2037 Repositories
Android react-native-immediate-call-library Libraries
Library for Android In-App Billing (Version 3+)
Checkout (Android In-App Billing Library) Description Checkout is an implementation of Android In-App Billing API (v3+). Its main goal is to make inte
Small library that wraps Google Play Service API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum.
ReactiveLocation library for Android Small library that wraps Google Play Services API in brilliant RxJava Observables reducing boilerplate to minimum
A library that converts Time to its equivalent local languages starting with some basic Nigeria languages(Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo, Efik and English)
Language_Time A library which converts "Time" to its equivalent local languages starting with some basic Nigeria languages like -(Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo,
:ballot_box_with_check: [Cheatsheet] Tips and tricks for Android Development
Cheatsheet about tips and tricks for Android Development. This is a simple set of tips and tricks regarding Android Development which I have gathered
A collection of hand-crafted extensions for your Kotlin projects.
Splitties Splitties is a collection of small Kotlin multiplatform libraries (with Android as first target). These libraries are intended to reduce the
Cross-platform framework for building truly native mobile apps with Java or Kotlin. Write Once Run Anywhere support for iOS, Android, Desktop & Web.
Codename One - Cross Platform Native Apps with Java or Kotlin Codename One is a mobile first cross platform environment for Java and Kotlin developers
The most complete and powerful data-binding library and persistence infra for Kotlin 1.3, Android & Splitties Views DSL, JavaFX & TornadoFX, JSON, JDBC & SQLite, SharedPreferences.
Lychee (ex. reactive-properties) Lychee is a library to rule all the data. ToC Approach to declaring data Properties Other data-binding libraries Prop
Crossword library for Android
Ararat Ararat is a crossword library for Android, written for and used by alphacross. It includes: Parsers for various formats CrosswordRenderer, whic
The library that removes all boilerplate code allowing you to display lists with few lines of code.
VsRecyclerView The library that removes all boilerplate code allowing you to display lists with few lines of code. Gradle androidExtensions { expe
kotlin dsl for kids to simplify RecyclerView.Adapter logic
KidAdapter RecyclerView adapter for kids. A kotlin dsl mechanism to simplify and reduce boilerplate logic of a RecyclerView.Adapter. With KidAdapter y
Android library for RecyclerView to manage order of items and multiple view types.
recyclerview-binder Android Library for RecyclerView to manage order of items and multiple view types. Features Insert any items to wherever you want
Android pagination library (updated 01.05.2018)
NoPaginate Android pagination library, based on @MarkoMilos repository Paginate Loading Item Error Item Gradle implementation 'ru.alexbykov:nopaginate
Android library defining adapter classes of RecyclerView to manage multiple view types
RecyclerView-MultipleViewTypeAdapter RecyclerView adapter classes for managing multiple view types Release Note [Release Note] (https://github.com/yqr
Dividers is a simple Android library to create easy separators for your RecyclerViews
Dividers Dividers is an Android library to easily create separators for your RecyclerViews. It supports a wide range of dividers from simple ones, tha
Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
LastAdapter Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder! Based on Android Data Binding Written in Kotlin No need to write the adap
Android Library to provide swipe, click and other functionality to RecyclerView
RecyclerViewEnhanced Android Library to provide swipe, click and other functionality to RecyclerView Usage Add this to your build.gradle file dependen
Android library providing simple way to control divider items (ItemDecoration) of RecyclerView
RecyclerView-FlexibleDivider Android library providing simple way to control divider items of RecyclerView Release Note [Release Note] (https://github
RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
Advanced RecyclerView This RecyclerView extension library provides Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag-and-drop sorting and expa
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
RecyclerView Animators RecyclerView Animators is an Android library that allows developers to easily create RecyclerView with animations. Please feel
RatingRequest library is a simple android dialog for request rating and review.
Rating Request RatingRequest library is a simple android dialog for request rating and review. ##Usage Add below line in app build.gradle dependencies
AndroidRate is a library to help you promote your Android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.
