5498 Repositories
Android android-animations Libraries
ConnectBot is the first SSH client for Android.
ConnectBot ConnectBot is a Secure Shell client for Android that lets you connect to remote servers over a cryptographically secure link. Google Play C
A nice little Android app that helps developers to discover and query content providers.
Content Provider Helper ... is a frontend to discover/view/query data of android content providers. Original repository : Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Jens
Cryptomator for Android
Cryptomator offers multi-platform transparent client-side encryption of your files in the cloud. Cryptomator for Android is currently available in the
Android app which displays design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious design implementation process
DesignOverlay - for developers and designers DesignOverlay is an android app which displays a design image with grid lines to facilitate the tedious l
On-device low-memory testing for Android
Android Developer Toolbelt On-device low-memory testing for Android. Fill your phone's RAM and see how your application performs. Download the app, ta
DuckDuckGo Android App
DuckDuckGo Android Welcome to our android application. We are excited to engage the community in development, see CONTRIBUTING.md. We are hiring! Duck
Private contact and calendar sync for Android.
Flock (Discontinued) A secure contact and calendar syncing application for Android. Flock is a replacement for the default contact and calendar synchr
Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text
Hash Checker About application Fast and simple application that allows you to generate and compare hashes from files and text. Supporting algorithms N
Fast and simple application for generating and comparing hashes from files or text.
The app is in the Archive. You can still download it from sources below. You also can download Original Hash Checker (it is not in the Archive and sti
Intent Intercept Android app
Intent Intercept Android app Summary: View inter-app communication Description: This app attempts to intercept as many intents as possible in order to
Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allows you to test the referrer attribute on the Google Play Store
⚠ Deprecated: Still Using InstallBroadcast? Switch to the Play Referrer API by March 1, 2020 Install Referrer is an Open Source application that allow
Simple Android app during a coding night. Just Learning Firebase and Android
KUI-App Simple Android app during a coding night. Just Learning Firebase and Android What we learned: Some basics of Android Basic setup of Firebase:
Firebase Cloud Firestore Android
Firebase Cloud Firestore Android 📜 Description Android app built to demonstrate on how to build RecyclerView using Cloud Firestore with Collections,
Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 8.1 Getting data from the internet
MarsRealEstate - Starter Code Starter code for Android Kotlin Fundamentals Codelab 8.1 Getting data from the internet Introduction MarsRealEstate is a
Android Ad Manager Works with Admob, Mopup, Facebook- Bidding and Audience Networks
AndroidAdManager Works with Admob, Mopup, Facebook- Bidding and Audience Networks. Added ad types are NativeBanner, NativeAdvanced, Interstitial and B
Missing safe arguments generator for Compose Navigation
Safe Arguments Generator Yet another attempt to add safe arguments to Compose Navigation. Why Since routes in Navigation Component don't support safe
Implementation of useful hooks inspired by React for Compose
useCompose React inspired hooks for Compose Installation Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the
Getting Started TheMovieDB Android app
Getting Started TheMovieDB Android app Android application, created for the test for oddbit. Implements: Room, LiveData, Dependecy Injection (Hilt), R
Jetpack Compose WhatsApp UI for Android
android-jetpackCompose-whatsapp Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on An
The tasks provided in the perspective of Google's android training project
Dogglers - Starter Code Starter code for the second independent project for Android Basics in Kotlin. Introduction This is the starter code for the Do
Learning about architecture with implement TMDB Restful API
PopCorn Movie and Tv Show list application. Build for learning about architecture (maybe it's clean architecture, but i don't know it's clean or not.
Native-Blur: a C++/Kotlin library for blur bitmaps and activity, mobile-ready, android compatible
Native-Blur The Native-Blur is a C++/Kotlin libraray for blur bitmaps and activity, mobile-ready, android compatible, powered by Java Native Interface
An Android App which is capable of accessing system apps
Android_Project_Kotlin In this Project I am building an Android App which is capable of accessing system apps. This project is written in Kotlin and I
Native Android port of the KDE Connect Qt app
KDE Connect - Android app KDE Connect is a multi-platform app that allows your devices to communicate (eg: your phone and your computer). (Some) Featu
Lmgtfy Generator Open Source Android App - built to learn Kotlin, the MVP architecture, Dagger and Rx
Lmgtfy Generator Android app that allows the creation of lmgtfy urls with an embedded url shortener to hide the LMGTFY url. LMGTFY (Let Me Google That
LeafPic is a fluid, material-designed alternative gallery
LeafPic is a fluid, material-designed alternative gallery, it also is ad-free and open source under GPLv3 license. It doesn't miss any of the main features of a stock gallery, and we also have plans to add more useful features.
A modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with Material Design
ML Manager 1.X A modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with root features and Material Design. Features Extract installed & system app
A simple, minimalistic and beautiful color picker for Android 4.1+ (Jellybean+) devices
Material Color Picker A simple, minimalistic and beautiful color picker for Android 4.1+ devices. App is intended for Web Designers and Developers, wh
MDX - Material Design Explorer for Android
MDX - Material Design Explorer Install You can either download the latest APK from releases or install it from Google Play: Libraries Dagger - http://
A Git client for Android.
MGit MGit is a Git client Android App. This is a continuation of the SGit project. Notes If you encounter any issues (bugs, crashes, etc.) and want to
Evolve the Android notification experience of existing apps, with community-driven plug-ins.
About Nevolution is an open platform for Android to evolve the notification experience of existing apps, in a creative developer-independent way via c
An Android application to analyse your notification history.
Notification Analyser An Android application to analyse your notification history. It shows the number of received notifications during the day and th
Yet another web browser for Android.
Ninja Yet another web browser for Android. Ninja in 酷安 Ninja in 少数派 Ninja in 小众软件 Download latest Ninja.apk SUPPORT: Android 4.1+ LONG TERM MAINTENANC
Android OS Monitor
OS Monitor for Android Going to Mainitenance Mode (2016/08/29) Due to Android 7.0's security enhancement, OS Monitor won't work any more, I decide to
The ownCloud Android App
ownCloud Android app Join development! Build status: master (Unit tests and data instrumented tests) master (UI tests) stable Start contributing: Make
📷 Stitch your photos together vertically or horizontally easily!
PhotoAffix (BETA) To be clear, redistributing this app as your own without any sort of credit is NOT permitted. This app is still in beta! You can dow
Android client for the Prey anti-theft software.
Here you will find all the source code for the current and in development releases of the Prey client for Android devices. Prey is the most complete a
⚙️ Preferences Manager is an Open Source application that allows you to seamlessly edit application's preferences.
Preferences Manager is an Open Source application that allows you to seamlessly edit application's preferences. This application requires a rooted pho
Map application of PokeStops and Gyms of "Pokémon GO".
PokePortal Features Create databases of PokeStop and Gym locations Display PokeStop and Gym markers on Google map Share portal locations using the And
Architecting Android with RxJava
#RxWeather ##@Deprecated 简介 这是一个简单的天气预报项目,目的是用来演示如何使用RxJava构造一个清晰的Android应用框架,并且加入了Rxbus,为了节约时间成本,界面并没有经过特别的设计,配色和控件的摆放也没有遵循Material Design设计规范,所以,它并不
Android screen filter app for night time phone use.
Low Maintenance Mode Red Moon is currently maintained to the level of "works on my device". Pull Requests are still accepted and if you're interested
A simple modern flashlight with SOS, stroboscope & bright display, has no ads.
Simple Flashlight A clean flashlight with an extra bright display and customizable stroboscope. If turned on via the app (not widget), it will prevent
A no-root status bar replacement for Android.
A message from the idiot that wrote this program: Status has not been abandoned, but is now incompatible with a growing range of devices due to a vari
A student attendance check-in app for Attendance monitoring system
StudentAttendanceCheck A student attendance check-in app for Attendance monitoring system This project is part of my "Phone app for attendance monitor
Android alarm clock
Talalarmo Minimal, simple and beautiful alarm clock thoughtfully designed by nap enthusiasts. Crafted by a team with over 25 years of sleeping experie
An class attendance monitoring app for Attendance monitoring system
TeacherAttendanceMonitoring An class attendance monitoring app for Attendance monitoring system This project is part of my "Phone app for attendance m
A VT-100 terminal emulator for the Android OS
Terminal Emulator for Android Note: Terminal Emulator for Android development has ended. I am not accepting pull requests any more. Terminal Emulator
Android share/sendTo menu implementation "add2Zip"
ToGoZip: "Add To Zip" for Android's Share/Send Menu Easy collection of files from every supporting app into one ZIP file while being "on the go" or of
Smart App Lock for Android
#ToolWizAppLock - Smart App Lock ##About ###Screenshot ##Information ###PRIVACY IS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT LockWiz is an amazing way to protect your priva
Translations without interruptions
PLEASE NOTE THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER BEING MAINTAINED. Translate Bubble for Android Translate Bubble is an application that facilitates the translati
Android client for Travis CI
Project description This project is unofficial Android client for Travis CI. It uses API v2 from Travis CI for fetching all required information about
Intercept and debug url scheme on Android
Test it What's gonna happen? ✘ App not installed → Redirect to Play Store ✔ App installed → Start the application or the interceptor Click here to tri
Wassword is an Android App built with Flutter to generate passwords
Wassword Wonderful Password Generator With Wassword you can easily generate complex passwords and use them for your online accounts. Choose length and
Share Wi-Fi passwords with QR codes or NFC tags
WiFiKeyShare WiFiKeyShare lets you easily share your Wi-Fi password by generating a QR code or by writing it to an NFC tag. The format of the string e
A xSocks client for Android
Xsocks for Android A xSocks client for Android. PREREQUISITES JDK 1.8+ Android SDK r22+ Android NDK r9+ Android Studio 1.0+ (optional) BUILD Set envir
DroidKaigi 2016 official Android conference app in Tokyo.
