongvo.widget.iosswitchview.SwitchView an
Apply custom effects on view backgrounds
View Filters At the beginning the only purpose was to blur all layers below. Now you can do more : Blur background views easily Create custom filters
Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling Scale Image View, Fresco, Glide, and Picasso. Even with gif and webp support! 🍻
BigImageViewer Big image viewer supporting pan and zoom, with very little memory usage and full featured image loading choices. Powered by Subsampling
Android Code Highlighter
CodeView Android Code Highlighter Install Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { repositories { ...
:crying_cat_face: 数字增加和减小动画 TextView
NumberAnimTextView Features 添加前缀、后缀 支持任意大小的整数或小数 千位分隔符 API 简单 支持增加和降低动画 Usage // 设置最终值,开始动画 mNumberAnimTextView.setNumberString("98765432.75"); Option
Library project with a custom view that implements the Float Label pattern
AndroidFloatLabel This repository contains an Android library project for Android 4.0+ with a custom view that implements the Float Label pattern (htt
:hourglass_flowing_sand: An android progress view developed after taking inspiration from Uber app.
A simple progress animation developed after taking inspiration from the Uber app. Demo Download Add this to your root build.gradle file allprojects {
Android animated recording view
AnimatedRecordingView Android animated recording view .中文版 Preview Gradle compile 'com.haozhang.libary:android-animated-recording-view:1.0' How to use
A fluent Android animation library
ViewAnimator A fluent Android animation library ! Usage Animate multiple view from one method ViewAnimator .animate(image) .transla
Material image loading implementation
MaterialImageLoading Material image loading implementation Sample And have a look on a sample Youtube Video : Youtube Link [] (https://www.youtube.com
Animation View to Highlight particular Views 🎯 for Android
TargetView Animation View to Highlight particular Views 🎯 for Android, it can be Used with Views that you see important (Like CountDownTimer), And al
:speedboat: Floating navigation view for displaying a list of items dynamically on Android.
Submarine Fully customizable floating navigation view for listing items dynamically on Android. Including in your project Gradle Add below codes to yo
🍞 The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
KrumbsView The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android! Inspired by JotterPad's breadcrumbs. Features: Custom typeface (from /assets and /res/font folde
Android auto scroll viewpager or viewpager in viewpager
Android Auto Scroll ViewPager ViewPager which can auto scrolling, cycling, decelerating. ViewPager which can be slided normal in parent ViewPager. Att
Android Search View based on Material design guidelines.
Android SearchView based on Material Design guidelines. The MaterialSearchView will overlay a Toolbar or ActionBar as well as display a ListView for the user to show suggested or recent searches.
A fork of our clean architecture boilerplate using the Model-View-Intent pattern
Android Clean Architecture MVI Boilerplate Note: This is a fork of our original Clean Architecture Boilerplate, except in this repo we have switched o
A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube is WebView without the need to connect api data services. Request caching is available now
Android Oembed Video A simple library for parsing and playing links from YouTube, YouTube Music, Vimeo and Rutube and others in the WebView without th
Small Android library to help you incorporate MVP, Passive View and Presentation Model patterns in your app
DroidMVP About DroidMVP is a small Android library to help you incorporate the MVP pattern along with Passive View and Presentation Model (yes, those
Customizable Item Setting View Android
ItemSettingView Simple ItemSettingView and Custom Installation Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories: allprojects { reposito
Simple View to change Brush Size, Alpha and Color
BrushView Simple View to change Brush Size, Alpha and Color Screenshots How to install In your build.gradle project allprojects { repositories {
A simple library to let you sign (or draw lines) smoothly with your finger into a view and save it.
FingerSignView Introduction FingerSignView is a simple library that lets you finger, or draw lines, smoothly with your finger into a View and save it
A full options clock view
Clock View Full options Clock view. You are now able to create and design your own clock view with changing just attributes. Over 20 attributes are av
The CustomCalendarView provides an easy and customizable calendar to create a Calendar. It dispaly the days of a month in a grid layout and allows to navigate between months
Custom-Calendar-View To use the CustomCalendarView in your application, you first need to add the library to your application. You can do this by eith
A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations
ProSwipeButton A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations Gradle dependencies { ... compile 'in.shadowfax:pr
A drawing view for your android application.
Android Draw A drawing view for your android application Download For information : checkout Sample App Code in repository. Dependency Step 1. Add the
Hi,Developer,Welcome to use SuperTextView !
GitAds Hello, Developer!Welcome to use SuperTextView English | 中文 Hi,Developer,Welcome to use SuperTextView ! Thank you and tens of thousands of Andro
Simple library to generate and view PDF in Android
PDFCreatorAndroid Simple library to generate and view PDF in Android A simple library to create and view PDF with zero dependency Or native code. Add
View Inspection Toolbar for Android Development
View Inspector Plugin View inspection toolbar for android development. Features Boundary show outlines show margins show paddings Layer Scalpel featur
Android library to create customizable floating animated toasts like in Clash Royale app
FloatingToast-Android An android library to make customisable floating animated toasts Getting Started In your build.gradle dependencies { impleme
Android calendar view inspired by Sunrise calendar and iOS7 stock calendar
SilkCal Android calendar view inspired by Sunrise calendar and iOS7 stock calendar. Usage Add compile 'me.nlmartian.silkcal:library:0.1.1' to your dep
📅 Material Design Calendar compatible with API 11+
Prettier and simpler Material Design CalendarView MaterialCalendarView is a prettier and simpler, material design calendar that allows full customiz
Android calendar view (like card)
android-calendar-card (Google Play Demo) Android calendar view (like card) Simple and easy to modify Author: Michał Szwarc #CalendarCardPager License
An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.
CompactCalendarView CompactCalendarView is a simple calendar view which provides scrolling between months. It's based on Java's Date and Calendar clas
Android Week View is an android library to display calendars (week view or day view) within the app. It supports custom styling.
Android Week View Android Week View is an android library to display calendars (week view or day view) within the app. It supports custom styling. Fea
Standalone Android widget for picking a single date from a calendar view.
TimesSquare for Android Standalone Android widget for picking a single date from a calendar view. Usage Include CalendarPickerView in your layout XML.