AndroidRate AndroidRate is a library to help you promote your Android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days. Project ba
This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications.
Android Material App Rating This library allows to use customized Rating Dialog inside applications. Download compile 'com.stepstone.apprating:app-rat
A smart seek bar with multiple junction points at random seek position.
TerminalSeekBar A smart seek bar for android with multiple junction points at random seek position. Installation and Usage To use TerminalSeekBar in y
Progress Views Library
ProProgressViews Android library with collection of amazing progress views. DEMO Mentions MaterialUp Android Library Hunt DOWNLOAD Add this to your ro
Arc pointer - simple customized progress bar in the form of an arch
ArcPointer Simple customized progress bar in the form of an arch Demo Quick start Step 1 Gradle: compile 'io.github.dvegasa:arcpointer:1.0.2' Maven:
Android library with collection of cool progress views.
CoolProgressViews Android library with collection of cool progress views. DEMO LINK Also Mention in: Android Library Hunt MaterialUp DEMO DOWNLOAD Add
:barber: [Android Library] Stacked dual progress indicator progress-bar
StackedHorizontalProgressBar Specs Featured in Show some ❤️ Android library with ability to show two progress indicators in one horizontal progress ba
ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the ProgressDialog will be visible for a minimum amount of time to avoid "flashes" in the UI.
DelayedProgress ProgressBar and ProgressDialog that waits a minimum time to be dismissed before showing. Once visible, the they will be visible for a
Open source android library for different progress bar designs
MultiProgressBar A progress bar library for Android that provides customized progress bars. Built with ❤︎ by Aseem Khare 💻 Installation Add this in y
Android loading or progress dialog widget library, provide efficient way to implement iOS like loading dialog and progress wheel
ACProgressLite English Version / 中文版本 An Android loading widget library. Lite and easy to use, strong customizability. Can be used to implement 'iOS'
An Android percentage chart that displays the progress of any single given task or information.
Percentage Chart View A Java-based easy to use and highly adjustable custom view that displays the progress of a single given task. Please feel free t
Android library for showing progress in a highly customizable pie.
ProgressPieView Android library for showing progress in a highly customizable pie. Choose from the broad spectre of styleable elements: ppvStrokeWidth
A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls
Loading Balls A highly configurable library to do loading progress with animated balls for Android How to use Custom attributes lib:path="triangle" Th
DownloadProgressBar is an android library that delivers awesome custom progress bar. You can manipulate it's state in every way.
Download Progress Bar Android progress bar with cool animation, inspired by : https://dribbble.com/shots/2012292-Download-Animation ###Attributes Attr
A circular android ProgressBar library which extends View, and the usage same as ProgressBar, It has solid,line and solid_line three styles. Besides, progress value can be freely customized.
CircleProgressBar 中文版文档 The CircleProgressBar extends View, It has both solid and line two styles. Besides, progress value can be freely customized. I
[Android] Round Corner Progress Bar Library for Android
RoundCornerProgressBar Round corner is cool. Let's make your progress bar to round corner Colorful progress bar with round corner on progress which yo
Helper to upload Gradle Android Artifacts, Gradle Java Artifacts and Gradle Kotlin Artifacts to Maven repositories (JCenter, Maven Central, Corporate staging/snapshot servers and local Maven repositories).
GradleMavenPush Helper to upload Gradle Android Artifacts, Gradle Java Artifacts and Gradle Kotlin Artifacts to Maven repositories (JCenter, Maven Cen
A simple way to encrypt your secure data like passwords into a native .so library.
PLEASE NOTE, THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED Cipher.so Providing a simple way to keep your secure info safe for android app development. Wi
A memory leak detection library for Android.
LeakCanary 🐤 A memory leak detection library for Android. square.github.io/leakcanary License Copyright 2015 Square, Inc. Licensed under the Apache
A standalone library project for certificate pinning on Android.