DroidKaigi 2016 official Android app DroidKaigi is a conference tailored for developers on 18th and 19th February 2016. Features Show all sessions Man
Helping Hands Client for android 📱
Helping Hands Client for android 📱 Screens Helping Hands is an Open Source Android application built by Jerry S Joseph. This application serves as a
The Holo version of my popular Android Talon for Twitter app, 100% open-source
Notice This was the old version of Talon for Twitter. I have since open-sourced the Material Design version of the app. All future contributions will
Sina Weibo Android Client
四次元(原微次元) weiciyuan Sina Weibo Android App, require Android 4.1+, GPL v3 License 截图 文档 https://github.com/qii/weiciyuan/wiki Gradle 构建 版本 最新 Android S
10-bit Clock Widget uses 10 binary dots and their color to represent current time in 12-hour format.
10-bitClockWidget Me: 10-bit Clock Widget uses 10 binary dots and their color to represent current time in 12-hour format. Inner me: Shouldn't it be 1
A unique, efficient way to browse and launch your apps
Lens Launcher Lens Launcher is a unique, efficient way to browse and launch your apps. Instead of scrolling long lists or swiping through multiple pag
Set an instant beautiful color wallpaper on your Android with one tap. LoneColor is a zero interface app!
LoneColor for Android "One of the most simplistic and cleverly designed apps we've seen in a long time." — Softpedia Excellent Editor's Review Award T
Muzei Live Wallpaper for Android
Muzei Live Wallpaper A living museum for your Android home screen. Muzei is a live wallpaper that gently refreshes your home screen each day with famo
Wally is a fast and efficient wallpaper application for Android
Wally Wally is a fast and efficient open source wallpaper application for Android. Wally gets its source of images from Wallhaven. By scraping the web
Open source FogBugz client for android
Open source android client for FogBugz License MIT License Copyright (c) 2018 cpunq Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obta
An android app that lets users select duplicates from their contact list and delete them.
[Deprecated] Carbon Contacts An android app that lets users select duplicates from their contact list and delete them. Lists all duplicate contacts in
Android app to share business cards with people nearby
Card Case Exchange your business card with people nearby (Website) Leave your paper business cards at home. With Card Case you can create your digital
Fast Record,Organize,and Share. The android memo app you will deeply love. ❤
EverMemo The simplest memo app. About The simplest way to take notes and memos on your phone. EverMemo enables quick note creation by creating a new n
A library to include 'EarthView with Google' into your application with ease.
EarthView Android Library A simple and easy to use API to integrate EarthView with Google into your android application. Showcase Advanced Demo Applic
Native Android app for Habitica
Habitica for Android Habitica is an open source habit building program which treats your life like a Role Playing Game. Level up as you succeed, lose
Simple habit tracker app for Android
Habito Description Habito is a simple Android app that helps you create and maintain good habits. Habito can help you gain insight and motivation with
The main client of instalist app.
Instalist InstaList. ShoppingList for Android. Project Download Order git clone [email protected]:fhnoorg/einkaufsliste.git git submodule update --ini
LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your app with no ads!
LinkHub LinkHub is a simple and effective link management application that can help you to easily manage your own links with no ads! Download Screensh
Memento is a simple note taking app for Android
Memento Memento is a simple note taking app for Android. Features Create categories with different theme colors Take simple notes and make text bold o
Material To-Do App
Minimal A fully Material ToDo app with minimal features, just enough to be useful. Screenshots: Download App Icon Designed by Christopher Gundersen Tr
Minitask is a mini, lightweight (5MB), and simple app for reminders/ todo list/ task management
Notice: This app is no longer maintained here. Please visit https://github.com/redlor/Minitask for further development. Minitask About Minitask is a m
📑MarkNote: An open sourced markdown note-taking application for Android, support many features for markdown notes, mathjax, table, list etc.
👏 👏 👏 MY NEW MARKDOWN NOTE APPLICATION For those who wanna a better user experience while taking markdown note, please try my new product, LeafNote
InstaChat offers a new way to read messages of your favourite messengers
InstaChat offers a new way to read messages of your favourite messengers. It overlays every other app and you can reply from anywhere you want.
Remindly is a simple and user friendly Android application to create reminders.
Remindly Android reminder app Features Material Design UI Repeating reminders. Set intervals in minutes, hours, days, weeks and months Completely free
Uses proximity sensor to perform actions when ringing, Can also schedule calls.
ShutUp! - Stay lazy Screenshots - Description - Hello human! I let you control your phone with simple wave-like gestures. With the combination of acce
Android OCR App
textfairy Android OCR App available in the play store Features convert images to pdf recognize text in images basic document management delete edit me
Simple and powerful File Editor for Android. All is licensed under the GPLv3 license.
Turbo Editor Simple, powerful and Open Source text editor for Android licensed under the GPLv3 license. Download Contribute You can contribute to this
Official Todo.txt Android app for managing your todo.txt file stored in Dropbox.
Todo.txt for Android The official Todo.txt Android application by Gina Trapani and the Todo.txt community designed to manage your todo.txt file stored
VertiKin is an e-commerce platform that allows the user to search through an online product inventory.
VertiKin is an e-commerce platform that allows the user to search through an online product inventory. It is also able to automatically detect what users might be interested in buying.
c:geo - The powerful Android geocaching app.
c:geo c:geo is an open-source, full-featured, always ready-to-go client for geocaching.com (unofficial). It also offers basic support for other geocac
The Android app brings CycleStreets routing and turn-by-turn live navigation to your phone.
Cyclestreets Android App What is it? CycleStreets is a UK-wide cycle journey planner system, which lets you plan routes from A to B to C by bike. It i
Google Play demo app for the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android
Mapbox Android Demo app This is a public demo of the Mapbox Maps SDK for Android. The demo app is available now in the Google Play Store and it shows
GIS application for Android
NextGIS Mobile GIS application for Android. Current version 2.4 is available in Google Play and here. The v.1.x versions can be found here Official ho
Shared bikes availability in your city
OpenBikeSharing OpenBikeSharing is an Android application that displays the availability of shared bikes in your city. It uses the CityBikes API that
Realtime transit tracker of Pittsburgh's Port Authority buses using the realtime PAT API using Google Maps to Display the Maps
Realtime-Port-Authority The purpose of this was to create a real-time tracking of port authority of Pittsburgh, PA, using the realtime API given by Po
Android app for Tourism Recommendations
RoX for Android RoX is an Recommender Service for tourists that recommends Points of Interests (POIs) based on user's likes and friend's likes. Choose
TICE is a secure app for meeting up, sharing locations and locating friends and family in real-time.
TICE is a secure app for meeting up, sharing locations and locating friends and family in real-time. TICE allows live location sharing on iOS, Android and the Web. Privacy by Design and modern end-to-end-encryption protect the sensitive location data from others.
An Android architecture blueprint demonstrating reactive clean-architecture with simple Location Tracker application.
Tracker A simple location tracker application to track user movements in background and updates the UI(map, lists) in reactive way. Screenshots Depend
Android practice shared ViewModel
Cupcake app This app contains an order flow for cupcakes with options for quantity, flavor, and pickup date. The order details get displayed on an ord
Android App to Teach the Card Counting Skill
card-counting Android App to Teach the Card Counting Skill. The skill can be used to make more informed decisions while playing games like Blackjack.
The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android
Fuel The easiest HTTP networking library for Kotlin/Android. You are looking at the documentation for 2.x.y.. If you are looking for the documentation
Zoomy is an easy to use pinch-to-zoom Android library
Zoomy Zoomy is an easy to use pinch-to-zoom Android library Installation implementation 'io.github.imablanco:zoomy:{latest version}' Usage To start us
A library for running JavaScript in Android apps.
JsEvaluator library for running JavaScript in Android apps JsEvaluator may help you run JavaScript in an Android app and get the results. This is an a
Call Control DataShare is a mechanism which allows other apps to interact with Call Control for Android application.
Call Control DataShare is a mechanism which allows other apps to interact with Call Control for Android application. It allows to enable powerful calls/texts blocking possibilities in 3rd party apps without significant effort.
Android port of Google's libphonenumber
libphonenumber-android Android port of Google's libphonenumber. Why? Google's libphonenumber is a great library but it has to major flaws when used on