Android Pinning AndroidPinning is a standalone Android library project that facilitates certificate pinning for SSL connections from Android apps, in
A directory chooser library for Android.
Android DirectoryChooser A simple directory chooser you can integrate into your Android app. This version of the library has no additional dependencie
[Deprecated] Android Library that implements Snackbars (former known as Undobar) from Google's Material Design documentation.
UndoBar This lib is deprecated in favor of Google's Design Support Library which includes a Snackbar and is no longer being developed. Thanks for all
Wizard Pager is a library that provides an example implementation of a Wizard UI on Android, it's based of Roman Nurik's wizard pager (https://github.com/romannurik/android-wizardpager)
Wizard Pager Wizard Pager is a library that provides an example implementation of a Wizard UI on Android, it's based of Roman Nurik's wizard pager (ht
Android library to display a list of items for pick one
PickerUI Android library to display a list of items for pick one with blur effect (if you wish). Support for Android 3.0 and up. It supports portrait
Android library to create chat message view easily
ChatMessageView ChatMessageView helps you to create chat message view quickly like a typical chatting application. Its a container view, so you can ad
A file/directory-picker for android. Implemented as a library project.
Note: avoid using as SD-card file picker on Kitkat+ In Kitkat or above, use Android's built-in file-picker instead. Google has restricted the ability
ExpandableSelector is an Android library created to show a list of Button/ImageButton widgets inside a animated container which can be collapsed or expanded.
ExpandableSelector ExpandableSelector is an Android library created to show a list of Button/ImageButton widgets inside a animated container which can
💳 CreditCardView is an Android library that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card.
CreditCard View CreditCardView is an Android library that allows developers to create the UI which replicates an actual Credit Card. Displaying and en
An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 sidebar to pre-5.1 devices.
MaterialScrollBar An Android library that brings the Material Design 5.1 scrollbar to pre-5.1 devices. Designed for Android's recyclerView. Video Imag
Android Quilt View Library
QuiltViewLibrary QuiltView displays views of different sizes in a scrollable grid. Dependencies This library depends on gridlayout_v7 (git@github.com:
Show triangle view.
TriangleLabelView Show triangle view. How to Use To see how the TriangleLabelView are added to your xml layouts, check the sample project. jp.shts.an
A simple implementation of swipe card like StreetView
A simple implementation of swipe card like StreetView!! DONATIONS This project needs you! If you would like to support this project's further developm
Easily create complex recyclerview adapters in android
😔 Due to the nature of my job and growing popularity of Jetpack Compose, I lack the motivation to keep this project alive. Recyclerview is one of the
An Android library introducing a stack of Views with the first item being flippable.
FlippableStackView An Android library introducing a stack of Views with the first item being flippable. Views inside the stack remain the aspect ratio
Android Library to display your changelog
ChangeLog Library ChangeLog Library provides an easy way to display a change log in your Android app. Travis master: Travis dev: Examples Sample appli
A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform.
Download Download the latest AAR or grab via Maven: dependency groupIdcom.github.halysongoncalves/groupId artifactIdpugnotification/artif
This is a library to help creating expanding views with animation in Android
About the Library inspiration This library is strongly inspired in this concept from Hila Peleg in dribble. See it below Working example For more deta
A new canvas drawing library for Android. Aims to be the Fabric.js for Android. Supports text, images, and hand/stylus drawing input. The library has a website and API docs, check it out
FabricView - A new canvas drawing library for Android. The library was born as part of a project in SD Hacks (www.sdhacks.io) on October 3rd. It is cu
Pdf Viewer library for Android
This is a packaging of the project "Android PDF Viewer" (http://andpdf.sourceforge.net/) into a reusable library to make PDF viewing easier from withi
A small, easy to use android library for implementing flipping between views as seen in the popular Flipboard application
FlipView About This library is made to be very easy to use and at the same time be feature complete. With only a few lines of code you can have a flip
Android library that implements a table with fixed headers.
TableFixHeaders [DISCONTINUED] This project it's not deprecated, it do what it must, but we don't have time to improve it or, even, answer issues. Wha
An Android library containing a simple TableView and an advanced SortableTableView providing a lot of customisation possibilities to fit all needs.
SortableTableView for Android An Android library providing a TableView and a SortableTableView. Minimum SDK-Version: 11 | Compile SDK-Version: 25 | La
Library and example project on how to use the UITableView component
UITableView for Android Usage Installation Android Studio Paste or clone this library into the /libs folder, in the root directory of your project. Cr
View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L (for Android 2.3+)
RippleView View that imitates Ripple Effect on click which was introduced in Android L. Usage For a working implementation, Have a look at the Sample
A simple library to add Emoji support to your Android Application
Emoji A library to add Emoji support to your Android app. Emojis can be picked in a PopupWindow. In order to edit and display text with Emojis this li
This library offers a simple method to add a small badge icon to your ActionBar-MenuItem
Android-ActionItemBadge ActionItemBadge is a library which offers a simple and easy to use method to add a badge to your action item! Screenshots Incl
⚡️A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android.
Flashbar A highly customizable, powerful and easy-to-use alerting library for Android. Specs This library allows you to show messages or alerts in you
Bubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your development.
Bubbles for Android Bubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your
TileView is a subclass of android.view.ViewGroup that asynchronously displays, pans and zooms tile-based images. Plugins are available for features like markers, hotspots, and path drawing.
This project isn't maintained anymore. It is now recommended to use https://github.com/peterLaurence/MapView. MapView is maintained by Peter, one of o
Android swipe-to-dismiss mini-library and sample code
Android Swipe-to-Dismiss Sample Code Sample code that shows how to make ListView or other views support the swipe-to-dismiss Android UI pattern. See t
Android library for multiple snapping of RecyclerView
MultiSnapRecyclerView Gradle dependencies { implementation 'com.github.takusemba:multisnaprecyclerview:x.x.x' } Features This is an Android Libra
:bread: Make your native android Toasts Tasty
TastyToast Make your native android toast look beautiful. Preview About Refer Here Wiki Grab the above demo app from here : Dependency Add dependency
Android ImageViews animated by Ken Burns Effect
KenBurnsView Android library that provides an extension to ImageView that creates an immersive experience by animating its drawable using the Ken Burn
Inspired by Heinrich Reimer Material Intro and developed with love from scratch
Android Material Intro Screen Material intro screen is inspired by Material Intro and developed with love from scratch. I decided to rewrite completel
TourGuide is an Android library that aims to provide an easy way to add pointers with animations over a desired Android View
TourGuide TourGuide is an Android library. It lets you add pointer, overlay and tooltip easily, guiding users on how to use your app. Refer to the exa
[] Android library that provides a file explorer to let users select files on external storage.
aFileChooser - Android File Chooser aFileChooser is an Android Library Project that simplifies the process of presenting a file chooser on Android 2.1
A horizontal view scroller library for Android
View Flow for Android ViewFlow is an Android UI widget providing a horizontally scrollable ViewGroup with items populated from an Adapter. Scroll down
Android library used to create an awesome Android UI based on a draggable element similar to the last YouTube graphic component.
Draggable Panel DEPRECATED. This project is not maintained anymore. Draggable Panel is an Android library created to build a draggable user interface
Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
Android StackBlur Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. Th
Android Library to build a UI Card
Card Library Travis master: Travis dev: Card Library provides an easy way to display a UI Card using the Official Google CardView in your Android app.
An Android library supports badge notification like iOS in Samsung, LG, Sony and HTC launchers.
ShortcutBadger: The ShortcutBadger makes your Android App show the count of unread messages as a badge on your App shortcut! Supported launchers: Sony
(Deprecated) A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
BottomBar (Deprecated) I don't have time to maintain this anymore. I basically wrote the whole library in a rush, without tests, while being a serious
This library provides a simple way to add a draggable sliding up panel (popularized by Google Music and Google Maps) to your Android application. Brought to you by Umano.
Note: we are not actively responding to issues right now. If you find a bug, please submit a PR. Android Sliding Up Panel This library provides a simp
Android library that manages your app's cached data with ease.
Teller Android library that makes your apps faster. Teller facilitates the downloading, saving, and reading of the cached data of your app. Keep your
****. Use the native and support library variants instead - https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/look-and-feel/fonts-in-xml.html. An android library that makes it easy to add custom fonts to edittexts and textviews
Add to your project Add this line to your dependencies in build.gradle compile 'in.workarounds.typography:typography:0.0.8' Using the views There are
A plug and play ;) android library for displaying a "rate this app" dialog
Easy Rating Dialog This lib provides a simple way to display an alert dialog for rating app. Default conditions to show: User opened the app more than
📄The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Android
logback-android v2.0.0 Overview logback-android brings the power of logback to Android. This library provides a highly configurable logging framework
Android validation library which helps developer boil down the tedious work to three easy steps.
AwesomeValidation Introduction Implement validation for Android within only 3 steps. Developers should focus on their awesome code, and let the librar
Android Library to help you with your runtime Permissions.
PermissionHelper Android Library to help you with your runtime Permissions. Demo Android M Watch it in action. Pre M Watch it in action. Nexus 6 (M) N
An android library for displaying fps from the choreographer and percentage of time with two or more frames dropped
DEPRECATED TinyDancer is deprecated. No more development will be taking place. Check out the Google Android developer documentation for UI performance
AboutLibraries is a library to offer some information of libraries.
AboutLibraries .. allows you to easily create an used open source libraries fragment/activity within your app. All the library information is automati
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
Project in Maintenance Mode Only The project is in maintenance mode, meaning, changes are driven by contributed patches. Only bug fixes and minor enha
A wrapper around Android's SQLiteDatabase with restoring capability
Restorable SQLiteDatabase RestorableSQLiteDatabase is a wrapper to replicate android's SQLiteDatabase class with restoring capability. This wrapper ma
AndroidQuery is an Android ORM for SQLite and ContentProvider which focuses on easy of use and performances thanks to annotation processing and code generation
WARNING: now that Room is out, I no longer maintain that library. If you need a library to easy access to default android ContentProvider, I would may
A Java/Kotlin library for Android platform, to manage bean's persistence in SQLite, SharedPreferences, JSON, XML, Properties, Yaml, CBOR.
Thanks to JetBrains for support Kripton Persistence Library project! Kripton Persistence Library Kripton is a java library, for Android platform, that
Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content provider
Android-AnnotatedSQL Android library for auto generating SQL schema and Content Provider by annotations. You will get a full-featured content provider
LiteGo is a Java-based asynchronous concurrency library. It has a smart executor, which can be freely set the maximum number of concurrent at same time , and the number of threads in waiting queue. It can also set waiting policies and overload strategies.
LiteGo:「迷你」的Android异步并发类库 LiteGo是一款基于Java语言的「异步并发类库」,它的核心是一枚「迷你」并发器,它可以自由地设置同一时段的最大「并发」数量,等待「排队」线程数量,还可以设置「排队策略」和「超载策略」。 LiteGo可以直接投入Runnable、Callable
Sprinkles is a boiler-plate-reduction-library for dealing with databases in android applications
Sprinkles Sprinkles is a boiler-plate-reduction-library for dealing with databases in android applications. Some would call it a kind of ORM but I don
SquiDB is a SQLite database library for Android and iOS
Most ongoing development is currently taking place on the dev_4.0 branch. Click here to see the latest changes and try out the 4.0 beta. Introducing S
An Android library that makes developers use SQLite database extremely easy.
LitePal for Android 中文文档 LitePal is an open source Android library that allows developers to use SQLite database extremely easy. You can finish most o